Card Samples



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I discovered another way to store da stamps!  LOOOVE this!

you use Aleene’s Tack It Over which is a removable GLOO

Prepare your rubbah naked stamp, a paint brush or foam brush.. I use my fingahs.. shhh don't tell

Prepare your rubbah naked stamp, a paint brush or foam brush.. I use my fingahs.. shhh don't tell

Dip da brush into da GLOO

Dip da brush into da GLOO

brush da GLOO on da RUBBAH

brush da GLOO on da RUBBAH

Let da GLOO dry.. it goes on white and dries clear.. once clear you can place on your acrylic block and ready to peel on and off!

Let da GLOO dry.. it goes on white and dries clear.. once clear you can place on your acrylic block and ready to peel on and off!

place it in the new STAMPBOOK!

place it in the new STAMPBOOK!

see how thin it is?  I WISH I WASSSSSSS hmph

see how thin it is? I WISH I WASSSSSSS hmph



The stamp books are PHENOM.. I LOOOOVE THEM!! They fit in a craft binder by Cropper Hopper which I find TRES bulky.. so I would carry them loose or put them through a big binder ring 🙂

Mwah to da sistahs who wanna look like a stamp book 🙂



  1. Tracey says:

    Thanks for the tip!!!

  2. Jamie says:

    I LOVE THE STAMP BOOK!! I was almost to invest in a ton of DVD tins but this looks much better.

  3. Karyn says:

    I REALLY need some Stamp Books!! Woohoo-you are always a lifesaver to my unending organizational needs..of course I lovey my Bellah Bindah-but I have lots of other stamps in need of a new home. 🙂

    Hi Nicky, who is behind the Stamp Book!

    This Sistah is dreaming of being that thin-in…

  4. Dana says:

    Love Nicky’s sweater! 🙂

  5. Vicki says:

    I’d like to be that thin and buttless, but not that boobless! LOL

  6. Michelle Machado says:

    Cause I live in an apartment this is the perfect storage!!!
    However my million bella stamps won’t fit in only one stampbook….
    oh well i will just have to get a million stampbooks

  7. You nerd, that’s what I store my bellas with forevahhhhhhh!!!!!!!! Not the scrappy binder thingy but the gloo. And tell Nicky I wanna see her faceeeeeeee next time. HMPH

  8. Maria says:

    Gotta get me some! Thanks for the latest and greatest. Hugs, Maria

  9. I have that tack it over it is fabby! 😉

    use it a lot – but not ALL the time.

  10. Heather D says:

    Dang it! I knew that would work!!! Where ever did you find that stuff??! I have looked for it EVERYWHERE!!! lol!! I am so glad to hear it actually works .. I have gotta try it now!!! Fer Sure!!!

  11. Ria van Son says:

    WOW this is kewl 🙂 thanks for letting us know!

    hugs Ria

  12. Delse says:

    Wow Em! Another very helpful idea. Say hello to Nicki for me. Are you both ready for another cruise? 🙂

  13. Em, you are such an enabler. Now I am going to HAVE to get some of that gloooo!!
    As for being that thin? Gave up on that long ago. Real women have curves, eh?

  14. Jolene says:

    What a great idea!!

  15. Laurie P. says:

    I LOVE these new Stampbooks, Em, and your model (Nicky) is gorgeous! Last weekend I spent as much time as possible stamping Christmas cards. Of course I had to take a couple breaks to do duty stuff like laundry, cooking, etc., but most of the weekend was REALLY fun!

  16. Jennifer R. says:

    Way too cool !!! I LOVE that ~ it is going to be the way I go from now on. Thanks.

  17. peachybella says:

    LOVEY IT!!! ok so now I gotta get some glue and ummm a few packs of the cases! Nicky! stop hiding!
    MY weekend wasn’t as much fun as yours… I had to work 🙁 oh well…soon I too will have a weekend off and get to play lol.
    Hugs to you both, have a FAB day!

  18. hey sistah…this stuff is great! love that book and the Tack it over and over….another tip for using it is…put the Tack it over in a spray bottle and add water…probably half and half…or thin enough so that it sprays out of the bottle. Spray onto the back of the stamps. Let the stuff dry and they work great! That’s what I do to all my bellas!

  19. Cheryl Svendsen says:

    Just purchased my first Bella stamp to make a set of notecards using Bella Chef for a corporate chef friend for Christmas. Your stamps are awesome and hints for mounting the stamps were helpful. Now onto the fun of stamping and coloring!

  20. I love my Tack It Over & Over! I tried one sheet of EZ Mount and knew it wasn’t for me. Once I got my hands on Alene’s I haven’t looked back. Yes, my bellas are nekid (‘cept for Alenes!) 😉

  21. Darsana says:

    That looks like a wonderful solution. How long does it last before you have to reapply? I think I would like to look into getting that. I also would like to look thin like the stampbook, but my hubby would never find me if that happened. 🙂

  22. Lisa B. says:

    very cool!!

  23. Angela says:

    are you going to sell the stamp book? i love it!! but who doesn’t love anything bella??

  24. Wini says:

    Ohhhhh – GREAT IDEA!! I can’t wait to try it!!!

    Love the stamp book look – I need to get me that look!!!!

  25. Rachel says:

    Will this work on pretty much any surface and not damage it? How sticky is it once it is dry?

  26. Tammy Nichols says:

    I just love that Nicky-bella! I fell in love with her on da CRUISE. Love the stamp=book, and I too want to be thin but I want to keep my butt and boobs!

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