Card Samples

SNOWED IN!!!! oh, and some blog candy


SARAH PENDERGAST.. COME ON DOWN!! you and your kitty story win the contest πŸ™‚Β  (#42 picked by mr. fella here)

Mwah!Β  Email me and we will work out da DEETS


sorry I haven’t written in a while.. I was SOOO EXCITED to release something new and *POOF* a blizzard.. they are calling it “STORMAGEDDON”.. LOL.. have you evah?Β  We had to close the store early and not sure about if we can open tomorrow.. weather permitting!

So Monday,Β  we will be launching new embellishments and BOy will you be happy.. we are thrilled!!

So how about we give out a christmas gift certificate of $50 on monday to the store πŸ™‚Β  whaddya think?

I need some funny stories to keep me company on this BLECHHY day..

so put a comment in and if you feel like telling a story, please do πŸ™‚

as you know I read each and every comment and i just love them all!

mwah to da sistahs who are in sunshine and yummy WEATHAH

contest ends sunday night πŸ™‚



  1. Lorie says:

    I think my life is boring as I don’t have any funny stories for you right now. I would still love a change to win the blog candy, though. Merry Christmas!

  2. Tracey says:

    stormageddon – I love it!!! Driving home from Brampton today was a little crazy so I think the name fits. I am oh so happy to be home now and off work for 2 weeks – one of the perks of working at a school board!!! A very Merry Christmas to you and a great big thank you for a chance at the fabulous candy!!! Can’t wait to see what you are launching on Monday!!

  3. Patty says:

    Ok… I just got this joke the other day, hopefully you’ll think it’s funny too…

    Father calls his younger son and said: Kid, your mom and I are getting a divorce. After 40 years, we’ve had enough of each other. We can’t stand each other and we’re going to end this once and for all.

    The son panics and call his older sister. He told her what the father had said and the sister responded: Stay put, don’t panic, let me call Dad.

    She calls the Father, and again, the father told his side of the story and that he and his wife (the mother) are going to get a divorce.

    The daughter responded, Dad don’t you dare do anything until we get there. We’re taking the next flight home.

    The Father hangs up w/ the daughter, turn to his wife and said: Hey Ma, our kids are coming home for Christmas and they are paying their own way.


  4. Cathy Spicer says:

    We’re expecting snow in southern MN as well. I was stuck in a blizzard at my mom’s in ND last weekend and just can’t get away from the white stuff. The snow’s not so bad, but we get about -50 degrees F wind chills in this area which are FRIGID to say the least. No too humorous stories other than I always forget to prepare for winter. Usually I’m out in my sandals trying to brush the snow off my car! By spring I dig out the boots but seem to forget as soon as my tootsies thaw out. LOL. THANKS for the chance at candy. I have a list of ‘girls’ I want but have been waiting patiently for Santa to fill my stocking with cash or stamps.

  5. Jamie says:

    We have a rule in our house at lunch time that if you don’t like what is made that you can skip it and go to your room for quite time early. So the other day I made Macaroni and cheese and my son (who is 3) walks into the kitchen and looks at the table then says “Well I guess I am going into my room now” and off he went. Cute kid made me laugh, and no he doesn’t starve everytime I turned around that day he had a cookie in his hand.

    Enjoy your snow day can’t wait to see what you have on Monday!!

  6. Christine says:

    I just got back from getting Gemma from school!!! I don’t want to go back out, but I am meeting a friend for dinner.

    Anyway, I changed all my dolls into sweaters today. They were looking cold in their dresses. So now everyone is warm:)

  7. Kim says:

    I remember driving to work in snowy weather. It was not fun. I do love the snow though. Here in CA when we want to play in the snow, we drive up to Mt. Laguna, play for the day and go back home where it nice and warm. It’s like having the best of both worlds.
    Wishing you a Happy Holiday season! Can’t wait to see what’s new Monday.

  8. Arianne says:

    Wow, a stormageddon. Can’t think of a time I went through one.
    (Do we even have them in the Neterhlands?)

    Hope you all go trhough this storm without any further problems.

  9. Lindastamps says:

    I’m in Ottawa…and for once we’re only getting a little of the storm. We’ve had more than our fair share so far..really!

    My husband told me this earlier this week. We have a dog, a shih tzu. My husband who is not normally home during the day was here one day this week. The dog was curled up on the floor in hubby’s office when all of a sudden he took off downstairs. Hubby wondering where he’d gone got up to look. The dog was sitting at the front door, it was a few minutes before my son was due home from school. As hubby tells it in all seriousness – “When did he learn to tell time, he didn’t even look at the clock” I laughed.

  10. Here’s one of my favorite “when they were little” stories.

    Many years ago, when my son was maybe 3 or 4 years old, we were at a big family party for my grandparents’ 50th wedding anniversary. My son came running from the room where his great-grandpa was, all excited, waving a $5 bill. “Look, Mommy!” he said. “Grandpa Joe gave me a paper nickel!”

    I guess I should have known then that he would have a special relationship with numbers — he got his PhD in Mathematics last spring!

  11. lacyquilter says:

    I’m right there with you in the snow. We got somewhere around a foot overnight and this morning. I’m a sahm, so no need to go out in it.

    Here’s something from when my kids were little. We were in the grocery store produce section and my young son saw some watermelon and said excitedly, “Mom! Look at those big pickles!”

    Stay warm. Have a wonderful Christmas.

  12. Carolynn F says:

    I don’t have a story as much as a memory…snow angels. Today I was very grateful to be on vacation because there is 2 feet of snow outside and the roads are a nightmare. I got out my snowsuite to shovel because of the crazy weather and when i was done shoveling I actually contemplated making a snow angel…if there had been a kid around I would have done it and used them as an excuse!

  13. janscholl says:

    There is NOTHING funny about snow, winter, cold, wind, hubby bein ghome all the time and my car in the shop -again. I just want to go to the gym where they have a hot tub. oh, and I want it to be 80F or better. they maybe I can unfreeze and find some funny.

  14. Beverly says:

    Happy (almost) Hanukkah! No snow here – it’s sunny and 72 degrees. Crazy Texas weather. If there is even a hint of rain/sleet/snow and the temp is below 40 degrees everyone goes nuts.

  15. AmyR says:

    I guess it’s pretty funny that my girls are running around the house in their “aloha dresses” (my in-laws bought them last year in Hawaii) that are too short/too tight – and it’s -35 here with the windchill (warm in the house but still…) – I should be thankful that my 3 year old has any clothes on at all – she’s usually dancing around here in her underwear (and NO she didn’t get that from me ROFLOL!!!).

    Stay warm ‘Em!! πŸ™‚

  16. Jacquie S. says:

    I love the term stormaggedon, I will have to use it next time we have a storm. Here in Alberta, it’s just been cold, and a little snow so can’t complain but definitely have to plug the car in. And every time I plug the car I remember a friend from University who was from Vancouver, BC and asked me why everyone talks about plugging their car in. She thought we had electric cars or something. It was very funny, then I told her we had to plug our cars in cause it got so cold here and then she wasn’t so happy about that especially when that year we had -50C with windchill for a week and still had to go to school.

