bellarific friday, RELEASE SNEAK PEEKS!, sneaky peeky

Sneak peek day 3! and a chance to WIN! (and bellarific friday!)





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CinderellaBella says:

OMGosh, Em! I love these Stuffies! Thanks for the chance to win

Timestamp: 2015-11-02 02:35:31 UTC


Hiya sistahs!  Suffering from STUFFIE OVERLOAD YET???? I hope not!

Today’s sneak peek covers my youth and all the years thereafter.  How oh how does a stamp cover such  a LONNNNG period of time you ask? LOL… well I will tell you.

Meet HONEYBEAR STUFFIES.   What would a release be without a WINNIE THE POOH quote?  I LOVE Winnie… LOVE winnie.  I mean LOVE winnie and have several sentiments in our collection with his quotes.  When I saw this image, my heart fluttered… the hanging foot.. the pot of honey.. the tree branch?  This takes me back 40 years when my mom used to read me alll the pooh stories.  And now this image?  I couldn’t help pairing it with one. Right?  There is also another theme going on in this stamp.. of COURSE Stamping Bella ALWAYS focuses around friendship and relationships.. that is what our company is about.  Do you notice the 2 types of friends here?  You have the adventurous careless friend who doesn’t really think of the consequences- ie. the one on the branch- ie. ME lol.. then you have the one on the bottom catching all the booboos that the top one is doing (my bestie LOL)… but really the careless one’s intentions are GOOD.. she just gets into trouble sometimes.. AHEM the bear does 😉  .. do you have a “partner in crime” like that?  are YOU the partner in crime?  would love to hear!


Shelabella made a GORGEOUS card using our HONEYBEARS (click to enlarge) (following our Bellarific Friday sketch)


TracyMACabella also made a BEEYOOTIFUL card using honeybear stuffies.. (I can’t help loving the climbing footsie) (click to enlarge)


I mean really.  I can’t even.

Now for our next Stuffie LEO the LION… Leo is me throughout my teenage and adult years.  ALWAYS TRYING TO BALANCE EVERYTHING!!!  Do you feel my pain sistahs???  This would be a great card for  people going through hard times.. trying to cope.. manage.. have a lot on their plates.. etc.. I LOVE LEO.


Sandiebella made a STUNNING card using LEO!


Is this not amazing inspiration???


BUT WAIT… THERE’S MORE! (said in my best infomercial voice)

It’s also bellarific friday! WOOHOO!

Our theme for this week was a sketchypoo

sketch-21-oct-23 copy

Let’s see what our baberoonis came up with shall we?



Here’s Danabella’s card using MILTON


And the inside using his sentiment 🙂


Kerribella used TINY TOWNIE SALLY and her SNAIL


Lesliebella used UPTOWN GIRL PAISLEY has a PREZZIE



Stephabella used MAGGIE with PENGUIN


Tracybella used MAGGIE with PENGUIN


TracyMACabella used NACHODEER


And now for our SISTAHOOD!


Anna used YOUNG LOVE


Stephanie used SCOUTS HONOR

I just wanna RUN and make a card RIGHT NOW LOL… you?

Now for next week’s theme?

use an UPTOWN GIRL or a TINY TOWNIE on your card.. any sketch.. any embellishments.. just use those stamps 🙂  Can’t wait to see what you create!

Wanna chance to win Honeybear Stuffies and LEO?

Leave a comment on da blog for a chance!  WOOHOOO!

Mwah to da sistahs who are still with me…




  1. Jane Crisci says:

    So much cuteness!!!

  2. Janice says:

    I actually think they are both helping one another – one is shaking the branch to release the honey, and the other is grabbing the honey. Luv, luv, luv the foot hanging down. The sentiment is perfect for the lion too – and oh so true. Love them both.

    • Stamping Bella says:

      Hi Janice, I think you are TOTALLY right! LOL… They ARE helping eachother which is what friendship is all about 🙂

  3. Wendy Hoff says:

    I absolutely love the Honeybears they are completely adorable…

  4. Terri Wilson says:

    Too cute! The honey bears are my favorite and are so adorable!

  5. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkkkkkk It’s a Pooh Bear inspired image. OMG OMG OMG. I just love that Silly Old Bear (I refer you to my Pooh comment on day 1’s Suffie post!!!!). Argh, I’m almost shaking with excitement. This is going to be an expensive stamp release. The samples make them both look so gorgeous. The Lenny Lion is so cute too. I love his expression and his lovely furry mane. I just want to snuggle him.

