Emily – Our ForeverBella

Elaineabella here, with a post that I never thought I would be writing. Many of you may have heard the news by now, but it couldn’t go unsaid here on the Stamping Bella blog.

What can I say. Our beautiful, amazing Emily – DA BELLA – has passed away. She had a long, hard battle and absolutely gave it her all till the end.

Emily Block - Creator of Stamping Bella

It doesn’t seem real. We are all heartbroken and in shock at the loss of the creator of Stamping Bella, this brilliant woman who brought us all together and created the amazing stamp company we have all enjoyed for so many years. Our friend. OUR SISTAH.

If you have ever bought a Stamping Bella stamp (I know most of you have bought many), you may have read the story on the packaging. Here it is:

“Once upon a time, there was a girl who had a dream. A dream that she NEVER thought could POSSIBLY come true UNTIL ONE DAY when she thought and she thought and she thought and she came up with an idea. An idea of a “SISTAHOOD” where stampers all around the world could UNITE in one place in ONE HOME where they could stamp and craft and share IDEAS and the girl’s dream FINALLY came true. THE END. MWAH!”

What an absolute privilege it has been to be a part of that dream, and part of this Sistahood she created and was so very proud of. She touched so many lives and made friends everywhere. If she knew you, she cared about you, and she made sure you knew it.

We will be paying tribute to Emily here on the blog soon, in the best way we know, using Stamping Bella stamps. Watch out for that, we’re going to make that rubbah sing like she always encouraged us all to do. Just give us a little time – it’s going to sting more than a little.

I know that some of you have asked about sending cards to Emily’s family. If this is something you would like to do, please email me on for the details. If you would like to send your love and condolences, you can comment on this post or email Stamping Bella on the usual address – Emily’s family will see the messages.

Stamping Bella remains open for business, so you can continue to enjoy the wonderful stamps that Emily brought to us. Please keep using that rubbah and sharing your Stamping Bella creations – Emily was so proud of her Sistahood and the stamping community she was such a huge part of.

I will be here, sharing the weekly creations from Emily’s Bellariffic Babes. I can’t replace Emily, and I won’t even try. It’s not possible. But I will do my very best to honour her in every post.




  1. Doris Patton says:

    I am so very sorry to see this. My prayers are with you and Emily’s family.

  2. Elizabeth Stewart says:

    I am so sorry. What a loss to the stamping community and her family. I am sending my condolences to the family who has to know Stampingbella is loved by many…as well as the design team. I can’t imagine the pain of losing a colleague so talented and warm. Please take care, I am praying for you.

  3. Trudie Vick says:

    Oh my…what a loss. So sorry to read such sad news. Please let her family know her kindness and caring will be missed by all.

  4. Andre M. says:

    Condolences to all who loved Emily, may her dream live on.

  5. Chandra K Rodriguez says:

    I am so so sorry and saddened to hear this! My deepest condolences. I love these stamps, and company. i have been ordering for years. I think I have at least a hundred or more of these stamps. I have sent so many cards and packages and creations I have embellished with these stamps, and they brought a smile to my face, as well as to all the people i sent them to. My thoughts and prayers are sent your way! -chandra 🙂

  6. Squirrel says:

    Oh Elaine, and all our Sistas, I’m so desperately sorry at this news. I didn’t know Emily personally but she was always so full of love and kindness and warmth. My heart goes out to Ryan, the family, and her friends, my sincerest condolences – we have all lost a light in this remarkable lady. Xx

  7. Sharon Brand says:

    I am stunned. I am so sorry to to read this news. Prayers and
    thoughts to her family and everyone who knew Emily.

  8. Vicki Kroll says:

    So very sorry to hear this news. A genius in creating this wonderful company and such a loss to all of the Sistahood. May her legacy live on and condolences to all that loved her.

  9. Lori Uren says:

    I am so sorry for your loss. Condolences to Emily’s family and to her Sistahood.

  10. Siobhan Kline says:

    I was heartbroken to see the posts yesterday and did not want to believe it was real. My heartfelt prayers for peace go out to the family. May the memories you have bring some peace to your heart in time.