  17. Kimberlee says:

    I’ve been baking holiday cookies like their going out of style – and 3 weeks (yes that’s right 3 WEEKS) into the project I forget to add flour to one of my cookie batters until after they’ve been separated and food coloring was added. What a waste – I can be such a blonde sometimes – maybe I should have been born one πŸ˜‰

    Happy Holidays!

  18. llevans says:

    Just seeing me right now would be enough to make you laugh! I just had my eyebrows waxed and I probably won’t be able to leave the house until tomorrow (I am red, red, red)! Stay warm and safe Em! k?

  19. Wendy says:

    It has just started snowing in Ottawa – but we are being spared for most of the stormaggedon!!! We are coming through Toronto tomorrow – I will call the store before – to see if you are open!!! Be safe!!

  20. Shelagh says:

    Hi Em, The stamps arrived. THANKS! I was excited to see them. I think we are getting the snow on Sunday. Hunker down and stay warm:)
    Cheers, Shelagh

  21. Deanna says:

    One time (at band camp… giggle) my future hubby and I were driving to Nova Scotia in a snowstorm in a little hyundai excel with 2ft of snow on the ground. We were trying to get there for Christmas eve to see our parents, we hadn’t been home for Christmas in 3 years. We were finally on Cape Breton Island with about an hour or 2 to go… I woke up and was so happy to see dry roads, yet we were going like 20 kilometers. I was like ques que turtle speed. I looked at him and he was white as a ghost and his hands were so tight on the steering wheel, his knuckles were white! He was like… Deanna, it is so icy I am not sure we can make it any further… I was floored! After 22 hours of straight driving in blinding snow (by both of us) he had gone lost his freakin mind! I had to talk him into pulling over and getting out of the car to see the road was dry… needless to say I drove the rest of the way! LOL
    Even funny is we were supposed to do it again tonight then the snowstorm hit and we decided to leave tomorrow! πŸ™‚
    Hope that wasn’t too long for ya!

  22. Katie Skiff says:

    Tee Hee Hee…
    We are also have “STORMAGEDDON”.. that’s a good one. Well, yesterday took DH to the Dr. and my 2yo was wanting to play with the toys real bad. I think they removed them due to all the sickness going around. She couldn’t find them and came out of the play area….SHOOT! (loudly) LOL… She barely talks but that is plain as day.

    Or last night my 6 yo wanted to know what a TV show about our family would be like? LOL…we watch too much Reality TV!

    Those are the funnies that have happened here to brighten my snowy days! Thanks Em!!

    Happy Holidays!

  23. Rachel H. says:

    Stay warm and safe! I am in South Carolina, so we are nice and warm. But, we are originally from Detroit, so I have felt your pain!

    My son told me yesterday, in reference to his new baby sister, “That God must have ran out of boys and had to give us a girl”!!!!!!

  24. sandyh50 says:

    I love the Stormageddon. I am bushed today and can’t think of anything funny. We just finished our holiday party at school, it always wears me out. Can’t wait to see the new stamps and thanks for the chance!

  25. callie says:

    It’s snowing here too… no Stormaggedon here though, just the usual. Wish we had more the kids and I want to go out and play. All of the funnies above have brightened my day… here’s one more. The kids go up to play at my parents house about once a week. They were there last night and my mom asked my daughter (age 3) how her week had been and if she was feeling better yet (she has had a nasty cold). My daughter replied by saying that she still had the “bless yous!” Since she’s been sneezing left and right I guess that’s what she decided to call it. I thought it was cute!
    Anyways… can’t wait till Monday to see what kind of new fun embellies you’re launching. I’ll be tuning in and thanks for the opprotunity to win some yummy bella goodness! You’re the best!
    Happy Holidays!!

  26. Jolene says:

    Okay, so here is a great story…all TRUE too!

    This past October I had the wonderful opportunity to go on a stamping cruise…crazy, I know… It was the most amazing trip! I got to meet some great women and learn some new stamping techniques. The stamp companies rocked, and the goody bag, ooohhh that goody bag, it was awesome. From climbing falls in Jamaica and ATVing in Cozumel, it was a very memorable trip. I just hope I get the opportunity to do it all again soon (hint, hint). Doesn’t that sound like a trip you would want to take? Especially the ATVing (or dune buggy) part? ha ha

    So what do you think of the story, LOL?

    MWAH to you!!

  27. Suzanne says:

    Wow, snowed in that’s crazy! It’s been FREEZING here in Calgary. Keep warm.

  28. Chris says:

    Funny!!!! Some may laugh at a poor unfortunate OLD woman trying to exercise jogging on the treadmill at the gym. Her ankle turns over and BOOM!!!!! she glides very ungracefully off the back of the treadmill. A young exercise GUY runs over and says “are you all right” “Yes” she squeaks. He says ” I have never seen any thing like that before”! . Neither have I!!!!!!!!!! True…. alas yes, it just happened to me and I hurt way more from embarrasement than the sore ankle that hit the hiker machine behind the treadmill. OH well at least I try!

  29. I hear you on being snowed in. I clearly remember when we had the ice storm of Feb 2003. I was newly married (as in Dec. 2002) and we were in a trailer that had little to no insulation! Our power went out and stayed out for 10 days!!! I had to take baths by heating up water on kerosene stoves and I swear I used every last one of the candles in my candle collection! I finally braved the roads to go to work just so I could take a shower and have electricity!!! Thankfully we had a gas stove, so our eating habits didn’t change at all, and our food stayed plenty cold outside! LOL! I hope I never ever have to go that long without power again!

  30. Hey Miss Em,

    I posted this story in the Stamping Bella forum on SCS but I’ll repeat it here if you didn’t see it. When my mom and her sister were teenagers, my aunt got some of that stuff you spray on windows to make it look like frost. She sprayed the windows all around my great-grandparents’ house one day to make it look festive. The next morning, my great-grandfather wakes up and sees all the “frost” on the windows and thinks it must be really cold outside, so he turns his electric blanket up on high…and burns a hole in it!! (no injuries or loss of property other than the blanket). This story is a little funnier given that they lived in central California and I don’t think it ever snows there!!

    You stay home and enjoy some family time while the weather outside is frightful, huh? πŸ™‚


  31. Heather D says:

    It is not a stormageddon here. It was in the 80s today .. but before you get jealous .. I have sick kids and could not enjoy it either :/

    If you must know one thing about me it is that i have a little commedian in my family. i will share a few things she did this week. Keep in mind it is so shocking because my kids are homeschooled and pretty sheltered. We cover their eyes or change the channel for the bad commercials (victorias secret and movie previews and such). We were sitting as a family watching a movie on ABC Falily (I saw mommy kissing Santa Clause). The kids were laughing and having fun. During a commercial break, Hannah popped out with a comment that turned her daddy purple. She said looking straight ahead “When I grow up I am going to put on panties and shake my butt in front of my husband.” WHERE DID THAT COME FROM??? lol. Sheesh!!!