  6. These stamps reminds me of my own stuffies ? Simply loves Them! And Got to own Them ? more to my Stamping Bellas addiction ???

  7. Donna says:

    I especially love the bears. I also like Pooh and all the sayings.

  8. georgia says:

    the honeybees are so cute, can’t wait to make a card with these images.

  9. Yvonne C. says:

    Oh my so much cuteness!! I love those cute bears and lion.

  10. Charne says:

    Oh Oh Oh! The lion is cute, but those BEARS! and the sentiment? Beyond adorable!

  11. kim says:

    love the little bears

  12. Samantha says:

    So hard to pick a fave. Must have them all!

  13. Michelle says:

    So much cuteness!!! Totally me and my bestie. She always supports me no matter how crazy my idea is. Lol

  14. Margo D. says:

    Oh my goodnesss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 The sneak peeks get cuter and cuter!!! 😀
    I adore these images and the sentiments are perfect! 😀
    Love love love them!!!

  15. Oh today’s images are soooo cute. I love the 2 bears ‘working’ together to get that honey and the sentiment is to die for! Leo the lion is gorgeous too and the sentiment is so beautiful.

  16. Linda Cole says:

    Oh, so much cuteness! I can really relate Leo the Lion and holding on! And the Winnie bears are priceless. Would love these! Hugs

  17. Janet D. says:

    Well is anything cuter? Love Honey Bears and Leo!!

  18. Andrea Murdock says:

    mine. i need. need i tell ya!

  19. Jayne says:

    So much scrumptiousness all in one place! Am such a happy bunny right now 🙂

  20. Oh my goodness…. Theses bears are so adorable!!!! My husband raises bees for our garden and of course for the honey, So this is one image I am definitely going to have to buy!!!

  21. CactusLynda says:

    ALL of them!!!! I just have to have ALL of them!!!! The honeybears are adorable!!!!

  22. These are stinkin adorable too! Love 🙂

  23. Jan D., FL says:

    So cute and the array of cards….so many great ideas. You just seem to always be having fun and it’s infectious. Love that and thank you.

  24. CinderellaBella says:

    OMGosh! These are so cute! And the sentiments? LOVE! Thanks for the chance to win <3

  25. These are so cute! Love them!

  26. OMG…How cute!! I must have Leo the Lion..Thanks for the day 3 and for the chance to win!

  27. Oh my gosh, these are getting every day!

  28. Kimbery Monaghan says:

    OMG……apparently this is where my birthday money is going. Love the bears!!

  29. Carole says:

    Both are soooooo adorable!

  30. Heather T says:

    Love your stamps. Just found you all and excited to be crafting.

  31. Gael G says:

    honey bears remind me of Pooh. Love them

  32. Cindi F says:

    omg these are so cute! I would definitely be the bear on the branch lol. I am definitely going to have to get all of these.

  33. Stacy says:

    I love the cute little bears, reminds me of Winnie the pooh when I was a kid.
    All of the stamps are the definition of cuteness wish I could own then all 🙂

  34. No Stuffie overload here…I love bears – anything bears! Leo is so adorable too! They can brighten anybody’s day! How can anyone NOT smile when seeing them?

  35. Angelique says:

    Perfect to make a card for my husband, I call him HoneyBear! Love this!

  36. Anang says:

    Omg! Omg! I love all of them. I want them. I need them (now I feel a little crazy saying that). Please let me win one and tell me that you ship to India.

  37. Glenna says:

    Luv, luv, luv your new honey bear collection! This is one of my new favourites!

  38. Michele Burnard says:

    Oh too cute!! Love the Winnie the Pooh quote too!

  39. Carol Dee says:

    OMG…. I HAVE to get Honey Bears! It is perfect. Fingers, eyes and toes crossed that I win instead! LOL I am so loving all the new images.

  40. Vicki Smith says:

    The Honey Bears are calling my name because they are TOO CUTE! I can’t stop smiling and wanting all of these new stamps!!! Amazing job, ladies.

  41. stephanie Serrano says:

    OMGosh…. heading up to Wells Fargo to get a loan now so I am all prepared for the 2nd! Too stinking cute!

