Card Samples

ummm did anyone notice

that I have had a ‘search’ button built into my site?  Located at top right… I AM LOVING IT… wanna know how that got to be born?  Well, a very bella-ignorant hubby was shopping on line for his wife (how Fella-ish of him, no?).. I was so impressed.  In any event, he emailed me in utter frustration recommending I have a search button cuz he couldn’t find anything his wife wanted..LOL. He managed to buy her her prezzies and all ended well but I thought it was so cute.. so for all you hubbyfellas out there, you can now use the search button to find everything on your wives’ lists.. HOW NICE AM I?  LOL.  I am so happy that that frustrated husband emailed me or else I wouldn’t even have thought of it!  Well maybe eventually I would.  but you know what I mean.  I so happy with my search button.

You have to try it out! LOL.

I am SUCH a loser.

mwah again




  1. jkincolorado says:

    COOL new feature! I just informed my hubby of this to make his life easier — good wifey 🙂

  2. Robyn says:

    You are such a *HOOT* Emily … and how dare you call yourself, “A Loser”! PLLEEeeaAAZZzzeeeee Aren’t you the one that came up with this Bella concept? Aren’t you the one that brought these images to life? Aren’t you the one who put Bellas on the market for all of us sick, addicted individuals to buy? Aren’t you the one that started this Web Site and Blog? Aren’t you the one that started the Yahoo Group chat that seems to be **EXPLODING** on a daily basis? I’m sure I’ve missed many MANY accomplishments of yours over the past 12 months … but oh ya, you are such a loser ! Wish I was such a loser too !
    Remember what I told you before?? Put those shoulders back, head held high, boobs out perky, butt stuck out proud, just like Jennifer Lopez does ….. and finally, you must always ALWAYS remember this, then you’ll never ever be a loser again ~~ LIPGLOSS Babbeeeeeeeeeee ! Never get caught dead without some sheer, kissable lipgloss on those pouty, pooker lips :0) SMOOOCH ! There is your Lesson in how NOT to be a loser 🙂
    Now I’m going to go back to MY loser life, and dream about Bellas and what I’ll see new this weekend at the Creative Festival, with regards to Miss Bella :))) MWAH Robyn

  3. Erica says:

    Hihihi, very clever EmBella :D! While we’re hovering around the subject, I noticed that the buttons at the top don’t work properly when I’m on your blog…if I press “Home” I go to Bella’s Corner, if I press “Products” I go to the Gallery etc. etc. Am I the only one with that problem I wonder? Just a heads up 😉

  4. You mean to tell us that there is actually a husband out there who will shop for Bellas for his wife? Does he have a clone? I want him, no questions asked!!!

  5. Mary Lou says:

    REQUEST: Again, an obvious overlooked- a husband that actually CARES about our hobbies – again where do I find him on your site?
    Em, thanks for the search, us wives will probably continue browsing and filling up our carts as we go, our virtual store.
    Thanks again for all you do, you considerate and generous lady!
    -Mary LOu

  6. Chris Mott says:

    A search button and 2 new Bellas!! I can’t keep up with you!! You are so talented and I have to get my daily dose of Em!! I just made a luggage tag with your flowabella. She is going to the Bahamas this weekend. You will have to check her out..

  7. Jen says:

    Em…love the addition of the search button. I know my DH would use it IF I could slow down on buying the Bellas myself. I am not leaving anything for him to buy for me. 🙂

  8. Mitzi Koons says:

    i noticed! i’ve just not used it yet because i like to look at everything over and over again!

  9. Jessica says:

    I noticed too!! but I love the story behind it!

  10. Misti says:

    Em- Where/how did you get your search button. All the ones I’ve seen don’t work very well. I would love something so simple and something that works!!!

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