I love art journaling mondays because it really gives me an excuse to play :)..    We have gorgeous entries this week.. which makes my heart SINNNGALING!

Ok the theme this week was to use a bella stamp on your page.. let’s see what everyone came up with shall we?

Cindy used ARTSY house and SISTAHOODABELLAS to tell her story

Corey used TERESA stamps "in my element" to tell her story along with our solid flowery weed stamp

Dena used lots of Teresa's stamps... PIE CHARTS HAVE NO CALORIES and the rest.. I LOVE the quote she used from a movie she saw.. will be stealing that for my journal 🙂

here's my page using TERESA stamps too 🙂 namely "DO THESE STRIPES MAKE ME LOOK FAT? lol. also used our JUST MY TYPE STAMP

PInky Dinky DOO (LORI) used FLOWER GARDEN to tell her story

Violet used our eclectic birdies

BEEYOOTIFUL entries sistahs!!

Next week’s theme is STRIPES………….. you can use teresa’s stamps.. make your own .. striped border.. etc..

and PLEASE put some theme recommendations in the comments to help me 🙂 LOL


Also Teresa’s new class Art JOURNALISTA starts today!  I am so excited.. lesson one is up!  You will lOVE IT!


Mwah mwah mwah



  1. Cathy says:

    I love playing too. Colors just excite me. BUT my problem is I need a place to play that I don’t have to clean up to eat dinner….since my art room is also the computer and diningroom also. so I have to remedy that or decide to eat out on my “play” days….I love all your pics and journals, it really says “Get of the computer and play”.

  2. DianaY says:

    themes: gardening, food, travel, clothing, secrets, family
    I confess all my Bellas are lonely because I’m not playing with them enough.

  3. Dolores says:

    So many gorgeous entries. I need to get off the computer more also.

  4. Dolores says:

    Theme ideas Lots of tags, junk mail, nature, color schemes or monochromatic

  5. Cindy Redding says:

    Love them all! Love Dena’s colors and the quote – I’m stealing it too!! We could do weeks where we use certain tools/products – watercolor, marker, crayon, stickers or favorite quote, movie, book. Maybe zentangles?

  6. jhann says:

    Theme’s – use summer holidays…..summer themes, beach, canada day, camping, holidays, vacations, picnics, road trips, air travel,
    love the art work today so colourful…wonderful

  7. Pinky says:

    YAY – lots of entries this week. Love them all. Such variety. Violet’s page made me giggle – so true!! I’m going to try and carve out some time to play again this week.

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