  42. Maja says:

    Super cute, both of them 🙂

  43. Becky Purcell says:

    LOVE THEM!!! I do have a bestie that is my partner in crime! We take turns being the “bad” one. Her husband says we are not like “two peas in a pod” BUT more like “two nuts in a tree”! Can’t wait to purchase me some Stuffies!!!!

  44. Denimo says:

    Once again… TOO STINKIN’ CUTE!! Love them both!

  45. Denise says:

    The lion looks like mine that I’ve had since I was a little girl. <3

  46. DYana says:

    I want to be fearless like Leo.

  47. Angie Brown says:

    I just love all of these new stamps and their sentiments!!

  48. Emily Davis says:

    Truth be told, I have played both roles! No regrets! Lol
    Love Winnie!

  49. Deb says:

    Love Leo. Very rare to find a nice uplifting bit of life lesson with such an fun image pairing!.

  50. Phyllis says:

    Each day’s stuffier get cuter and cuter.

  51. Beatriz says:

    All of the stamps are cuteness, really Super cute !!

  52. Alicia says:

    I just placed an order but I better start saving up again for my next one! 😀

  53. Brijet says:

    Could never, ever get tired of STUFFIES! I love bears in particular — but then there are the cutest bunnies and piggies and all kinds of sweet-faced cuddly friends. Your images are precious! They really capture the character of the stuffies. 🙂

  54. Kraftyaunt says:

    These are getting cuter and cuter. The lion will be on my list; my husband is a LEO :->

  55. Julia says:

    My partner in crime is my best friend, Suzie Q. I think we get each other into trouble but have so much fun when we are together. I can’t decide which new release I like the best so that means I get them all….

  56. Anita Chang says:

    Love the new images! Full of a whole lot of cuteness!

  57. TinaS says:

    So snuggle-worthy all the stuffies so far…wish I had a bestie to get in trouble with…but so far I had to go through all of my own…so glad to have found a hobby which brings me together with such wonderful supporting creative heartwarmingly friendly people…and a fun way to get rid of my money…;)

  58. Every day the reveals are getting cuter!!!! My wallet is now sobbing hysterically.

  59. SUSAN JACOBS says:

    Leo is mine as soon as he is available. I know just he needs to go see.

  60. shari green says:

    Ok this is getting so hard to choose a favorite and we are only on day three! Omgoodness so adorable!

  61. Denise I says:

    Too stinkin cute! How do u pick?? ?

  62. Yoo-Rah Lee says:

    OMG – these are so cute!!!

  63. Barbara B says:

    Just when I think the stamps can’t get any cuter, they do!

  64. Trisha says:

    Too cute 🙂

  65. Sheena says:

    Wow so cute and so useful for all ages! Love the samples’ ideas ……………….. my addiction is out of control …………….I have to have them all………… 😉

  66. Trina Flynn says:

    OH MY!! Suffering from STUFFIE OVERLOAD… Never! Bring on the STUFFIES, The more the merrier 🙂 Honeybears are so sweet just look at them helping one another! Pooh Bear sentiment is absolutely perfect. LEO the LION is doing a great job balancing himself on that bike. I don’t think I would have such luck..I would be laying on the ground balancing myself to stand up…lol Both these adorable images would create the perfect card for that special person.

  67. Mar N says:

    Leo is adorable!! Love it!!

  68. Joyce Lovato says:

    I have been told that I was a partner in crime more than once. But always in fun, and always when it comes to buying stamps.

  69. Candy says:

    I LOVE WINNIE!!!!!!!!!!!
    and I have the perfect friend to send the lion to :o)
    Can’t wait to get my hands on them!

  70. Bradlyn says:

    Brought a smile to my face. Cute…so cute! You have a real knack!

  71. Debbie Janelle says:

    Oh my! I love those bears. I need that one!

  72. Carla P says:

    Lovely new stamps!!

  73. Tricia T says:

    I scrolled through my blog reader this morning and saw Michelle’s card and squealed! “It’s Winnie the Pooh!!!!” If you haven’t heard the Winnie the Pooh dramatised audio by BBC with Judy Dench and Stephen Fry you just HAVE to!!!!! This Stuffie collection is definitely calling my name!!

  74. Jordi P says:

    Nice new stamps!!!

  75. Norma says:

    They’re just too cute! Love them both.

  76. Elaine Hollander says:

    Cutest stamps ever. Thanks for the chance to win

  77. Linda Carson says:

    Awe, these stuffies just melt the heart!