  11. Veronica says:

    I am so sorry for our loss of this beautiful lady, my condolences to her family and to he Sistas.

    • Shawn Mills says:

      I just learned of Emily’s passing. I am so sorry for your loss. I use to sell Stampingbella stamps in my online store. Emily was always lovely to deal with. May you all find peace and comfort.

      Love Shawn

      Magnolia-licious Rubber Stamps and Dies

  12. Lori King says:

    I am truly saddened by this. My sincerest condolences to her family and the stamping sistahood! I bought my first Bella about 15 years ago. What a beautiful legacy she has left for all of us to enjoy and remember her by.

  13. Paulabella says:

    There are no words left in my heart, to even express this news. I’ve been trying to come to understand that this has really happened. Emily has built an amazingly talented group of artists and card makers and kept her dream alive! She was funny as hell, smart, sassy, artistic and so giving. Anyone lucky enough to call her friend/sistah, knows that there is a tiny piece of magic floating above us, and always in our heart. One of my favorite people on the planet is gone.

  14. Andrea Murdock says:

    I’m heartbroken with this news. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting her a few times and immediately fell in love with her amazing personality. She will be missed

  15. Kathy Andrews says:

    My sincere and deepest sympathy; Emily will be deeply missed by so many. This saddens my heart and it’s so hard to accept. As you stated, she fought the battle to the end. Now she is at Peace and no longer in pain and suffering. Her love and creativity will remain in the hearts of the sista-hood she created. Thoughts and Prayers to her family and friend.

  16. Kim Swenson says:

    Condolences to Emily’s family and friends. Stamping Bella is a big part of my love of stamping. ????

  17. Sheila says:

    What an amazing woman that has brought so many of us together as a crafty “Family”.

    There should be a new line of Emily Angelbellas. Because that is what she has been to all of us.

    Prayers for her family at home and at Stamping Bella.

  18. Karin says:

    Oh I’m so sorry to hear this news!!! Let’s all work hard in keeping out Stampin Sista hood going strong in her memory!!
    For the team that worked with her closely….stay strong and let your memories bring you comfort at this time!

  19. Parmi says:

    I’m so so to hear this terrible news. Sending love and hugs to Emily’s family at this difficult time.

  20. Lori Gliva says:

    I’ve been purchasing stamps for years and loved the moxie of the business and the those associated with it. This comes from a strong leader! Someone who isn’t afraid to do it different! Stampingbella is a one-of-a-kind company! Probably all due to Emily! Sending thoughts and strength to all who knew and loved her! Sad, sad news!

  21. Tracey T says:

    I am so very sorry to hear this dreadful news. Sending my love and condolences to Emily’s family, but also my thanks to Emily for all that she gave to the stamping community. xx

  22. Nancee Purdum says:

    I was shocked to see this news. My heart goes out to her family and friends. I found Stamping Bella a long time ago quite by accident. I was looking for a particular stamp of a female enjoying a spa bath. That was my first of many Stamping Bella stamps. I still have that stamp along with so many others. I have de-stashed many times, but can never seem to part with any of my Stamping Bella stamps. I did have a few interactions with Emily a long time ago and she was always encouraging. She will be greatly missed.

  23. Cindy Wilson says:

    This is a very sad event for everyone. Her family, her fans, but lets be honest a new, beautiful angel will look down and inspire us with her memory. Heaven will shine a bit brighter and the sunrises and sunsets glow a bit brighter. RIP Emily.

  24. Cheri Chandler says:

    So sad to hear of the passing of Emily. Prayers for her family and friends. Love her designs. ??????

  25. Sharon says:

    It is with a heavy heart that I give my deepest condolences to Emily’s family, co-workers and friends. I pray for peace and comfort for you during this difficult time.

  26. Dolly LaBelle says:

    Praying for family, to have healing and peace.

  27. Glenda Schoonmaker says:

    I’m so sorry to hear this for the family, staff, and all those who benefitted from her marvelous dream. I have more Stamping Bella stamps than I can count. She created something unique with such a touch of whimsy, yet meaningful, that it drew you into every stamp. She created an endearing legacy.

