Thursday Recap :)

Hiya sistahs!

I just wanted to do a little recap of what was posted on social media this week 🙂  I know that some of you do not go on Facebook or Twitter or Instagram so I thought this would be a good way of sharing 🙂

This week I decided to play with watercolors.. like splishy splashy watercolors.  I have ALWAYS been enamored with watercolors.. I have also ALWAYS been scared to death of them LOL.  Now I have decided to embrace the power of the watercolor and have fun with them.

I colored up our new image THE CHICK AND THE LADYBUG in this image… now to cut and put on a card 🙂

here was the first image


and then I went a little NUTS with colour LOL


will make a card and show you 🙂

I also worked on the BUNNY WOBBLE and the PEONY.. I just love this image

look how yummy watercolor is.  like SERIOUSLY temperamental and delish (kinda like me LOL)



and the completed card


I also featured TracyMACabella’s UPTOWN GIRL CURLY CLARA needs your ADDRESS.. such a versatile stamp.. you can put the address in the bubble and stamp on happy mail envelopes, cut them out with their matching dies and put on gifts..  or on a card with your favorite sentiment!  You can also use her in your journals and put your favorite quote or thoughts of the day in there 🙂  .. so much fun!


Christine Levison showed this card using our new SLICK CHICK in our FB SISTAHOOD GROUP.. I just had to share 🙂



And that’s our weekly inspiration 🙂

Stay tuned for Bellarific Friday tomorrow!  It’s gonna be fun!



  1. love it. What a cool background idea, keep it up

  2. Laura says:

    Great job with the watercolors, they can be so tricky.

  3. SUSAN JACOBS says:

    Oh these cards are sooooo cute. Love the little critters. Beautiful colors.

  4. Laura P. says:

    Hi Em! I am like you, have watercolors, love watercolors, and am afraid of watercolors, hahaha!! But, I think you have convinced me that I can do this splatter technique, so thank you for sharing your cards!! I also appreciate your recap of what was on social media. It is nice to be in the loop!

  5. Oh I have been so afraid of trying water colors! I have some, but just a little bit afraid of trying them! Now that you have, I just might have to give it a try! So loving these new images! 🙂

  6. Gail Plaskiewicz says:

    Maybe it’s just me but I don’t get why people say they have problems with watercolors. I use them not a real lot but I do use them. Why don’t I use them more? Sometimes I hate getting out the water and only being able to use it on my dining room table. I am a caregiver to my parents. I live at home. When they have numerous doctor appointments I go with them just to help them get in and out of the car. I bring my colored pencils, coloring books or cards I am making and markers. I can’t bring water colors, paint brushes & water too. Besides possibly making a mess, and I have spilled the water a few times, it’s way to much stuff to bring. I usually don’t use watercolor paper although my dad has some I could use if I wanted. I just love the way watercolors look on paper.
    I love what you did with your watercolors. They look very pretty. Don’t worry about going nuts with the colors. You should see what I do with colors when I make cards. I love to use colors and the more the better is what I say. Sometimes you could go blind from all the colors I use! LOL
    I have a favorite brand of water colors and they are my go to water colors. They make the most amazing colors and if I had the money not only would I buy one of each of your stamps but I would buy one of each of my fave brand of water colors. The brand is LuminArte’ and you should all check them out. Their colors come in little pots or bigger ones depending on how much you want to spend. I have quite a few and buy them when they go on sale.
    Don’t be afraid of watercolors. They won’t bite! LOL

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