  78. Susan B says:

    So much cuteness in one place. Love it!!

  79. Rozy Smith says:

    These couldn’t get any cuter! If you have a Design Team call I’m in!?

  80. Karen H says:

    I am just loving these stuffies~

    Leo or Pooh? It’s just going to have to be both.

  81. claudia gassett says:

    You just have to smile when you see these cards! What sweet faces!

  82. Alicia says:

    OMG Leo…. he is absolutely adorable

  83. Susiebella says:

    Love the Christmas Penguins & NachoDeer! They are the cutest! When we were growing up my Dad had bee hives. We would sneak out and eat the honeycomb while he was at work. He couldn’t figure out why his bees were not producing honey, until my Mom told him what we were doing. Needless to say, we stopped sneaking. So many memories! Have a wonderful weekend!

  84. M J says:

    Too Sweet…those Stuffies!!!! Love them all….!!!!!!!!!!!

  85. Jan Scholl says:

    I need a nap. Until spring.

  86. Kathy J in Ellicott City says:

    Love the new stamps! Can’t wait to purchase them!

  87. These are so cute. Would love to win one

  88. Misti says:

    Oh my goodness! These are soooooo adorable!!!

  89. Nancy says:

    Oh YES, please!! I must win Honeybear! I mentioned the other day that I’m partial to Teddy Bears! These are absolutely FABULOUS!!
    I’m loving these Stuffies! :o)

  90. Kathleen Brackett says:

    Really too cute!

  91. Beverly says:

    Oh how cute, Love the honey bears

  92. I love, love, LOVE these guys! I’m also a huge fan of Winnie The Pooh quotes, so this is a big package of awesomesauce! <3 <3

  93. Diane says:

    Honeybear Stuffies are so adorable, and I love the Winnie the Pooh quote! So much CUTENESS!!!

  94. AJ says:

    Cute. Love both of these stamps and the inspirations made with them.

  95. Laura P. says:

    Hi Em! Whoa!! Two more cuties! Leo is my life today, trying to balance so much and hope I do as well as Leo! The cards are all so great. I really am amazed every time you post the Sistahs cards at how different the images look just by changing the coloring and papers! Very inspiring. Thank you for brightening up my day with so so so much cuteness!!

  96. Diane Stricker says:

    What a wonderful new set.

  97. Mayumi Adler says:

    How sweet the new stamps are! Love them both!

  98. Susan in AK says:

    Love, Love Hunny Bears and Leo!

  99. Anita Trippi says:

    Each one gets better. Very cute and inspiring. I love the sentiment, too.

  100. Charlsie says:

    Once again so cute. Love them. Thank you

  101. Diane Quinlan says:

    I love Winnie…..but my all time favorite is the Velveteen Rabbit…..hint, hint!!!

  102. Elaine says:

    Just when you think they can’t get any sweeter – along comes the honeybears – oh my!!!

  103. barb2167 says:

    From one Winnie the Pooh fanatic (and former Disney Cast member) to another I love it. They are so adorable.

  104. Ayesha says:

    Eeek another adorable range … love these <3

    have a great weekend xx

  105. Kerrie says:

    Oh my goodness, Love, love, love the honeybears and Leo the Lion, and the sentiments are perfect. xx

  106. Diane says:

    I absolutely love the teddy bears! It reminds me of my two kids getting into mischief together trying to sneak some goodies.

  107. Sandy M. says:

    Oh my, how a-dor-a-ble! I would not be able to pick just one! Love them!

  108. Pauline says:

    Oh my, how adorable are these honey bears, as well as Leo. Love all the sneak peaks so far!

  109. cindy says:

    sorry, but i have to have this stamp, i have a heavy addition to the Pooh Man myself, this would fill all my needs.
    he is SOOO cute, love them both

  110. Donna says:

    Oh my gosh I want to win these soooooooo bad! But I will happily buy them when they are avaiable!! I love them!

  111. caroleann says:

    Okay, Winnie the Pooh – teddy bears – all so sweet and I love, love this image. I could not pick what I love more – teddy bears or Leo – my grandson is Leonidas – a Leo card would be oh so perfect for him!!!

  112. Love these little darlings!

  113. Bonnie says:

    I just love all these gorgeous bear images. I wanna hug em all!

  114. Helen Van Daalen says:

    I love checking your blog every Friday to see everyone’s beautiful cards. I especially like sneak peak time when I get to see adorable new images.