  28. Trina Flynn says:

    My deepest condolences go out to Emily’s Family!

  29. Aileen says:

    I was so sorry and saddened to read of Emily’s passing. My heart goes out to your family and friends, she was a wonderful woman who followed her dream. An inspiration to all those around her xxx

  30. Elizabeth says:

    I’m so sorry to hear this news! Sending prayers up for her family and friends, hoping you each have someone close who can hug you close and support you in this difficult time.

  31. Denise says:

    This is very sad news indeed. I may not have known her personally but her creativity brought me (and those who received my SB cards) great joy. Deepest condolences to her family and friends for the void she leaves behind. May they treasure the happy memories…

  32. Margaret says:

    I was shocked to read this. My condolences to Emily’s family and friends. ??????????

  33. Fatima Farr says:

    I am so saddened by this news .. there were a couple of times we craft together but haven’t in so long since covid hit … I had no idea that Emily was not well … my deepest condolences go out to her beautiful family that she so very much adored ! Heaven has gained an Angel ! RIP my sweet beautiful Emily!

  34. Candy Mills says:

    I am in shock and so very saddened to hear about Emily!!
    My love and prayers go to her family and friends.

  35. Rachel Duong says:

    My deepest sympathy to the family and friends of Emily. My heart is dropping as I read this and a wave of shock and sadness envelops me. I did not know her but her images bring so much joy to my life and I hope she knows how much we appreciate her.

  36. Tamara Dalziel says:

    I was so saddened to hear this news. Such a wonderful, happy, creative presence taken too soon. My thoughts are with her family and friends. I remember the first time I bought a Stamping Bella stamp and read Emily’s story on the back. I knew I had found my Sistahood. Unique, funny, sweet and sassy. Her memory will always endure. ??

  37. Denise I says:

    So sad to hear this news….? my sympathy to her family. Will never b able thank her enough for all the creativity she brought to my life and to many others…. She will b missed. ??

    • Denise I says:

      I put emojis in my reply and they show as ??
      Not sure how to fix… don’t like the way it makes my post look… she Will b missed! And I’m very sad to hear this news!

  38. Kathy J in Ellicott City says:

    So sorry for the loss to the family and the entire community. She will be missed. Prayers to all!!!

  39. Ann says:

    my thoughts go out to Em’s family and friends at this difficult time. may her memory live on in her brilliant images and imagination, and her family and friends know what a lovely gift she was to all crafters and colourist who love to colour her images..x

  40. Giada says:

    Mi dispiace davvero tantissimo… ho sognato e continuerò a farlo con i bellissimi disegni che ci hai dato…
    Riempi il cielo di buonumore, come hai saputo fare quaggiù!
    Con affetto, jade

  41. Kay says:

    It is so sad to hear of the passing of a great soul. May her family and friends get comfort from the love she left behind.

  42. Crissy Armstrong says:

    My deepest heartfelt condolences to Emily’s family and friends. There’s just no words. I’m just so very sorry. I have loved all the Stamping Bella art that is all over the internet and permeates the crafting world. She really built a beautiful, wonderful community with top notch designs that make us laugh and smile. I hope you feel some of the love coming back to you at this time that she so obviously poured into Stamping Bella. I’m sure her love will be felt by all of us for a long time to come because we will remember it every time we see a Stamping Bella card. My deepest sympathies. Crissy Armstrong

  43. Ema Martinez says:

    I am so sorry to learn of this! My heart goes out to the family. I offer the deepest of condolensces. God be with Emily’s family and give them comfort with cherished memories.

  44. Kim O’Connell says:

    I am so very shocked and saddened to hear of Emily’s passing. I am a former DT member who gave up crafting 6-7 years ago to finish raising my family I recently returned to the crafting world and the very first card I created was with a Stamping Bella image. I had hoped to reconnect with Emily. She was such a positive person who exuded genuine kindness and joy. My heart breaks for her family and friends. Taken way too soon. ?

  45. Lisa Trickett says:

    My heart is so sad. I’m finding it hard to process the news. Holding the family in my heart.

