chit chat



It’s GREEN Thursday sistahs… and you know what that means. It’s time to grab a hot beverage.. put on some music.. and sit down with your favorite pen and notebook and start writing your wish list down   .. it’s time to share this EPIC EVENT with ALL of YOUR FRIENDS and sistahs , that this weekend, starting at midnight tonight will be our last epic sale of the year  (today the word EPIC seems to be quite popular LOL). We really don’t have sales during the year.. well except our Crazy Tuesdays once a month 🙂.. but this sale will be STORE-WIDE and will be JOOCY. So.. having said that.. some quantities are limited.. so might I suggest when you have a moment to make yourselves a little list whilst waiting in line for the shop to open at midnight (said in a British accent).. and you don’t even have to put a bra on! (not so British)

MWAH to da sistahs who love the word EPIC and the word SALE and the word BRALESS  in the same sentence. LOL



  1. Mary B. says:

    So much to be Thankful for… Thankful for all of you, sharing all of your talents.

  2. SarahC says:

    Happy Thanksgiving to your. Enjoy your day. Zooyiness and sales tomorrow for all.

  3. Angela says:

    Does anyone happen to know what time zone this is?

  4. Denise I says:

    Happy thanksgiving! Will b looking forward to the sale! Woohoo!!!

  5. Louise Wagner says:

    I was wondering the time zone thing as well.

  6. Oh I’m ready to shop! Thanks so much for such a wonderful store! ?

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