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I am such a TEAZZZZZE

ya that's me being a GOOF
ya that’s me being a GOOF

I cannot believe I am posting this picture but I found it PERFECT in regards to our RELEASE tomorrow.. ya know.. NANNY NANNY BOOOOOO BOOOOO.. I know what I am releasing AND YOUUUU DON”T.. LOL

Sistahs today we had an amazing day in Bellaland ๐Ÿ™‚

We ALWAYS get questions emailed to us asking what our day is like and I never have a chance to respond or describe or put it into words.. well that lovely silly face above is a snippet of how I behave on a daily basis..LOL (not really.. I am VERY PROFESSIONAL.. just ask the local sistahs who come and visit! ๐Ÿ˜‰ BE QUIET local sistahs..LOL

So our local tv station called me earlier this week and asked to set up an interview at the boootique and of course I said sure!ย  I have been on TV before and you could have confused me with a mute.ย  I am so animated and bubbly in real life and then once the camera goes on…. RIIIBBBBBBITTTTT (see my RIBBIT theory from a post 2 years ago..OMG 2 years ago..LOL)ย .. I cannot STAND being in front of the camera.. blech.. fooey.. yuck.. but for the sake of da sistahs, I sucked it up :).ย  So the camera crew came today and we have our LUNCH BUNCH who comes every thursday and had some sistahs hanging out.. I thought that today would be DA PERFECT DAY to show you what goes on… I gave Ryan the camera to take shots while I was being interviewed.. (remind me never to do that again as you will see)..

there's DENA!! hi DENA!!! she is our shipping logistics right hand EXTRAORDINAIRE!  this is a portion of our "warehousing" department where all the goodies are!

there's DENA!! hi DENA!!! she is our shipping logistics right hand EXTRAORDINAIRE! this is a portion of our "warehousing" department where all the goodies are!

a snapshot of our "scramping Room". lunch bunch in the back Nicky Marjorea Dianne (scrapbooking teacher), shelley and Simone is sitting at the front table :).. LOVE that room

a snapshot of our "scramping Room". lunch bunch in the back Nicky Marjorea Dianne (scrapbooking teacher), shelley and Simone is sitting at the front table :).. LOVE that room

the PHOTOGRAPHER.. aka Ryan taking pictures of VERY IMPORTANT things like the release forms we had to sign for the tv show..LOL

the PHOTOGRAPHER.. aka Ryan taking pictures of VERY IMPORTANT things like the release forms we had to sign for the tv show..LOL

nickabella.. chief designer EXTRAORDINAIRE!

nickabella.. chief designer EXTRAORDINAIRE!

ryan took a picture of a pen.. RYAN START WORKING!!!

ryan took a picture of a pen.. RYAN START WORKING!!!

me being miked..LOL

me being miked..


the interview.. blechy phooey.. RIBBBIT

the interview.. blechy phooey.. RIBBBIT

da lunchy bunchy- nicky, hannah, marjorea, michelle! mwah sistahs!

da lunchy bunchy- nicky, hannah, marjorea, michelle! mwah sistahs!


ryan wanted everyone to know that we eat HEALTHY in bellaland..LOL

ryan wanted everyone to know that we eat HEALTHY in bellaland..LOL



a portion of da lunch bunch.. we MISSED YOU IRENE!!

a portion of da lunch bunch.. we MISSED YOU IRENE!!

ok so that is a snippet ofย  a thursday at da bella bootique.. Hope you enjoyed!

oops cant forget RYAN!!

here he is... MR. AMERICAAAAA

here he is... MR. AMERICAAAAA


So tomorrow is da day.. have lots of images and am featuring a new artist ๐Ÿ™‚ย  LOVE her and LOVE her artwork!

and have something else up my SLEEEEVE!

mwah to da sistahs who lovey da pictures



  1. Wendi says:

    Thanks for posting the pictures, I almost feel like I have been to BellaLand, kinda like the street view in Google maps. Super excited for tomorrow!

  2. carisa says:

    Ahhhhhhhh, cannot wait for TOMORROW! I am so excited and it was so fun to see a day in the life….gosh, looks like a blast. Will you post link to the interview? I’d love to see it !