  46. DIANE sims says:

    Wow I am sooooo very sorry for everyone’s loss. What a beautiful person. Sending hugs and friendship (((HUGS))))

  47. Stef Perry says:

    Oh my, what devastating news. My heart goes out to Emily’s family and friends. A beautiful, creative life cut short much too soon.

  48. SarahC says:

    Very sorry and stunned to hear this news. Prayers and hugs to her family and all her Bella friends.

  49. Gail Plaskiewicz says:

    This is gonna be really weird me saying this but I always read that on the back of my stamps but I always thought it was you, Elaine! I don’t know why. Now that I know better & I see her smiling face, it just makes me so sad. The world has lost an amazing crafter.Prayers for her & her family.

  50. Linda Heavens says:

    Although my stamping days have been on the back burner for several years now I still treasure the days when I was part of this incredible team. You will always be in my heart.
    Lindabella (MWAH)

  51. Heidi says:

    I am saddened to hear this. My heart aches for you, her family and friends.

  52. Robin Samchez says:

    My heart goes out to Mrs Emily’s family. Such a great soul, which Ed shined through all of her great creations. She will be truly missed

  53. Maria says:

    I’m shocked and saddened to hear this very sad news. I have loved Stampingbella stamps for a long time. My deepest sympathies go out to Emily’s family.

  54. Susanne says:

    my sincere condolences. I am totally shocked by this news. I wish the family and friends a lot of strength during this difficult time. Wherever you are now dear Emily I hope you are doing well there!

  55. Tina says:

    I am still in shock! I have come to love these stamps, the sistahood and the always so very happy and energetic posts from Emily. I even use MWAH! in my everyday life.
    My heart goes out to her family, and everyone in the Sistahood.
    Emily, you will be missed! May you rest in peace.

  56. Helen F says:

    I am so very sorry to hear this sad news. I love the sweet images in the Stampingbella range. Such an amazing achievement and so special they can continue to loved well into the future.
    My thoughts go to her family and friends. Hold strong to your special memories. Big crafty hugs. x

  57. Jillian Norwood says:

    My heartfelt condolences to her family and all who loved her and her beautiful dream! And may her beautiful dream continue to spread joy and love! I know her uniquely beautiful soul will be celebrated and missed so very much! Hugs!!!!

  58. Susan Kiss says:

    I’m so sorry to read this news..Emily and her Family & Friends are in my thoughts. Whenever I’ll use a StampingBella stamp in the future, it will be more precious, that Emily will know above that we won’t forget her.
    “Who is loved, never gets forgotten”
    Hugs from Hungary

  59. Kristin says:

    I love you ? I love you ? I love you.

    Emily was freaking special. She has a super power that
    Literally made you feel important.

    I will fuc#@ng miss you Emily, your honestly
    Your compassion, your motivation your support
    Your precious life is and was a treasure.

    You are brilliant my sweet long distance boss and you
    Are a fu@king rock ? star.

    I loved every time she dropped a f bomb on me.



  60. Carol Taggio says:

    Sending my heartfelt sympathy to Emily’s family. Emily forged a brave journey not only in the world of stamps but in her own health journey.
    I have fond memories of the many stamps she created over the years and will cherish them every time I use them.RIP,Emily

  61. Laura L-B says:

    Wow, I am so sorry to here this news and send my heartfelt
    condolences to Ryan, the kids and all of her loved ones. I knew Emily from her earlier days when she was starting StampingBella and it were operating on Doncaster Road in Toronto. It had a small retail component to it and she held classes there for about 10-12 people max. She created a very friendly, warm and fun space for us to come a create, explore, learn and bond. Thank you Emily for facilitating those special times and may you rest in peace????

  62. Holly Flores says:

    Thoughts and Prayers to her family and extended family.

  63. Tami Rose says:

    So sorry to hear this. Sincerest condolences to everyone!

  64. Stéphie says:

    Quelle triste nouvelle, toute ma sympathie et sincères condoléances à la famille

  65. Jen del Muro says:

    She was such a light in this world and will be greatly missed. Sending love to her friends and family. XO- Jen

  66. Sonja Altmann says:

    Sending heartfelt and sincere condolences to all.

