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weekend update

So my little Jay formally turned two yesterday.. if you ask her how old she is she hold up 2 little fingies and shouts “TOOOOOO”.. so cute.. she had a blast.  I, on the other hand, amd completely and utterly EXHAUSTED.. we entertained family from out of town all weekend.. between cooking and cleaning and eating and cooking and cleaning and eating (you get the pic) it was really hectic to say the least!  It is a long weekend here so tomorrow is off.. I was ABSOLUTELY forbidden by all to go to my office or work.. hmph.  However, LOL, I managed to say “I must show my parents my new digs” sooooo I managed to squeeze in a coupla hours and you will be seeing some updates throughout the next coupla days (even if I am not ‘allowed’ to work)… I will be tackling the 12-13th of may right now so still within my 7 day processing time… I will try this week to really boogie harder (is that possible???) and get lots sent out and then by the end of the week both storage and reveals will be up!! I hope you understand.. actually I KNOW you understand and I do appreciate it so much.

 So off to make dinner (food AGAIN??)

Love to da SISTAHS






  1. Keri says:

    Em – you deserve time to yourself and your family. Of course, I would like to have more bellas right now this very instant, but I know you work your pickle (teehee) off, so I will patiently wait as you get yourself back on track! Can’t wait for big fat reveals this week…which will inevitably cause me to put more in my cart…that is de master pickle plan…no??:) Happy Birthday to your little girl!!

  2. Hey, Em, enjoy your family time this weekend. Everybody needs R & R occasionally, even you! Happy Birthday to your darlin’ little gir.

  3. Michelle says:

    You go ahead and take every minute of that long weekend to be with your family. They need to be your #1 priority in life. You will never be able to recapture this time with your children, and you will miss so much if you don’t take it. Owning your own business takes a hugh amount of work…more so than working for somebody else. However, balance is a necessity. We love the bellas, live for your blog :), and long for the next big reveal…but patience is a good thing for all of us. I am sure that each of us bella-lovers who has a family will agree. And….hubbafella (aka Ryan) needs you most. Make him happy 🙂 which will give your children a strong foundation and a wonderful family knowing that their parents care so much for each other. We love our sistabella (YOU) and want you to have that long weekend. Enjoy with many MWAH’s 🙂

  4. Laura (llevans) says:

    Don’t work too hard entertaining! I have missed you this past week….looking forward to the reveal later in the week. Happy birthday to your little sweetie!

  5. Caz says:

    I ditto what everyone has said, family first, bellasistahs second, we’ll still be here at the end of the week, with baited breathe and shopping carts at the ready.


  6. Mary Lou says:

    Hey Em,
    Whatcha cookin for us? LOL! Happy B-day to your little girl. Soooo sweet. I catch my 2 over 1/2 year old son telling people he is 3 1/2 little stinker. LOL.
    Enjoy and relax, life is too short. We shall be here.
    Keep the peace, love, and light on!
    -Mary Lou

  7. MayritaBonita says:

    As much as I wish I could get all my bellas + my fellas that are in the works, I totally agree, you should take some time off, relax-a-bella… Between all the moving and the cart racing you must be exhausted!!! 😉
    Love ya bunches!!!

  8. Jen says:

    Em – I hope you enjoyed your looooooong weekend!!!! Happy 2nd Birthday to your little one!!!

    Take your time getting settled into your new digs…don’t get me wrong I would LOVE a new Bella/Fella reveal but my credit card needs the break. LOL 😀 Plus my not so little one turns 18 in 6 days. OMG!!!!!!! Talk about party planning. 😉

  9. mcbetty says:

    Your family and friends and sistahs are right — take some time for yourself and your hubby and TWO-year-old. We’ll be here waiting, and we are keeping ourselves happy stamping away with the bellas and fellas we have on hand. Don’t be so hard on yourself, Em. And thank you for shipping my order in time for my birthday, came with a few days to spare — so very sweet of you!

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