1. Anjabella says:

    Too cute, Em! How fun! I had noticed that you added the bestest scissors evah…LOVE mine!!! Now you just need to show us some samples of ways we can use all these lil goodies! Tell me more about the eraser, por ejemplo…I just LOVEY the lil ribbon iron!

  2. AmyR says:

    AHA I was RIGHT!!! You got in the ribbon iron!!! I have REALLY been contemplating getting one of those……………and of COURSE you got in the Pebbles Chalk eraser – it’s PINK!!! I love that thing!!!

  3. MayritaBonita says:

    I love that little iron!! and I’ve been meaning to get the hot knife… They’re all super cute.. AAAAND THEY ALL MATCH!!!!! 😉

  4. jailbirdstamper says:

    I love a matching set of tools! Can you email hubby and tell him I want them all ????

  5. Tanya says:

    Lol…guilty…sorry Em! I’m not a gadget person:( pout. I know, I know…it should be against the law! I am a bellaholic though:)

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