  67. Lynne in NI says:

    Such sad sad news. Deepest sympathies to her family and friends X

  68. Marilyn S says:

    I am so sorry. We have lost a very bright light.

  69. Cathy P in AZ says:

    I was stunned and saddened to hear about Emily. Stamping Bella has been a crafting favorite of mine for years and Emily’s posts were always so funny and heartfelt. Prayers of comfort and positive thoughts to her family, friends and the design team. Rest in peace, Emily! MWAH. ??

  70. Lucy santos says:

    We are so sadden to hear this news. Our paths crossed in the hockey arena and she was always a cheerful and proud mama.
    My deepest condolences and may she rest in peace

    Lucy santos

  71. Joanne H says:

    I’m so sorry to hear of Emily’s passing. My condolences to her family and friends.

  72. Peggy S. says:

    So shocked and saddened to hear this! Sympathy and prayers go out to Emily’s family and friends. Such sorrowful news! ??

  73. Cynthia Cole says:

    Sending huge hugs and lots of kisses to Emily’s family. It’s never easy losing a loved one and time seems to slow way down. I pray you feel the LOVE sent from all the Stamping Bella friends and find some comfort in knowing that her spirit will live on in all the creations made with her products.

  74. Belia says:

    Stamping Bella was the first rubber stamps i ever bought online, so i always have special place in my heart for this stamp company and its creator. Heartfelt condolences to family and friends and the stamping sistahood. Xoxo Belia

  75. Lydia B Fiedler says:

    I can’t even process the loss of this fixture in my arty world 🙁

    There was so much joy and lightness in her designs and the community she created was – IS – so dear to me. I’m so sorry for the grieving by her family, her friends, her team and all of us.

  76. nancy says:

    All my sincere condolences. she will be miss. all our prayers for her family and friends.

  77. Chris Wittrock says:

    I was so saddened to hear of Emily’s passing. She was, indeed, an amazing and wonderful person. Her creations brought so much joy to myself and countless others. My heartfelt condolences to all of her family and loved ones.

  78. helen markee says:

    so sorry for your loss! heaven just gained an amazing angel!

  79. Mary Margaret Petty says:

    I am so very sorry to hear of Emily’s passing. My condolences to all her family, friends, co-workers & all who knew her. May she rest in peace!!

  80. Bette says:

    Much sadness to hear about Emily’s passing. I only knew her through Stampingbella and have absolutely loved her stamps. The crafting industry will have a loss but remember her with much fondness.

  81. Claire Broadwater says:

    I am so very sorry to hear the news of Emily’s passing! May she rest in peace. I loved her stamps and her lovely creations. She inspired me. Prayers for peace and comfort for her family and friends!

  82. BunnieH says:

    Oh my gosh, I am absolutely in shock and so deeply grieved! My heart goes out to all her family and friends for this great loss. It is just heartbreaking.

  83. Zully says:

    My condolences to all. Prayers of comfort for all whose lives she touched and all who are heartbroken. ? May God bring you all peace

  84. Cam says:

    My deepest condolences to Emily’s family. May her love live in your memories forever. I admired her work and loved her images.

  85. Teresa says:

    I have been a customer for a few years and I am so very very sorry for your loss. It’s tragic when a young person ends their existence in this world and she will be mourned and missed by thousands of lovely people, who loved and appreciated her.
    Memories will comfort you and love is being sent to you! I am sure your family will feel that love from friends, family, and customers.
    T in AZ

  86. Sara E Killian says:

    I am so sorry to hear about Emily passing. I absolutely LOVE all the Stampingbella stamps created by her! They are my absolute favorites to use on a card. As I am struggling with stage 4 cancer I can imagine how her family must feel right now. I am so sorry for all of your loss of this beautiful person! Sending hugs and prayers to all of you!

  87. Wendy Nicola Jackson says:

    So saddened by the news of Emily’s passing. Love and strength to her family at this heartbreaking time. There are no words that can bring comfort at a time like this. Thinking of Emily’s family and holding them up in my heart. Thinking too of the wonderful Bellas who have brought Emily’s vision to life so well through their beautiful creations all these years. Sending you all love and hugs, Wendy xoxo

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