Scenic Saturday with Amybella: Uptown Girl Eve

Hello bellas!  

Amy here with my final Scenic Saturday card for this year and it is one more for Christmas. This time around it was Uptown Girl Eve Under the Mistletoe that caught my attention and sparked some creative inspiration. She’s one of the largest Uptown Girls in my collection so going with a slimline card base seemed the perfect way to showcase Eve.

You can tell Eve is all dolled up for a fancy Christmas party so I chose to give her an elegant pearl white cocktail dress with festive red trimming. In order for that light colored dress to really pop, I would have to do something dark in the background. Now, to be perfectly honest, my crafting time and energy has been a bit limited as we near Christmas. So, where I would normally dive into a fun and detailed background, I instead gave myself permission to take it easy and grab my Copic airbrush system and a stencil instead. My apologies if this black bokeh effect background isn’t as inspiring as usual but I think it is important to share that not every card has to be a “work of art” to be a work of heart. Simple and chic suits Eve just fine, leaving me with a perfectly fun card and plenty of time to get some of the other things crossed off my holiday to-do list. So, if nothing else, be kind to yourself this holiday season and don’t let your crafting become just one more thing adding stress to the hustle and bustle of these days. It’s okay to do some easy-peasy crafting and still have it be very fulfilling.  🙂

With that I will wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a crafty New Year! I look forward to all of the magical background scenery we will discover together in 2023.


  1. Kathy Andrews says:

    I think the background is great… it puts her at a wonderful Holiday party with her favorite beau, having a wonderful time with a few magical kisses. Thank you for sharing. Wishing you a wonderful Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and may we all find more Peace, Love, and Kindness in the years ahead.

  2. FRANCES casados says:

    i think she is beautiful. you are very correct about adding stress, this has been a tough season on me, so thank you for the encouragement. you take it easy and enjoy your holidays, 🙂

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