Card Samples


LOL.. I am already beginning to giggle thinking about this moment.. Nicky and I were walking the show and low and behold I see something lime green at the corner of my eye.  Well sistahs you know that me and lime green?  we get along REAL good.  So I immediately LEAP (picture me as a bellarina..NOT A CHANCE) towards this color.  I nearly fainted.  HONESTLY. I whip out my camera and start chatting with the owners of the booth.. they look at me as if I am on CRACK (I know yet another shocker) as I was SO excited about their product.  They start demoing and showing me how AMAZING this thing was.. and I agreed and told him I had one already….

[photopress image=”smartcart.jpg”]


Yup, you got it.. it’s the SMARRRRRTTTTT   CARTTTTTTTTTT.. yet mine has blue yucky baskets.  hmph.  If I woulda known that there was green out there.. who woulda THUNK IT???  Are you sistahs laughing your heads off yet?  So I had to ‘splain to the guy that I was in love with his product and actually wanted to marry it.  so this is me IN HEAVEN with these 2 guys.. they thought I was in love with them but little did they know that that baby sitting in front of us was the object of my obssession….

[photopress image=”smartcartwithdudes.jpg”]

 well that’s my story for the night


love love love the sistahs




  1. I hope you got you some lime green baskets!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Stamping Bella says:

    too ‘spensive 🙁

  3. sadddddddddddddddddd
    maybe you can spray paint your ugly blue ones lime green!!!!!!!!!!
    just cover them in lime green ribbon. that would be yummy.

  4. Robb_eeie says:

    FINALLY! YIPEEEE ! We get to see the actual “Smart-Cart” that left your DH’s “Man-Dolly” in ‘da dust when you were moving into your new office space 🙂 Has DH ever challenged you to another race? Haaaa I still laugh when I picture that *vision* you painted for all of us .
    You could purchase some of that Tremclad paint that is used on exterior patio chairs and tables (metal or plastic) ~ s’pose to work really well and you might just find your favorite lime-pickle green too.

    And PLEASSSSEE PLEASSSEEE Em, release some stuff before Friday … as I’m leaving for two weeks to “Northern” country where we have no internet, let alone electricity (we use propane and solar panels for a bit of light for about 2 hrs per night and it also runs a portable DVD/VHS player for movies we bring).

    I’m BEGG’in you Em … I’m on my knees … don’t make me wait ’til I come back to see your new releases. At least give me one to see before …. tears are now filling my eyes … sniff .. sniff ….nose running now … sniff..

    Ohh and thanks for the heads-up (literally ! haaa) on the headbands … they really look great on you and yes, I am sucking up ! haaaa

  5. Michelle says:

    I have to agree…that really is a smart cart! Love it. AND…the lime green baskets are definitely MUCH nicer and prettier than blue. Too bad they were so expensive 🙁

  6. Chris Mott says:

    OMG Em…you have to get the green smart cart!!!!!!add it…I remember your story about the smart cart

  7. MayritaBonita says:

    Great CHA-necdote Em!
    I didn’t picture the smart cart to be SOOOOO CUTE!!! I honestly dunno what I’d use it for, but.. still, appreciate the cuteness.. Plus, personally, I love the pink baskets 😉
    I also agree with Robb_eeie, that you’re the bestest bella ever, and would be SO wonderful to see a release this week.. Of course, I’m also sucking up 😉

  8. Helen (Bagpuss) says:

    Oooh, looks like you’ve pulled there! And, whaddya know? The smart card has room for two! 😉

  9. Helen (Bagpuss) says:

    CART not card. One day I’ll learn to read my stuff before hitting submit.

  10. Erica says:

    So…does this story have a happy end, and did they give you the green baskets? If only to get rid of you? 😉

  11. Tam says:

    my grocery store has those smart carts with those lime green baskets. Sounds like you need to place an order for another one with lime green baskets!

  12. Jen says:

    I want a purple one!!! 😀

  13. Debbie says:

    Where do you buy the Smart Cart?

  14. Jenny says:

    I’m with Debbie…. Where can i get one of these Smart Carts? Probably outta my price range, but a girlly has to ask, just in cases.

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