  115. They seriously just keep getting cuter and cuter!

  116. Carmen L says:

    My daughter got a pooh bear when she was a baby from her sweet daddy (pooh bear was twice the size of her) and over the years he’s been stuffed and restuffed. He is now in a soft pillowcase because he became so threadbare that his fluffy stuff started falling out and no amount of patching from Grandma could help. At almost 14 she still sleeps with him every night! Your stamps and stories are so fun and sweet! Look forward to reading them everyday!

  117. Denise Bryant says:

    awesome cards and delightful stamps!

  118. I love, love, LOVE, your stamp designs. Keep them comin’

  119. Sherry says:

    Ok I am so in need of and in love with both of these!!!

  120. Julia says:

    I can bearly contain myself. How adorable!

  121. Kris B says:

    How is so much cuteness even possible?! Those Honeybears are just so darn adorable! Leo is perfect for my dare devil boys!

  122. Jeanette says:

    My eldest was given a Pooh bear when she was born and they became inseparable. In the end the only bit left was a piece of his ear that she still has today. She is now 44. Brings back so many beautiful (but not all beautiful) memories. Like having to do a 4 hour round trip back to Nanna’s when it got left behind.

  123. Eileen M says:

    Aww, Love Leo, great card for those going through the aging parent time, and love the bears and sentiment! fun!

  124. Inma Banegas says:

    I like the bear…. I would like win these… 😀
    Thank you.

  125. Katlyn T says:

    Oooooh I love these!!! The bears are so cute, and the lion, too!! Love the lion’s sentiment! Thanks for the chance to win! These stuffies are too cute!

  126. More adorable images. The get cuter with every sneak a peak !

  127. Sarah O'Neal says:

    These 2 stamps are beyond adorable and looks like my best friend and I. Can’t wait to order them!!

  128. Bev T says:

    Super cute!

  129. Cathy says:

    very cute and clever. I love how you continue to always have such original designs

  130. Teresa P says:

    Oh, I’ve got to have both of these. The bears remind me of my son when he was little, getting into trouble with his bestie Teddy, a handmade bear he got his first Christmas, watching his every move. I love Leo and his message – I’m looking forward to making a sign for my desk with Leo so he reminds me to strive for more balance.

  131. Sue McW says:

    I love, love, love honeybear stuffies. They are adorable! And the Winnie the Pooh quote is perfect!

  132. Kathi says:

    Those honeybears are the cutest stuffies ever!

  133. Pam says:

    I love the bears! Tracy’s card is incredible!

  134. Beverly Soo Hoo says:

    The sentiments are spot on!

  135. MaryAnn N says:

    Love the honey bear stuffies. And the sentiment. Great job Em

  136. Dee says:

    Love these cuddly bears – love the card inspirations!

  137. Oh my! I so love Winnie the Pooh and his friends……..what great stamps. The cards this week are sooooo cute! Love them all! 🙂

  138. Margo S. says:

    More sweetness overload!
    Love both new stamps and sentiments!

  139. Francine says:

    I cannot wait for this release!! I want (read NEED) them all!

  140. Tracy says:

    Love, love the honey bears!! They are the cutest things! you can never have too many stuffies!

  141. Oh, I love Winnie too and the sentiments are so wonderful. Love both the lion and the bears but the bears maybe a bit more! That is such an adorable scene–love the leg up on the branch!!

  142. Rabbit says:

    Love both of these–they go with not only the sayings that are being sold with them but with all kinds of interesting sayings I have in my collection. I think I’ll need both of these!

  143. Carisa says:

    I absolutely ADORE the honey bears – YES!!! Those are for sure on my wish list for this release. <3 huge winnie the pooh fans here, too!

  144. Lisa Peronto says:

    These are just adorable.

  145. Debby J says:

    I have loved all the sneak peeks and I was hoping for some teddies! My sister would LOVE these cute little honey bears and I will enjoy making her something with them! At least they won’t be out till November. I’m trying not to spend anymore the rest of the month. Thank goodness there’s only one more week!

  146. SuzanD says:

    The images are fabulous, but the quotes are pulling my heart strings

  147. Natalie Godfrey says:

    WOW! Love the teddy bears they are so adorable. And all the other cards are fantastic.

