Card Samples


We have decided to release our goodies tomorrow. YUP TOMORROW.  CAN YOU BELIEVE IT??? We are having a special bellaversary day in our store on friday and I just wanted to make sure I had TIME to load everything!  so that’s what I decided.  Yup.. gonna load tomorrow.

We will also have some surprises as well so stay TOOOONED.

How HAPPY does this card make me?

always remember how BEEYOOTIFUL you are :)

always remember how BEEYOOTIFUL you are 🙂

Mwah to da sistahs who WILL stay tooooned



  1. gothabella (patricia) says:

    CAn’t wait!!!

    I’m looking forward to tomorrow – and I may come in on friday – how can I resist a good shopping trip to Toronto?

  2. Mandi says:

    Woo Hoo! I am looking forward to the bellaversary goodies tomorrow. And if I lived in Canada I would love to celebrate in person with the bellas! 🙂 Happy Bellaversary!

  3. Tracey says:

    Can’t wait for the releases tomorrow!!!

  4. Vicki says:

    I will stay tooooned…though I am pretty sure I will still be off key. LOL
    Can’t wait until tomorrow!
    Happy Bellaversary!!!!

  5. Mary says:

    Happy Bellaversary! I can’t wait to see the new releases tomorrow!!!

  6. Lynn says:

    Whoo Hoo, bring on the fun and the good stuff!

  7. Pinky says:

    I’m toooooned in………
    shall I make a bowl of popcorn and much until the “show” comes on???

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