    Then over the weekend to see Santa another thing happened. She wold not go to Santa where Tommy ran right over. Hannah waited. Santa asked her what she wanted for Christmas. She eyed him from 5 feet away and said “Are you really Santa?” He said “Of Course!” She said “Then you should know what I want already.” Cocked her head to the side and just waited. I talked her into whispering him one thing and taking a picture. She is such a little goof .. but a total sweetheart. I never know what is going to happen next.

    I will also share a sweet moment from last Christmas. Tommy was just learning what Christmas was about. Enjoying the fun of decorating and making crafts. He came in the kitchen asking me where the birdhouse was. I did not know what he was talking about so I had him show me what he meant. He pointed where the manger once was and said “Mama, where is Jesus bird house?” It was SOOO SWEET!!! I had moved it earlier that day and he was all concerned when he could not fine it πŸ™‚

    I hope you and your family ahve a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year πŸ™‚

  32. Kerry J. says:

    We got a ton of snow in Burlington today! My kids were fighting over the shovel – but couldn’t lift it once they put any snow on it! Stay warm and thanks for the chance to win!

  33. Jodi Herchold says:

    I don’t have a funny story but I am also in an area that is snowing and it usually snows once a year! It has been snowing since last week and is scheduled to continue to snow . . . I know how you feel. Look forward to seeing what you have for us on Monday!

  34. Tiddly Inks says:

    This will cheer you up. πŸ™‚
    My funny talk with Ella today about how grubs will kill you.

  35. carisa says:

    Awww, hope you are stocked up on junk food – I swear whenever we get snowed in all I want is chocolate and popcorn which I never seem to have at that moment and I’m sure not trekking to the store for it!!! LOL


  36. peachybella says:

    It IS Stormageddon here!!! I tell ya, I am OH-SO-Glad that I didn’t have to go to work today! It was bad enough this morning when I went to let my dog out into the backyard and he looked down off the deck and wasn’t so sure about continuing (shih-tzu, not very big) but then this afternoon I had a good 8″ of snow at the back door, I let him out again and his little legs were buried in the snow and he managed to get to the top of the steps, looked at the mountain of snow that is now as high as the deck, looked back at me as if to say “you’ve got to be kidding, I’ll drown down there!!!” I had visions of myself running out there and having to dive into the snow to find him lmfao. Hubby went out and shovelled a path and a spot for him to get to. Hopefully this snow stops soon!
    Happy Holidays everybody!!! πŸ™‚

  37. Liane Donovan says:

    Whooooo hoo. I am exhausted. I am a week behind! My boys have been out of school all week due to the icy streets, bummer! I am not much of a baker, and now nothing else is done either. Oh well, maybe I will win some money and I can stamp the new year away!

  38. This is a warm weather story but my son went over to the neighbors to play. When he came home he told me that he thought they were broke and was very concerned. I asked why he thought that (cause they look like they are doing pretty well to me!). He said “Mom, they don’t even own a lawn mower! They have to pay someone to come mow their grass!”. Ha! Only from a childs perspective! Thanks for the chance to win!

  39. Jeanne says:

    Well, I grew up near Buffalo, NY…so I understand and feel your pain–and am now near Virginia Beach, where it is currently around 60 degrees. (!!) D.C has 40’s, and it’s supposed to get colder here tomorrow.
    Thx for the chance for some blog candy–I was hungry!! LOL πŸ˜‰
    Merry Christmas

  40. Terri E. says:

    Okay so, my 2 year old was having an off day and really loving her bossy I am 2 girl attitude. I nicely said I am not liking your princess attitude. She calmly looked at me and said “well, I like it!” I have now been sassed by a 2 year old. What is up with that?

    It’s a good life!
    Terri E.

  41. Linda says:

    Yes, stormageddon has arrived, and how. No stories here…too busy trying to hibernate & crossing fingers that roads will be cleared up tomorrow (places to go, people to see….lol)

    Thanks for the chance to win something! I have been loving my recent package from the store and should have spent today creating instead of trying to work lol.

  42. O.k….I’ll bite. I have a funny story about my husband. Actually, I have saveral…now….which one to tell. ..kay, got it.

    About 8 years ago we lived in an apartment in the annex. We were both doing our medical residencies, and decided to buy two twin cats to keep us company. I was on call one night, and my husband was home alone. It was a stressful time, with lots of things going wrong. He heard some meowing coming from the brick wall in our semi, and quickly concluded that our kitten, Douglas, was trapped inside. Oh, the horror! He called the fire department, and they morbidly told him there was nothing they could do, and he’d just have to wait the meowing out…Well, that was so terrible a thought that he immediately got to work to rescue Douglas. He started with hammer and chisel, chipping away at the brick in the hopes of creating a hole big enough to rescue said cat. Well, when he finally got through the layer of brick, he was hit with a second layer of brick, at which point he called for back-up from my father-in-law, who brought a drill. Going through the next brick was much easier, but he was met in horror with yet a third layer of brick! My father in-law was getting bored, so decided to walk around the apartment and into the basement. My husband kept going through the third layer of brick, when finally he came upon (his words) ” a miniature room, with a miniature chair and a miniature coffee table”, after a few seconds of magical thinking, he soberly realized that this wasn’t a “miniature room”, but the adjoining apartment, and there was no space in the wall for the cat to get stuck. Also, at that moment Douglas comes meowing up behind him, after the father-in-law had let him out of the basement!

    The funniest thing was that we never heard ONE WORD from the neighbours! They must have wondered about the little pile of brick dust on their floor, and the missing bricks… I guess in that moment we became the “crazy neighbours!”.

  43. Jenn says:

    It’s so cold here today in Ottawa! This afternoon I decided to go be crafty and make my own door hangy tree branch thingy… so off I go in hubby’s knee high super duper winter boots across the yard to cut some tree branches and I remember that there were some pretty cat’s tails just down the road – so off I go down the road in these massive boots and my big kitchen scissors in hand… I think the neighbours locked their doors as I walked by! LOL!! So the cat tails were just down a bit in the ditch, so I step over the snow bank and start down into the ditch to get these loverly cat tails… and isn’t the snow as deep as my waist!! I SUNK right into the snow – up over my knee high boots, into my jeans and up under my jacket!! AHH!! I probably looked like a crazy person trying to pull myself out of the snow hole I just created! I don’t remember the ditch being that deep! Needless to say I got my cat tails – I think I army crawled over to them kinda like how you’re supposed to get out of quick sand, and trucked my frozen butt back to my house! At least hubby made me some hot chocolate when I came in! Good luck with Stormagedon! Thanks for the chance to win and hopefully you got a laugh from my interesting afternoon! LOL!

  44. Stacey says:

    It is cold and snowy here in Idaho too. Too cold and windy to do anything. Except stay in and stamp! Hope you find some fun in your storm!

  45. Christine Blossom says:

    I used to rent a room in my Godfather’s house. He has a son, Joel, who at the time was about 4 years old. It was a hot day and we all had glasses of ice water. Joel left his on the kitchen table and he and Tiger (my godfather) went out for a while. When they got back, Joel went to go get his glass of water. He looked at it and said “Dad! Someone took out all the ice and put in more water!” I nearly died laughing!!

