a teeny weeny AJ toosday on WENNNSDAY

Hiya sistahs 🙂

I know I haven’t been the greatest bloggista and I encourage you to follow me on Instagram.. I am very active on there and it is just easy to show it all in a picture.. know what I mean bean?

I will try to make more of an effort here but I am still trying to keep my head above watah (water)…

So our theme for this week was to use a bit of NEON on our page.. I just love neon paints 🙂

Here's my VERY simple page.. had some ideas brewing so decided to journal about it 🙂

and here's heather's page

I just love AJ mondays on Wennsdays and sometimes on TOOsdays LOL

next week’s theme is a color combo.. bought these at michaels.. put them all together and it has been inspiring me..

And in case you were wondering what my current favorite song is.. LOL cuz I know you are… it’s this one 🙂  Enjoy


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