Card Samples


LOL.. I am already starting this post off giggling.. LOL.. unfortunately it is at the expense of someone very special to me… My mentor, My friend, My confidante… yep, our very own NICKABELLA. (LOL).. how annoying is it when someone is telling you a story and you have to stop and laugh.. well that’s what I am doing now and the sad thing is.. you probably won’t even find it funny. hmph.  Just wanted to let you all know that i DID get the ‘ok’ from Nicky to recount this tale.

So everyone has a forte, right?  not sure what mine is but NIcky is a great friend, a wonderful cardmaker, friend etc.. but a memory for people’s names?? not-so-much! LOL

So it may have been last year some time, I waltzed into work late and Nicky was dealing with a customer… so I breeze by and nicky says “Emily.. have you met AILEEEEEN?” I am always pleased to see a new customer in the store so I drop my jacket and say “Hi AILEEEEN,welcome to Bellaland”! She graciously says thank you.   So Nicky continues to serve her, showing all of our goodies and continues saying “AILEEN have you seen this? Aileen have you seen that? and I pipe in “OMG AILEEN you NEED to have this!!”.. “Aileen proceeds”  to the cash, thanks all of us profusely and is on her way.

Later that evening I receive a blog comment from a lady stating that she was in our store and was SOO excited to meet all of us and had great customer service etc. SIGNED?  ELAINE.

I call nicky up and I say to her “Nick, are you sure the new lady who came to our store was AILEEEEN (which I think we said about 8976 times when she was there..LOL).. Nicky says ABSOLUTELY.. I asked her name and she said AILEEN. I said ok. maybe the OTHER lady in the store was Elaine. Hmph.

About a week later, “Aileen” comes back into the store. and nicky greets her “AILLLLEEEEENN”! (OMG i am cracking up right now).. And “Aileen says HI!”.. i then mosey on over to her and ask her.. could your name POSSIBLY be “Elaine?” cuz I got a comment on my blog blablabla.. she says Yes, my name is ELAINE.  LOL.. So I say to her WHY DID YOU NOT CORRECT US after the first KAJILLION times we called you AILEEN?  She just says, I couldn’t do it.. I knew you would figure it out at some point 🙂 LOL.  Elaine/Aileen has become a very important part of Stamping Bella.. We LOVE her to pieces and has become a wonderful friend!  We hope you  are enjoying your cruise Elaine/Aileen! (I still call her that).

Second story again was with another new customer who came from out of town to visit and shop.. Nicky greeted her and started speaking to her and called her “GAYLE”… so after a long conversation, Nicky introduces me to her.. “Emily meet Gayle”… “Gayle” looks at nicky and says her name is “Maria”.. LOL.. ( I am LMAO right now).. I look at Nicky and say.. HOW the HECK did you get GAYLE from MARIA? LOLOL.. she looks at me and says, I DUNNO.. so Maria looks at us and says that her sisters’ name is gail if that helps? LOL..

That Nickmeister.. she CRACKS me UP.

Last story happened yesterday.. which triggers this post.

These 2 lovely women walk into the store.. Nicky gets up and recognizes them and loudly says “DOOOORRRISSSSSS” how are you? where have you been? blablablabla.. They continued talking (LOL) and “doris'” sister in law whispers to Nicky.. “HER NAME IS DARLENE”… LOL

Did you find this funny? I hope so cuz I am Laughing.. if you don’t find it funny, please don’t tell me.. LOL

On a bIdnIss note:

Just posted my FAVORITE paper company that I am selling.. I just find it a remarkable array of papers, the quality of the paper is exquisite.. Needless to say.. I am MAJORLY in love… with a sheet of paper.. or 2 🙂

The line is called COLLAGE PRESS and you can find them all in my “What’s New section” here

More stuff to follow tomorrow 🙂

Mwah to da sistahs who remember MY name



  1. Molly B. says:

    OMG, I almost PIMP! That is so funny. I can relate. I can not remember names to save my soul. So to Nicky I laughed but only because I have done the same darn thing. I’m glad I’m not the only one. Thanks for making my night. -Molly B

  2. Tracey says:

    Okay, that is funny!!! The Elaine/Aileen I get cause they are at least close but Gayle/Maria – that one is too funny!! I love it! I might have to find my way into the store just to see what my name will morph into. LOL

  3. Jan Dolby says:

    …that was FUNNY!….I cracked up laughing sorry Nicky….xo

  4. Janet says:

    ROFL…that is too funny!! Sometimes i have that problem so i call everyone buddy, or woman, or hey you! lol too funny!!

  5. OMG I now know what I am gonna do when I see Nicky in Cali! ROFLMAO

  6. Jamie says:

    Oh MY that was funny, I was laughing right along with you. We love you Nicky!!!

  7. Chrystal says:

    LOL! When my brother got married, it was rather quick. He & his soon to be wife used a lot of my upcoming marriage arrangements to make their own. The pastor at the church was (and is) a super sweet man, but sometimes difficult to hear. It wasn’t until the actual wedding that we realized HE was hard of hearing too. He kept calling the bride “Marsha”. Quietly each of us in the wedding party tried to correct him. It wasn’t until the brides sister (from the congregation) stood up halfway through the ceremony and yelled “Her name is MARTHA!” that he realized what we were trying to tell him. He actually had to go back and correct some of HIS paperwork because he had written Marsha instead of Martha 🙂

  8. Amanda says:

    Oh, thanks for making me giggle.
    I can just see the whole drama playing out.
    Being a music teacher and sometimes seeing over 150 kids a day, I would just make up some pet names and would rarely call a kid by his own name unless I was very certain. Sometimes, I would call them a silly name like Pinoccio, just so they would say, “No, my name is……” worked like a charm.
    but then again, i think that would be a funnier circumstance to see Nicky try out. LOL