  46. Ceil says:

    We had a very ICY day. It looked like a Crystalized Winter Wonderland–beautiful with plenty of icicles around, but plenty slick and slippery. I’d love to tell you a funny story if I could only think of one right now. i guess the brain got frozen with the scenery outside.

    Stay warm!

  47. Shellabella says:

    Hi Emily & Ryan & Nicky & Deena and families,
    HAPPY HOLIDAYS to everyone!!!
    Here is an update on the family vacation so far!
    I ended up back at my dentist’s office (severe pain) at 4:30 on Thursday
    afternoon. After a two hour ordeal (and a perscription), we packed up the mini van ( living room on wheels) and left Toronto at 8:00 p.m., heading out for Florida. Our goal was to out run STORMAGEDDON! We have been driving 11 hours staight so far!!! Everytime I’ve asked if we can stop and sleep at a hotel I’ve been greeted with … “we have to keep moving… the storm is right behind us!”. Maybe, after our Denny’s breakfast, we will find some shelter. Hope you all are safe and warm inside. Love Shelley

  48. diane mcvey says:

    Oh boy, blog candy! WOOHOO!
    We have snow and cold here in Nebraska, too…it’s beautiful! I wanted a white Christmas, and I’m sure it’s sticking around until then! YAY!
    I’m not good at funny stuff…can’t even tell a joke well! But I enjoyed reading some of the others! πŸ˜€

  49. Regan says:

    I have no real funny story to share…. except my husband, who is the world’s biggest BABY when he gets sick ( I think it comes with the genitals right) spent all monday night throwing up and whining for help, I’m like Puh-leeze, you are not the first person in the world to get the flu, deal with it- put your big boy pants on and grow up!!! The next day I had it…karma right…..not nice, I just hope thats it for sickness this holiday.

  50. Paula LacKamp says:

    Hi Em!
    Boy I miss snow days! I just moved to Baltimore from the midwest (lived in Omaha, NE, Chicago, and Kansas City) and believe it or not, it is much warmer here! Today I actually wore shorts! It was a little chilly and all of the parents were staring at me as I walked my daughter to school, but I was fine! Actually I just needed to do laundry and the shorts were all I had clean! Ha! Off to do laundry!

  51. gothabella (patricia) says:

    New Embellishments on monday?

    Darn, I wish I were able to drive in to the store that day, but all my kiddos are home that day.

    Not that I mind buying online, but the experience of driving over is just so much better…

    Looking forwward to it, Em!

  52. Sonja says:

    I don’t know what is funnier, reading these comments or watching my 8 year old daughter doing the lawn mower and the worm! Have a safe and warm weekend!

  53. Jennifer R. says:

    I shiver when I think of snow. I moved to Florida and do not miss snow one little bit.
    I have a story that is a little funny . . . in a way . . .
    I was doing a night shift and the person I was working with and I were talking about plastic surgery. She said that she would never consider it and I said there would be something I would have done if I ever had the money to do it. Before I could say what it was, she said “Get rid of the bags under your eyes?”. I froze. I couldn’t even answer her. I didn’t know I had bags under my eyes. I asked everyone for days afterward it I had “bags”. The procedure I was going to say was a tummy tuck. Three kids — need I say more?!
    Now I am going to put blog candy on my Santa list.
    Good night!

  54. Michelle says:

    I like the occasional stormageddon when we dont have to drive & we can stay home & enjoy it! A storm hit here today but switched over to a messy mix so not so much fun… I just typed out a long story for you but lost it… =( Here is the short version….cliff notes. DBF doesnt like sauce/condiments on his food… I prepared leftovers which 1 teeny itsy bitsy piece of chicken had a touch of sauce on it….I wiped it with the napkin & got caught…. dbf came up behind me yelling – ARE YOU WIPING OFF THE CHICKEN???? – ummmm, no!!! I got caught red-handed, couldnt keep a straight face & couldnt stop laughing. Not too funny a story but thats all I got for today. Happy Holidays to you!!!

  55. Cindy says:

    In our spare bedroom downstairs I have a wrapping station in a large walk-in closet and for a couple months have been “tossing” gifts in there, along with papers to be filed, things to put away, etc. It looks like a bomb went off in there. So the other day I told my mom that Martha S. was having a few contests and that I wanted to enter her sewing gifts in the one asking for sewn gift ideas. Then I told her there was a “neat nick” contest and I said I wanted to enter that because usually I am a person with most things in their place. Mom said “gonna send her a picture of your spare bedroom too?”. Smarty britches mom. The room is pretty much picked up because I had to get those gifts ready for the big day!
    We’re snowed in too. It is so gorgeous and Christmasy and all, but it sure puts a damper on the runnin’around:)

  56. Amber says:

    Okay Em, I have a joke for you!
    What are the two sexiest farm animals? (in a totally non-weird way, lol!)

    Brown Chicken, Brown Cow!

    Bwahahaha! Say it out loud and you’ll TOTALLY get it, AHAHAHAHAHA!

  57. Chrystal says:

    The storm finished with us yesterday afternoon just in time for me to start getting my son ready for a camping trip with his cub scouts pack. Two hours before it’s time to leave, I started clearing the snow off the van and attempting to shovel the driveway. It was heavy, wet, packing snow. I just couldn’t finish it so I decided I would just clear out the bottom of the driveway and just drive out. The bottom of the driveway was piled high with snow from the plows already. Most of it was BIG chunks of well packed snow. I couldn’t dig it all out. Alright, so we’ll just shovel out two spots for the tires. I figured I had dug those out well enough and decided to test it. Get in the van and drive out of the driveway… only to get stuck at the curb with the front wheels. Slowly try and rock the van out of the rut and get out. The last minute (about 1/2″ away from getting out of my rut) a neighbour ran over and gave me a little push! How sweet! It really helped my mood. I move the van out of the way and dig the wheel tracks out better, then drive the van back up the driveway. 1/2 hr later I’ve got all the kids together and ready to go drop my son off at the campground…

    only to find that my ENTIRE driveway has been snowblowed.

    I REALLY wish I knew which neighbour did it. There are 3 possibilities, and the neighbour who gave me a push doesn’t have a snowblower. I am so very grateful, and will be making my rounds of the neighbourhood with a little handmade thankyou gift and card.

  58. Sandye Curry says:

    When we asked our young grandson what he wants to be when he grows up, he gave the best answer of all. His reply was “bigger”.

