Card Samples

this one is for you CUZZIES

Hellllllllllloooooooooooooooooooo sistahs!

Sorry I have been MIA but with the reveals last week, I thought you would survive. Guess What? There’s LOTS more coming!! Let’s try to recap my half week here.. First I need to mention my GIRLZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.. stamping GIRLZZZZZZZZZZZZZ that is.  They came to visit last Thursday.. Donna, Hannah, Irene, Nicky and moi.. lunch was brought and lotsa blabbing.. SO MUCH FUN!  I am thinking that my neighbour in the building thinks I am running a stamping brothel (LOLOL) as women are coming in and out and in and out.. always the same ones, mind you… OMG.. I bet he thinks I am the MADAM and my GIRLZZZ well, are, my GIRLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ you know what I’m sayin?  I had Donna picking orders, Hannah was organizing, Nicky and Irene were reading off orders and checking off if there was anything missing.. Ahem.. so anyone that has a mistake on their order??? IT WAS NICKY AND IRENE”S FAULT n’k?  LOL.  Things are moving at a bit of  a quicker pace but I am still at the 5-7 business day turnaround but now with different shipping levels, things should be bettAH.

Funny anecdote of the week… LOL.. I laugh even before I begin.  So I am at my desk TOTALLY concentrating on the task at hand (phone call/order/email.. you name it) and I hear someone coming down the hallway.. actually BOUNDING down the hallway.  I hear a gentleman go to my neighbor and asks him if he is EMILY.. can you believe?  Not dealing with a full deck and I am PETRIFIED at what is about to enter my office… sure enough the most neurotic, clumsy, SWEATY delivery man comes with the most amazing bouquet of flowers.  He asks me if I am Emily.  I say yes.  I asked him if he bought these for me.. after wiping his brow he says NO (what a sense of humor).  I signed for my flowers and he tripped across my office and left.  So here I am a little shaken with the delivery guy experience and I am thinking that my HUB is a SUPERSTAR.. I mean honestly.. flowers??? for MOI??? what did I do to deserve them?  Then I am thinking (better thought here) that I have a secret admirer!  Could it be?  COuld it be that someone is admiring me from afar and wrote me a love letter professing his love for DA BELLA?  nope.  It was even BETTAH than that.  You remember the beautiful cousins Maralyn, Esther and Karen I spoke about in a previous post? (check out STUFFED PICKLE).. they sent me the  most BEAUTIFUL bouquet.. OMG OMG.. just for being me… OMG OMG.  ARE THEY THE BESTEST IN THE WORLD?

 OK, does anyone else want my address? LOLOL




  1. robb_eeie says:

    I am SOOoooo jealous Em 😉 First, you experience the hunk-of-your-life Delivery Man, showing up at your office @@DRIPPING@@ in his *manly scent*, who obviously swears by Men & Speedstick Deoderant right? > HA And then you receive flowers for just being YOU? What is happening in this world? Has everyone gone nuts? Are people smoking that *funny* wackey-tobacccy again? I mean, c’mon, two Blessings in one day? What gives?

    OK OK, I know what it is now …I get it ….. all this great stuff happened to you, because………………………………………………………………………. YOU are Da’ Queen Of Rubbah, and you provide all those addicted to Bella Stamps, product 😉 But of course!!! Geeeezzz what was da’ sistah thinking? It’s all so clear to me now …..
    BRAVO Em .. as I’ve said a thousand times: “YOU DESERVE IT”

  2. Jessie says:

    Love hearing about your busy days!!! Stamping, playing,OH and working!! The flowers sound great!! You are so funny, totally enjoy your posts!! And of course my bellas and fellas!!!! Looking forwards to more reveals and posts!!! Jess:)

  3. Mary Lou says:

    What a great surprise! Flowers! I’m sure they are beautiful. Delivery people can be a hoot sometimes. I chased one down yesterday. Keep them girlzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz in line. Have a great day!

  4. michelle hoover (chella bella) says:

    sounds like things are going well! it’s always fun to have some girlz around!

    keep up the good work and thanks for all you do!

  5. Chris Mott says:

    You have to write a book one day! You have a way with words…OMG you deserve flowers, you have been working so hard…Men usually only think of those for “special” occassions, and you are getting them just because…How awesome is this!!!!! Alrights sistahs…

  6. veronica says:

    WHERE OH WHERE is grumpabella at??????????
    My friend came on to buy one and she couldn’t find it and I can’t find her either. did you serve her decaf coffee and she left????????????

    where oh where is grumpabella???????

  7. Jen says:

    Surprise flowers are the Bestest!!! Enjoy them Em!!!

    Can’t wait to see what else you have up your sleeve. 😀

  8. Jen says:

    FYI – Grumpabella is where she has always been – center of page two with the other “G” Bellas. Hope you find her! 😉

  9. veronica says:

    thanks jen off to go look. I swear both my friend and I looked and looked and looked. thanks so much

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