  3. Heather D says:

    my please add # is my favorite 3 evah!!! that is good luck, no?? I loved loved the pics!!! What fun to share and to see just before i go to bed .. dreaming of bellas!!! Sigh! TIs the life. I will share my TV oops that was about, Oh m y gosh!!! 15 years ago. I am still embarassed about it. I was young, self concious. My mom wanted me to take modeling to build my self esteem. Well, they were doing a local news interview and I along with another girl i went to HS with were chosen to be there. I am a very scarstic person esp when I am nervous. Well, it was my time to be interviewed and the q they asked me was something to the effect of what did I see in my future in modeling. Well, I was dumb and said in a valey girl sort of tone, “I want to be a supermodel … no, really, it is just something I am doing for fun and hopefully save a little money for college. Well, you know that they only showed me saying :I want to be a supermodel: lol!!!! And EVERYONE saw it. I was not popular at all and that sure did not help any. It is so sad! lol!!! At least it is something I can share with my daughter later and someday show her the video my mom taped (( I still to this day will not watch it! UGH! )) Thanks again for sharing. Have a great night and i cant wait to see the releases tomorrow!!!

  4. I love love love the pics! No wonder you were so quiet today! ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. on television? ya? when? what channel? spill it sistah! ๐Ÿ˜€

  6. Dana says:

    OHHHH love the pictures BUT they made me miss my Happy Place even more – Nice to see Dena & I love Ryan’s picture of the Canadians Pens & the healthy apple; I am sure there was some chocolate somewhere?!
    Miss you – can’t wait for the release tomorrow tell Ryan I will be calling to order my Pizza ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Jami Rudd says:

    Very cute picture:) Congrats on the interview. What great exposure.

  8. Emily Davis says:

    Ya’ll all look so great. And there is Ryan, the wonderful helpful man of yours. YAY YOU!
    Anyway… I’m dying that the new stuff isn’t up. I’m up! lol I wanted to see before I go to workey.


  9. BarbW. says:

    Hi Em: Looks like you all had lots of fun yesterday. Everyone looks soooo professional. Can’t wait to see the new releases. When are you scheduled? Is it on the YR channel?

  10. Vicki Burns says:

    Ooh…makes me sad that I don’t get to come hang out with the Lunch Bunch! Looks like you gals have a delightful time!

  11. Karen Motz says:

    The pictures are AWESOME!!! It’s so nice to see the Bella faces once in a while. I can only imagine how much fun you had. Wish I wasn’t soooooooooo far away! ๐Ÿ™‚
    {{{waves…hi Em, Nicky, Dena, Ryan, Dianne!}}}}

  12. Alexandra says:

    love the pictures and very, very jealous of the lunch bunch :). Looks like you all have a BLAST!!!

  13. Tiddlyinks says:

    Ah, you all look gorgeous! ๐Ÿ™‚ I like the first shot the best though…that is I how I picture you. LOL Too bad they didn’t include it in the interview. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Tell Ryan he is indeed Mr. America…oh, but wait, wouldn’t that be Mr. Canada?? ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. Karyn says:

    Hello Dena, Nicky, Ryan and Em!

    I love all the pictures Em! Great job on being on Rogers tv. Now too bad that I can’t get Rogers in Oakville…hmpf.

    Looking forward to the maxi release today! Bring it on!

  15. Shelagh says:

    What a fun post. Loved seeing your place and what goes on there. Never a dull moment. How exciting to have a film crew in. If I ever get to Ontario I am DEFINITELY coming in for a visit! That first pic of you is GREAT!! Really fun:)
    Looking forward to seeing your new goodies:)
    Cheers, Shelagh

  16. Callie says:

    LOL!!! The blog popped open and I just laughed. Thanks for the picture Em… especially the one of you at the beginning. LOVE it… brought a smile and laugh to my face. Good to see the queen of the bellas being a goof!! Not good that she’s nan-nan-naning at us cause we don’t get to see anything new until tomorrow! But it’s okay! We still love you!!

  17. Hope says:

    Em, you are adorable! Almost as cute as….a turtle tot! Love him, absolutely love him!

    Happy weekend, celebrityaBella!

  18. Cheri says:

    Em, I sooo want to visit Canada just to meet you and visit Bellaland:) I just finished reading your Ribbitt Theory and I loooove it. I think we should all live by it and all husbands should allow us purses and shoes up the wazoo. I never knew why I was addicted to shoes and purses…it all makes sense now LOL! TFS.

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