  59. Well, sistah, I feel your pain. I’m in central Massachusetts – we had a SICK ice storm last Thursday night and the majority of my area lost power for 3-7 days. No power = not heat! My family had planned to move – yes, our entire home – last weekend. We had to put it off for a few days. We finally got power back on Tuesday and we moved. In the meantime, I had place a Stamping Bella order and Ryan had graciously offered to hold it for me until we moved. I gave the go-ahead to send it last Wednesday – one day before realizing the move was not gonna happen! So in the midst of all the chaos and having no power or heat – my biggest concern was my Bella order! hee hee On Wednesday of THIS week, one day after we moved in, the big brown truck comes pulling into my street and I practically squealed with delight. I just about dropped the couch onto my husband’s feet as I ran to hug the UPS man. My poor husband. Sure enough, the package had been attempted to be delivered at least twice – but they were persistent and I got my goods! hee hee

    Stay warm and dry, my friend. We got a foot of snow yesterday/last night, so guess what I’ll be doing today? Playing with my new Bella stuff! Can’t wait!
    Peace, Jenn

  60. Ginger says:

    This isn’t a funny story, but may make you feel better about being snowed in with all of your stamping supplies accessible. I am getting new floors throughout my house and I’ve had to box up all of my beloved stamping treasures. The floors were going to be installed today and I couldn’t wait to unpack and get going again! But alas, I found out they won’t be installed until Monday. AHHHHH! The agony of it!

  61. i love reading all these stories too! I’m with the kids say the darndest things! here’s my most recent funny thing out of my near 3 year olds mouth. I was trying to clean his room and wanted his help. of course he was more interested in playing. Suddenly he found his play cell phone and made a call. He said “Oh hi stas! (which is his friends name) Mmmhmm… yep. Oh yeah, i’m not cleaning! Ok, talk to ya later!” and hung up. As if his 4 year old friend had asked him “you’re not cleaning too are you?!” Sheesh.

  62. Claudia F. says:

    We’re in a winter storm warning too, lots of snow coming. It will be a white Christmas for sure this year.

    When our grandson was about 4, my husband was teasing him (in a nice way) about something and our grandson finally turned to my husband, looked him straight in the eye and said “Grandpa, your making me gassy”


  63. Marlene stamping on the Mariner of the seas!

  64. Vicki says:

    We are getting slammed her in Massachusetts! 18″ in 20 hours. Now that’s a storm!

    Funny stories? My whole life is a funny story! Here’s an Emma (my 22 month old grand-daughter) story: someone gave her a puzzle with animals on it: an elephant, a lion, a tiger, a giraffe, a hippo, and a peacock. So yesterday I spent the morning teaching her the name of each animal. When her mommy came hone she proudly showed off what she had learned. She named each animal correctly, until she got to the peacock, which she called a cockpea. I told her no, it’s not a cockpea it’s a peacock. Now she calls it a No Cockpea! Can’t wait until she shares that with everyone on Christmas day!

  65. Gabriela says:

    Funny story… okay that is a tough one before I have my coffee, but here it goes.

    My youngest son was on his first air plane ride… we leave our airport and he is super excited. Hours later, we finally arrive at our destination and he excitedly looks out the window and says “OH GREAT, WE ARE BACK WHERE WE STARTED FROM!” lol.

    One from my oldest now. One day when he was little I asked him if he wanted a “grilled cheese sandwich”…. his answer. “no, I want a boy cheese sandwich”. I guess he heard, “Girl Cheese Sandwich”.

    Can’t wait to see the new release!

  66. Jennifer Bradley says:

    Thanks for the opportunity to win an awesome gift certificate. I don’;t know if this story will come across funny, but I will try. The other night my husband and I were trying to find my little sister a t-shirt from a popular name brand store. We were at different ends of the store and as I was coming up to show my husband something I get in on the tail end of a conversation, basically a mother and daughter were asking my husband if he worked at the store and he said no laughing and turned away. Well, then I hear them say something (real jerky) about him working there and not helping them!?!?!?! I turn to them and say “WHAT!?!?!” they proceed to ask me if he works there? I say no and laugh and then walk away with him. He said they literally asked him 5 times if he worked there…. some people just don’t get it. Also, all the workers are this store are young women that are sticks and probably between the ages of 18 & 21. My husband has a beer belly on him; slightly over 30 and is definitely a man’s man…so I don’t know what their problem was. Maybe it was becuase after he picked something up – he would fold it instead of just throwing it down. He says people always ask him if he works at a store. Moral of the story if you don’t wan to be asked if you work at a store – dress like a bum!

  67. Dawn Nikol says:

    Sounds like how Las Vegas was on Wednesday…. they called it the worst snow storm since 1979 and closed down the roads in and out of town! The airport was shut down to all traffic and I was finally able to pick my Mom up from her cancelled & then delayed flight on Thursday around noon instead of Wednesday around noon. Talk about fun!!

  68. Michelle H in IL says:

    No good stories but lots of fun if I’m lucky enough to win the gift certificate to the store!!! I’m actually jealous of your snow. I recently moved from upstate NY to the cornfields of IL and all we got here was a little ice and enough slush to make it a pain to run errands! Happy Holidays to you!!!

  69. Michelle says:

    Hi ya, Em! It’s been a while since I’ve “visited” you…been missing you, but busy, busy, busy here in PA.

    Well, I think “YUMMY weathah” is subjective b/c at our house we are hoping for SNOW. My high school senior has heard that we might have snow for Christmas & is so excited. Being that he is graduating this year (our first one), his excitement over Christmas & the possibility of snow means the world to me…I am cherishing these days.

    My funny story actually involves him. Each year we get our kids Christmas pajamas which they receive on Christmas Eve…a tradition from when I was little & my parents did the same for us. One year when he was 3, I took long johns and cross stitched a snowman on the top for his Christmas jammies that year. When he put them on Christmas Eve, he came up to us and proclaimed, “Look, Momma, my jammies have a pocket in them!” He was so excited. I thought this is strange b/c long johns don’t have pockets. Well, being only 3, his “pocket” was the fly on the front of the bottoms!! I can still see those bright eyes and wide smile on that little blonde haired son of mine as he stood there with his hand in his “pocket” as if it were yesterday. Then it brought chuckles to us, now as I remember that moment, it brings tears to my eyes as a precious memory. Where have the past 15 years gone??

    Well, I hope that you have a wonderful day being snowed in. Em, enjoy this day with your children. Consider this snow a blessing b/c of the extra time it gives you with your children. Before you know, they will be high schoolers and you’ll have your precious son graduating. My new motto this year…”the days are long, but the years are short”. ~MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

  70. angie says:

    I don’t have a funny story but instead of snow we had rain, rain, and more rain!! At least if we had had snow I could have called out sick from work! Cough! Cough! Stay warm!!


    Merry Christmas!

  71. Thanks for the chance at some wonderful blog candy Em. I love reading your blog and absolutely LOVE all your rpoducts. I just recently “discovered” your stella stamps and can’t wait to get some for my very own. Have a great Christmas and all the best for 2009.

  72. Kimberley says:

    Baby, it’s cold outside! It’s snowing off and on here in Utah.
    I have a funny story….my husband and I took our little family-4 kids at the time-up to BYU-our alma mater-for a family night activity. We were coming out of the museum of art on campus. It’s surrounded by trees and shrubs. It was early spring and the birds and the bees were just starting to be active–if you know what I mean….anyway, there were two birds in a tree getting very friendly and my 2 year old Tylor looks up at the little birds int the tree and says, “Tickle, tickle”. My husband and I giggled so hard then and every time we think of that incident since! That little 2 year old is now 18!