  148. Lynne in NI says:

    OMG LOVIN the new release …. the little honey bears are straight onto my ‘need’ list 😉 Keep them coming 🙂

  149. Cute stamps and lovely samples

  150. Wow, I really love both of these stamps. They’re not only cute but the sentiments are heartfelt awesome…Would really love to have them. Thank you for the chance. God bless!

    JO ANN

  151. Anastasia says:

    Love all your peeks so far. Love Leo!

  152. very sweet ! would love to have these .

  153. Jane says:

    Wow, both lovely but those little bears, A D O R A B L E!
    Love Jane x

  154. I didn’t think it could get any better. Now I have to have both of these. They are way too cute. I especially like the honey bears. It reminds me of the time I climbed the fence of my neighbors and got my under panties hung on the barbed wire. Of course I had been forbidden to go over and play ball with the boys in the field that was behind their house….but assuredly I went anyway; and to boot in a dress. What I hadn’t counted on was having the neighbor have to come and get me off the fence. I was so embarrassed….but no matter what I was always into somethin’ all the time.

  155. mary says:

    So cute the honeybears!!!!!! I want to make a Zoo with all of them

  156. Justine Ehrman says:

    ADORABLE! The bears would be perfect for my twin sis and I! Depicts many events in our lives, haha. These are both on my gotta have list.

  157. Very adorable. I love both of the stamps. Thank you

  158. Karol Hall says:

    Love these darling Bears and oh their expressions are just priceless. And then there is Leo just adorable the sentiment is great
    Thanks for some cute stamps that will be making there way to my collection.

  159. Cara T says:

    OMG I loooove those honeybears!! They are just too adorable and I have to add those to my collection, lol. You can’t help but smile when you look at those faces 🙂

  160. Lucy Woods says:

    Oooh these are my fave so far!! Those honey bears!!! And that sentiment!!! Need need need them!! You’ve melted my heart!! <3

  161. who doesn’t love bears.

  162. Marianne C says:

    Those images say so much. That bear”y” kind of friendship is priceless and the lion on his bicycle..perfect! Super sentiments.

  163. Lee says:

    Awesome! Great Pooh quote and great image!

  164. Joni says:

    The sentiment with Leo couldn’t be more perfect…

  165. Laura Holt says:

    Looove the Honey Bears! That stamp tells a story in one image!

  166. Anja E. says:

    These bears are so much fun! The cards the designers have made are just fantastic.

  167. RedGem says:

    What a cute stamp image, must have!

  168. D.Ann C says:

    Those bears are adorable and the Winnie-the-Pooh quote is perfect!
    LOVE the bella-riffic lion and his terrific quote!

  169. Terri Ann says:

    I’m just loving these new images. The honeybees are a must. Thanks for all the inspiration too. One day soon I plan to post a challenge card. Thanks for reading my
    Passion with all these beautiful stamps, card examples, and challenges.

  170. Renee Drew says:

    At first I thought “No, I’m not really into cutesie stuff,” but the more I looked at them, and thought about Pooh and his friends, I realised “C’mon Renee, who are you trying to kid? These guys are so adorable! Their sentiments really jump out at you.”

  171. Marilyn S says:

    Oh my gosh, these are super cute! Love them both but the little bears are so adorable and will be added to my ‘wish list’.
    I enjoy these peeks so much, makes me want them more!


  173. F Bond says:

    Oh my goodness, I am definitely the one on the branch- LOL. Sooo CUTE!!!! WOW- Fantastic release so far!

  174. Ohhhhhhhhhh myyyyyyyyy goodness!!!!! Too cute for words.

  175. Deb m says:

    This looks like another fun Bella stamp can’t wait to make cards for my friends they will love this stamp!

  176. Flo says:

    The honeybears are too cute. Love them.

  177. I think we both love Winnie the Pooh about the same amount! When I got my first apartment as a full grown, 20-something adult, my entire kitchen was done in Classic Winnie the Pooh. I had the rugs, cookie jar, hand towels, pictures for the wall, and a clock. At Christmas, I put a small Christmas tree in there decorated with Pooh Bear ornaments on it. Pooh is the best…just like all the new Stuffies!

  178. Jamia says:

    These two are my most Favorite of all !!!!

  179. Heather Clay says:

    Loving these stuffies!

  180. Shari says:

    Absolutely beautiful and stunning cards. All of them. Just awesome. So much stuffie love.

  181. Linda Hicks says:

    I am a big fan of Winnie myself. I would be the one on the ground!