  9. Mandi says:

    That was funny. I actually am sitting here giggling out loud. I think most people can relate at one time or another to this happening to them, which just makes it even funnier! 🙂 Very cute paper too! Adorable new selection Emma, ummm Emiline, er, Emmy,….what is your name again? Oh yeah, EM! Good thing you go by Em and just keeping it kind of simple for all of us! 😉 lol

  10. That was TOTALLY funny, especially knowing Nicky! She is SUCH a sweetheart and I can just imagine her greeting them in her friendly,warm way! LOL

  11. Heather says:

    I LITERALLY Cried!!! I have not laughed that hard in a long time. It was so well told, I envisioned being there! I have Nicky’s disease, lol! That would have so been me!!! lol. I really am about to pee in my pants! Oh man!!! That was GOOD! whew. I will have to take a breather after that. It was hysterical, or I am just on an emotional crazy roller coaster after having 2 sick kiddies? Either way, it was just what I needed. Thanks for sharing. night!

  12. Tiddly Inks says:

    See, this is why I call everyone, honey or sweetie! LOL Yeah, grown-ups too. 🙂
    So tell Sweetie, I mean Nicky, that she is so talented that she is forgiven for forgetting names. She is probably dreaming up some fabulous card instead of memorizing names….priorities, priorities. 🙂

  13. Maria says:

    I laughed so hard I almost fell off the couch laughing. I am laughing with you Nicky not at you. You and Em are such gems – super nice and so bubbly – that if you call me by another name it really doesn’t matter cause you treat me like royalty when I come to visit. I always always leave smiling and feeling a little lighter – but not just in the wallet – lol. Big Hugs, Maria

  14. Julie Masse says:

    HILARIOUS Em!!! I am sitting here laughing – waking poor hubby up!!! I just LOVE Nicky!! She can call me (almost) anything she wants! LOL! 🙂

  15. Maria says:

    That was sooo funny! Hope Nicky felt ok after they corrected her:)

  16. Susan W. says:

    I’m awake at 3am, can’t sleep. Thanks for making me laugh. roflmao 🙂

  17. BarbW. says:

    Hi guys. I’m sitting here in my jams killing myself laughing. This could only happen to the both of you. I only ever had this experience once when a boss I once had started calling me Carol for some reason. And the stupid part about it was I kept answering him. When my co-workers questioned my sanity, I explained that he was the boss & I was the peon so if he wants me to be Carol, then Carol I will be.

    I just love coming over to Da Bella’s store & wouldn’t mind what you called me. But just call me when you get the new stuff in.

  18. Jessica says:

    ROFL—-That was WAY funny! I can relate to Elaine/Aileen. My name is Jessica but we have a client that always calls me Jennifer. The first few times I corrected him but now it’s just become a joke between us.

  19. Pinky says:

    Great story Em – yes, we are laughing right along with you.

    Nicky darlink’ – not to worry – I’m sure most of us do the same thing at one time or another. I have a terrible time with names – faces I never forget – but names…..ugggg…..I feel your pain.

    I’m glad that everyone here is called “Sistah” – I’d be lost otherwise! 🙂

  20. The Maria thing had me LMAO!!!!! Tell Niki not to feel bad… at least she remembers a name.. I draw a blank and say “haayy.. good to see again.

  21. Good thing I wasn’t drinking when I read that post! Nicky, I’m right there with you!!! At least you give it an honest try!!! I’m so hopeless, I don’t even try….. LOVE Collage Press!!

  22. lindaH says:

    we still love ya Nickabella!

  23. Ramsey says:

    OH MY GOSH! That is hilarious! I seriously could not stop laughing! Love ya, Nick! 🙂

  24. Darsana says:

    OMG that is pretty funny. I can only imagine my name. I have a difficult name anyway(I think it is pretty simple but that’s just me), so I have been called MANY things over the years. My personal favorite/or the one that really bugs me… I can’t decide, is when I meet someone from Mexico or a spanish speaking country. Darsana becomes Roxanna ????? even if I correct them they still call me Roxanna forever!!!!! Oh yeah, for the first couple weeks we dated, my fiance kept asking over and over what my name was. I about passed out the day he said “I love you Darsana” (ME – He loves MMMMEEEEEEE – take that Roxanna *insert smiley with the evil laugh here*) Hugs and kisses to you all.

  25. Sabena says:

    OMG that is too hilarious!! My husband is like that too. If he can’t remember a person’s name, he’ll just make it up 🙂 hehehehe- that drives me crazy! My name is challenging enough that people try to say it all different ways (and let’s not talk about the spelling). I answer to just about anything as a result (just about, I said).

    the funny thing is, that if our office goes out to lunch, and I use my own name to pre-order lunch, something ALWAYS goes wrong. Never fails. So, my name when we go out for lunch is Sally. I haven’t had lipstick on the glass, hair in the food, wrong order, yet

  26. Angel says:

    OMG – too funny! I’m horrible with names too so I can relate!! I need to see the person’s name written down to remember it. So now I try imagining it written down in my head. It doesn’t work. And if I think a name doesn’t suit a person, I’ll NEVER remember it!! Brutal.

  27. tonies says:

    Too funny!!

    Terry, Terry, Terry
    LOL (-:

  28. Anita C says:

    OMG too funny! I am LMAO right now!! My hubby has a terrific memory except for when it comes to people’s names. I on the other hand can remember the names and not anything else 🙂 Thanks for sharing, love you gals!!

  29. too funny! I laughed right out loud!

  30. Sheila says:

    I was LOL in the office – it was hilarious – Maria and Gayle!!! Poor Elaine… 🙂

  31. hey stranger 😉

    those name stories are BE-YOND funny! more like HILARIOUS! 😀

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