  73. BarbW. says:

    Hi Em. I’m not going to complain about the snow this year. Complaining about snow in winter in Thornhill never seems to help. This crap just keeps coming back year after year LOL, so I have decided to ignore it by eating junk food & trying to clean up all the glitter I keep finding in my house. The one saving grace is that since I took early retirement, I don’t have to take any more 4-hour, hair-raising, nerve-wracking drives in ice storms to & from the office. Although seeing a snow storm hit Las Vegas made me sit up & say “wow, now that’s creepy”.

  74. Michele B says:

    I’m actually a bit jealous that we haven’t had any snow. Seems like we might be the only ones!

    A story…hmmm…When my son was 4 and my daughter was 2 they had year-round swim lessons. The center only had two family changing rooms and they were always full so after the lessons, I’d take the kids to the ladies room to get dressed as it was usually empty. As I was drying my daughter’s hair, my son started sounding out the words on the big metal box on the wall…I thought “oh no…” “Nnnnnnnn-aaaaa-pppppp, nap?” I started drying my daughter’s hair as quickly as I could. “nap-kkkkkkk-iiiii…” Frantically drying! “Nap-kkkkk-iiiii-nnnn…NAPKIN! Mom, it says NAPKIN!” Then he looked over toward the paper towel dispenser, back to the big metal box, then at me with a puzzled look on his face. “Why do they have napkins in here if they have paper towels over there?” I tried to dodge his question but he’s VERY inquisitive and I knew he would not let it go. Then I hear a toilet flush and a lady walks out of one of the stalls, red as can be, trying SO hard not to laugh but not succeeding, she just apologized, washed her hands and walked out.

    The next week, I made the kids wait for a family changing room, but while waiting, my son pulls a quarter out of his bag and announces (in front of everyone) that he HAS to go into the ladies room so he can buy me a Mother’s Day present. I asked him what did he think was in there and his answer was “I don’t know, lipstick? I’m certainly not buying you a napkin!” I wanted to drag both kids out of there dripping wet in their bathing suits.

    Happy Holidays!

  75. Ann I. says:

    So sorry to hear you are snowed in. I personally do not know much about snow born and raised in sunny (for the most part) Southern California. I wince every time I watch the weather reports of places that have terrible snow blizzards. I tell you all this because my DH and I are actually thinking of moving up to Washington state when we retire. Personally I don’t think we would be able to handle the cold, the rain and the snow, we’re so “weather” spoiled here πŸ™‚ Hope all is well and soon the storm will be over!

  76. Jennifer G says:

    We have snow and ice here too and expecting more tomorow. No funny stories since my daughter has the stomach virus!

  77. janet says:

    a funny story…how about a snow story…i was dating this guy and let him drive my car one night. It was 4am, and we were on the niagara parkway, no lights, lots of snow,etc…did i mention he didn’t have a license and never drove before?? well…i tell him to pull over so i can clean off the wiper and boom….he parks the car in a ditch….a very steep ditch mind you. Luckily some stoner guy was driving by and called a tow truck for us!! lol
    We are suppose to get more snow Em so hold on tight!!!
    happy holidays:)

  78. We got QUITE a bit of white stuff here, too, Em! This weather always makes me worry that I’m gonna wipe out. Soooo, I have a wipeout story for you (well I have several)….BUT,

    This couldn’t have been more embarrassing. It isn’t even snow or ice related, that’s the sad thing. Only a light drizzle…

    Soooo, this past spring, the fam and I embarked on an awesome road trip and wound up in D.C. one day. The kids were so excited to be able to see the White House, Washington Monument, etc… so, we toured around all day, despite the fact that it was lightly drizzling rain.

    Well, we did great, until we were crossing the street on Pennsylvania Av. to get RIGHT in front of the White House. There were secret servicemen, police, tourists, you name it, all over the place…well, I had on some WELL worn flip flops and yeah, slid while walking over a manhole/sewer thingy and wiped out in the MIDDLE of the street, right in front of the White House…my knees were bloody and covered in rain/dirt…I was a MESS. Talk about EMBARRASSING! There were secret service men staring at me…you name it. All DH could do was laugh after he made sure I was ok.

    The kids are still talking about it…

  79. jami rudd says:

    A few months ago I noticed my middle son had a lot less undies in the laundry then his brother. So I asked him why he didn’t have a weeks worth of dirty undies. Before he could say anything his older brother yells from another room…. ” He hasn’t been wearing any!” Yep he’d been going to school with NO undies.

    I caught the same son wearing his sport cup to school. He said he needed it because he get hit in the private when he plays soccer at school. Needless to say I have to do a random underwear check:) He’s 7 by the way.

  80. Maureen Wong says:

    Wow! Sorry about the blizzard – hope it gets better soon!! It’s so weird to read about all the snow troubles everywhere and I’m sitting here (in way too sunny Hawaii) with the fan on and still sweating!!

    Can’t wait to see what you’ve got in store for us next!

  81. Jessica says:

    happy chanukah miss emily!

    I too was snowed in and had to shovel, nothing funny here!

  82. Wendi says:

    My kids always make me laugh. Last night, as my husband is getting ready to go on an ice fishing trip, my oldest son (6), asked if he could go along. My husband said, not this time, maybe sometime in the future. My next son (4), overheard this and whined, I want to go to the future too! I really had to work to hide my laughter.

    However, the storm rolled in for us last night, and my husband can’t make it home from his trip. So – now I’m the one that wants to go to the future.

    Hope you’re staying warm,

  83. OH goodness yes I heard about your too much snow my very good friend lives. hmm 15mins. from your store and this am she told me you guys had 15 inches!! WHATTT we only got 3-4 in NY and I was crying so I DOOO not know how you guys do it! πŸ™‚ PLLLLLLLLLLLEASE stay inside nice and warm and cozy and get some hot cooca and doodle your heart way and draw us some more bellas hehehehe! (had to throw that in! LOL)

    As far as stories.. all I can say is me and cold/snow DO NOT MIX I will be one of those seniors heading to Florida when I its my turn! lol.. only 35 more years to the warmth and sun! lol

  84. Christi says:

    I SO do not do cold weather but if it’s going to be cold I want some snow! LOL Here in north Texas all we’ve gotten is ice so far this season. πŸ™ I hope you guys stay safe in the storm!

  85. Lisa Foust says:

    I don’t have any funny stories for you – thanks for the blog candy chance! I am not feeling like Christmas this year because we moved away from the snow – I miss it! Enjoy it for me!

  86. Hope says:

    I have jokes for you and Tyler and Jayden, Em. I love children’s jokes!

    What happened to the banana when he got a sunburn?

    He started to PEEL!

    How do you make a strawberry shake?

    Sneak up behind it and yell, BOO!

    How does a skeleton call his friends?

    On his telebone!

    How does a skunk call his friends?

    On his smellular phone!

    There, that should make you laugh! :p

    LOL! Love ya! Mwah!