  182. Tami F says:

    Love the new stuffies especially the honeybears. Thanks for the chance to win!!

  183. Laura Evans says:

    I have to have honeybear stuffies!!!! Adorable!

  184. teresa mackenzie says:

    I love the honeybear stuffies, and the sentiments, awwww just tuffing at me heart.

  185. Denise Sullivan says:

    OMG that lion is so stinkin cute!!!

  186. Brit Kohl says:

    Leo is perfect. He’s so cute and his sentiment is perfect.

  187. Oh Bella…these are just what the market needs right now! Cute, great sayings, and happiness to color! You are making us sooo happy!

  188. Gail Plaskiewicz says:

    Okay, these are just way to cute for words! I didn’t have any besties for a very long time. I was bullied in school. I had a friend who lived near me until we moved when I was 12. She liked me and didn’t bully me. We never did anything like the 2 bears but we played and colored together. We ate over each others house and I slept over hers. She was a great friend. In the 80’s I worked with a girl who I became buds with. We went to the mall together, the movies and because of me being friends with Rick Springfield, she got to meet Rick too! We are not besties any longer because she wanted to be friends with someone who was more her age (there was a 20 year age difference but we liked all the same things and when my family went on vacation we took my bestie too!) and she didn’t like kids and my niece who was little at the time (she’s 21 now) loved my bestie. I have no more besties but that’s okay. I hang with my sisters and some of their friends and I’m a care giver to my parents so I don’t have time to go as many places as we used to go anyway. I’ve had fun with all the besties that I’ve had though.

  189. Dot Freel says:

    Leo the Lion is my most favorite because my youngest son who is 28 is going through a tough time right now and he still has his stuffed lion who looks exactly like Leo. I have to make him a card with that sentiment.

  190. Daphné says:

    Leo the lion is truly the reminder I needed after facing some real difficulties, sadness and pain this year. Still trying to hold on… and would definitely love to have this one in my collection…

  191. Ruby says:

    I love these two!!

  192. Lisa Trickett says:

    Love to juggle…Sign me up please.

  193. pamgalloway says:

    Honeybears and Leo! I must have more STUFFIES!!!!

  194. Kathy says:

    Absolutely adorable! Love all of them, but that little lion has stolen my heart. Too cute!!

  195. Riti says:

    These are the cutest stuffies I have ever seen!
    Cutest Lion & Bears ever !!! I have to have these stamps !!!
    Thanks for the chance!!
    Loveeeee them to pieces!

  196. Brenda Lee says:

    Could the Honeybears be any cuter?!?!?!?!?! I gotta have this stamp!! What a fabulous release!

  197. So cute.. I love the Lion!! These are great additional to the line.

  198. Tammy Mohr says:

    That Honey Bear is so cute I can’t stand it. These images make me feel like a little girl again.

  199. Heather Loughlin says:

    Those bears are super cute!

  200. Penny H says:

    The honeybears – just so sweet!

  201. Mirella says:

    Just look at this little Leo! How squeezable is he?!

  202. Kathy Salido says:

    So cute, adore Leo!!

  203. Rachel V says:

    Not only are the stamps themselves amazing, but the cards the DT is making are fab-u-lous!! I love seeing what they create!

  204. Kathy Tanner says:

    These are so super-duper cute!

  205. Carol Luize says:

    I’m in loving with the lion stamp. It’s perfect!!!!

  206. Anne says:

    So cute, adorable!!!

  207. CinderellaBella says:

    OMGosh, Em! I love these Stuffies! Thanks for the chance to win 🙂

  208. Vinita Jain says:

    Awwwww! How fun! My head is shaking to see such cuteness! Each and every stamp featured so well and so many inspirations! Thanks for the chance to win!

  209. Patricia Molnar says:


  210. Kim Mordang says:

    Oh these are also absolutely adorable again…

  211. Mary-Anne V. says:

    The bears and lion are very sweet…very cute sentiments.

  212. Brenda says:

    A day without a stamp and color is also like a pot without honey. My favorite so far. I LOVE these sneak peeks. So fun!

  213. Liz Robinson says:

    Def cause more trouble with a partner in crime ! Love these images xx

  214. Debbie says:

    Adore the Honey Bears! Might be one of my favorites! Another awesome release!

  215. Claudine G says:

    The honey bears are adorable and that little lion is sweet.

  216. Kristie says:

    Wow…I am loving the new releases.

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