  87. Perrie says:

    WOWZERS….”stormageddon” huh….sounds icky!!! I live in Colorado and a few years ago we had a pretty horrific blizzard….took me 5 1/2 hours to drive 9 miles…and I am one who HATES to winter coats…..good thing I didn’t have to walk anywhere, huh!!???!!! My hubby scolds me every time I go out in the winter time w/out a coat…. Stay warm and wish me luck in winning your gift certificate!!!!

  88. emily davis says:

    Funny story:

    Once when I was in my early 30’s I tried to wear thigh high panty hose. They had elastic around the thig. Only at 5’2″ they were long, so I folded them down – but the bad news is the elastic being on your skin is what held them up.
    So I was all dressed in my business suit, trench coat, dapper briefcase bag… and then it happened… my hose fell down around my ankles and I was standing with all the other professionals waiting for the bus to take us to the train! HAHAHA
    I simply pulled them up and bought new hose at the store by my office building… but it sure was embarassing.
    I hope it made you laugh!
    Merry Christmas. Happy Hannukah and Many Blessings.

  89. Mandi says:

    Well I am not dealing with “Stormageddon”, but we do have snow and ice here in Illinois (Yuck) and more to come. Is winter over yet? Let’s see funny stories…well I have a three year old who is quite funny (at least to me anyway) so I tend to have many funny stories. She is always leaving me laughing and sometimes wondering where she comes up with this stuff! Anyway onto entertaining you and the sistah’s….

    Okay so last night I made dinner (crockpot chicken casserole with mashed potatoes…delicious in my opinion and everyone else except my daughter), and so Ava (my 3 year old) was like Mommy I love the chicken, but the potatoes taste like dog poop. Dog poop?!?! We do not even own a dog and how does she even know what dog poop tastes like? Or do I even want to know. lol Then tonight I was putting her to bed. The usual routine of brushing the teeth, story time, bed time prayers and good night kisses. Well I decided to just lay with her for a little bit and she was saying good night to her long list of people that she loves. So after rattling off names of people we don’t even know her final goodnight was a “good night to all the big losers”. I did have to tell her it was not nice to call people losers (even though I was dying laughing on the inside), well she informed me she was telling the big losers on tv goodnight (a.k.a. the reality show The Biggest Loser). Too funny.

    I look forward to Monday and what is going to be released. What a great way to start my week come this Monday! Hope the weather eases up your way very soon. πŸ™‚

  90. Kathleen says:

    hmmmmmm, snow,,, nope, none down here in Raleigh, NC—but I have a story that makes me laugh—I don’t know if it will you, but here it is—the other night my son was having some corn on the cob. He was later talking about how much he loved “corn-a-ma-caw” (I figured if there was any site where people could read a word phonetically it was yours!) I asked him, “What are you talking about”—“you know mom–corn-a-ma-caw”—-he went on to explain it—it was pretty funny—-I guess I need to do a better job of annunciation!!! And another “joshuaism”: My sister’s dog is a large German Shepherd and he likes to lick people in the face when they bend down to pet him—Joshua said the other day after spending some time with the dog, “Mom, King (the dog) sure is ‘licker-ish”—of course I’m thinking of the candy, but no, he means, “King likes to lick me alot”—yes, we laugh a lot in our house! Thanks for the chance!

  91. Darcie says:

    Hi Em,

    Happy Holidays to you & your family!!! Sorry, no funny story here.
    Here’s a funny joke though:
    What is a skunk’s favorite Christmas song?
    Jingle Smells πŸ™‚ Hahahaha


  92. Jane B. says:

    I’m in the Seattle area and we’re having a storm too. The forecast is for high winds tonight and I’m keeping my fingers crossed that we don’t lose power. It’s been snowing since this afternoon. CRAZY! I hope you and your family have a wonderful Holiday! Stay warm!

  93. Cindy Major says:

    *sigh* Snow – again! I live in Quebec City, the second-ranked city to get the most snow in the world. Last winter marked the 400th anniversary of the city and ironically enough, we went over the 400-cm mark. The record was something like 430 cm and since the winter was coming to an end, we thought there was no way we could get yet another 30 cm… but we sure did. I’ve never seen so much snow in my life. Summer wasn’t long enough to make us forget what an ordeal last winter was. I am not looking forward to this blizzard.

    Wish I had a good story to share, but I cannot think of one right now (it’s late – my brain is only working half its normal speed…).


  94. guitargerle says:

    My funny story happen late last night. Well really it wasn’t that late, it only felt like it.
    I was exhausted. Sort of had the flu the last 2-3 days and had to go to work anyways. Dear hubbie needed some stuff made for work for Friday and I stayed up almost all night on Thursday and then went to work on Friday plus I was sick as well and Aunt Flo had come for a visit too.
    I fell asleep during a movie on the couch and went to bed about 8PM. The phone rang a little while later and because of my job I ALWAYS hear the phone and I ALWAYS answer it. So even thought last night I wasn’t on call I answered the phone and said, “Hello.”
    A male voice on the other end said “Hi! How’re you doing? Haven’t talked to you in a while.”
    In my semi comatose state I said “I don’t know who I’m talking to and I don’t talk to strangers on the phone.”
    The patient gentleman on the line said, “It’s Clayton.”
    Clayton is my brother and kindly told me to go back to sleep and he’d call me back tonight. Which he did and we had a nice chat.

    My other funny story involves inserting what I think was both feet and possibly one elbow into my mouth at a Christmas party.
    My friend was talking about her son’s girlfriends and what to get them for Christmas. One is thin like the girls on Friends and the other is much more buxom as am I and my friend who was talking about her shopping trip for clothing for these two girls. She got all kinds of nice things for the thin girl but didn’t want to hurt the other girl’s feelings by getting the wrong size (either too big or too small) so she got earrings and some stuff from Body Shop. I was trying to sus out the problem and determine why this was so hard so I asked if she was bigger than me and was told yes. Then said was she bigger than my friend and was told yes. And here’s where I blew it. I went “OMG!” OOPS! Major OOOPS! Guess I said that out loud and not just in my head. My friend is not that big and I’m not that big (Me 38D, my friend is into the double letters) but I was suprised that a 16 year old had us both beat in the chest department. Unfortunately it didn’t come out that way and in trying to make it seem like I wasn’t insulting my friend I jsut kept shoving feet elbows into my mouth. Sometimes I need to just think things inside my head and not say them out loud.

  95. guitargerle says:

    I just had to post this story as well.

    My girlfriend C—-e is a wonderful gal. She is a physio and works wonders regularly on my aching muscles and joints. But it is a well known fact that she does not cook or bake. Like at all. Ever. She once had this wonderful smelling pot roast and I asked for the recipe and she said I’d have to call the woman that comes in and cooks and freezes all her food for her.

    She was serious by the way. This great lady does NOT know how to work and oven. Which is OK because she has many other talents but…

    About 2 Christmases ago a client of hers convinced her to try making some rum cake that the client had brought in and told C—-e that it was really easy to make. Knowing that C—-e doesn’t do the oven thing, she brought in the recipe and even provided all the ingredients.
    At the top of the recipe page it said cake mix and C—-e figured that was an interesting recipe title and proceeded on with the instructions.
    She added eggs and rum to her bowl and mixed them up. She briefly thought it looked a bit odd but given her lack of experience in the kithen she decided that this must just be how it looked raw and poured it into her bundt pan. She popped it in her oven for an hour and a bit; however, when she pulled it out was confused that it didn’t look like what her client had brought in. So she decided that maybe the glaze would do something special to make her cake rise. She faithfully made the glaze up and poured it over her cake. She still had nothing ressembling the rum cake she had tasted at work. So she thought a bit more and decided that she should maybe put it in the fridge and that might help it to solidify and rise up. She did that and later that night her husband D–g asked about the stuff in the cake pan in the fridge and she explained what she had done and neither of them could figure out why her cake just wouldn’t rise.
    Well the next time she saw her client she mentioned that her cake had not risen properly and told the client how she had followed the instructions for the cake mix exactly and couldn’t understand why her cake had been a flat wet failure. The client replied that “cake mix” was not the in fact the title of the recipe but indeed it was the first thing on the list of ingredients for the recipe!

    Poor C—-e! But she’s such a great sport and so willing to laugh at herself.

    Thanks for the chance at some blog candy Emily. Love your stamps and all the bling and can’t wait to see what’s new!

  96. Carollee says:

    OK, this might be a long one. Since we are in California, there is no snow near us so we drove about 4 hours up to Lake tahoe as a family to see some. We brought along everyone, it was a huge trip and one of the kids thought that it would be a great idea to get some innertubes and go down the hill. So one by one we all go, and everyone is having a great time. I was like 18 at the time and you know I knew everything and was indestructable so I go down head first with my nephew on my back and my mom says, “WOW, that looks like fun, I want to try.” So my mom gets on an innertube and goes down the hill, well she is gaining all kinds of momentum and kinda veers offcourse andhits a bump. Next thing you know my poor mom is airborne, screaming every curse word in the book at us andthen it happens, a poor unsuspecting ans VERY slight Japanese tourist gets in my moms line of fire and you know it, she collides with him and takes him for the ride of his life down the rest of the hill, with me, my family and his family running after them. It was so funny that I think I almost peed my pants I was laughing so hard. They were both not as amused as we were, but in hind sight my mom laughs about it now. Those were good times. She has never been in an innertube since then, I wonder why. Have a good one Em!

  97. Stacy E. says:

    I’m so glad I live in Texas!! I don’t like the cold and snow!
    My funny story is about my now 10 year old son. 2 years ago he had to go in for oral surgery to have an extra tooth removed that was up in his gums. He also lost a baby tooth that day. The tooth fairy was feeling that he had quite a rough day and she put 20 dollars under his pillow that night. He came flying out of his room the next morning, hands on hips and exclaims, “That Tooth Fairy is a freeloader!!” I asked him why he thought that. He said that she took his teeth and didn’t leave him anything in return. I assured him that the tooth fairy was no freeloader and went to help him look. He must have had a wild night because we found his 20 dollar bill under the covers at the bottom of his bed. Of course, i made a big deal out of it and said, “WOW! the tooth fairy left you 20 dollars, when I was little i only got a quarter for my teeth.” He looked at me quite seriously and stated matter of fact, “Well, I guess my teeth are worth more than yours.” How do you keep a straight face?????
    Hope you stay warm and have a wonderful holiday.
    Stacy (Who is feeling lucky….come on, baby!! Momma needs some new Bellas!!!!)

  98. SueF says:

    I’m so envious, we rarely get snow in the uk. Hope all these stories cheer you up, here’s a funny from me

    Christmas Cake


    * 2 cups flour
    * 1 stick butter
    * 1 cup of water
    * 1 tsp baking soda
    * 1 cup of sugar
    * 1 tsp salt
    * 1 cup of brown sugar
    * Lemon juice
    * 4 large eggs

    * Nuts
    * 1 bottle wine
    * 2 cups of dried fruit

    Sample the wine to check quality. Take a large bowl, check the wine again. To be sure it is of the highest quality, pour one level cup and drink. Repeat. Turn on the electric mixer. Beat one cup of butter in a large fluffy bowl. Add one teaspoon of sugar. Beat again. At this point it’s best to make sure the wine is still OK. Try another cup… Just in case. Turn off the mixerer thingy. Break 2 eggs and add to the bowl and chuck in the cup of dried fruit.

    Pick the frigging fruit up off floor. Mix on the turner.. If the fried druit gets stuck in the beaterers just pry it loose with a drewscriver. Sample the wine to check for tonsisticity. Next, sift two cups of salt. Or something. Check the wine. Now shift the lemon juice and strain your nuts. Add one table. Add a spoon of sugar, or some fink. Whatever you can find. Greash the oven. Turn the cake tin 360 degrees and try not to fall over. Don’t forget to beat off the turner. Finally, throw the bowl through the window. Finish the wine and wipe counter with the cat.

    Bingle Jells!

  99. Nancy J says:

    Sorry about being snowed in! I’ve never lived in a place where it got that cold or ever had much snow.

    The story I want to share is about what happened on the day my oldest child was born. It was Feb 10, 1986 and we lived in the Phoenix metro area… not one known for being very cold. LOL At about 5:00am my contractions were getting hard enough that we decided to head to the hospital. We went out to our car – a Lincoln Continental – and found that it had frozen during the night and the car had frost all over it. My hubby tried cleaning the windshield off while I tried not to get frustrated while having contractions. So we headed to the hospital. The heater in our car didn’t work and apparently neither did the windshield wipers. The car was over 10 years old and we were poor students who were happy just to have a car that ran. Hubby had to roll down his window and try to wipe off the windshield with his hand and arm. On occasion he had to stick his head out the window in order to seek. All the while we were freezing and I was having hard contractions. We arrived at the hospital safe and sound and later that day we had a wonderful baby boy!

    This is one of those stories that you laugh at for years to come but is scary at the time. I remember telling my hubby, “will will laugh at this some day”. Here we are, almost 23 years later and not only are we laughing at that experience, but my son is now engaged! Good things come to those who wait… and laugh!


  100. Delse says:

    No funny story, but we in IL are in the same boat as you. It has snowed, sleeted or freezing rain every other day since the end of November. Shoveling snow & keeping my sidewalks and driveway open is cutting into my stamp time!!!!

  101. Lia S says:

    no funny stories to tell! But I do love reading about your wacky adventures!
    Happy Holidays to all the stamping bellas! πŸ™‚

  102. Hey, Em! Hope you’re safe & warm. I’m going to CHA after all, so we will definitely be hanging out soon in sunny CA! Can’t wait to see you and Nicky again. I talked to Steuby last week and I am SOOOO excited for her new opportunity! She is going to do a fantastic job! I predict she’ll be such a success that she’ll have to hire me as her flunky. πŸ™‚

    Hmmm… Funny story? Well, Carter is full of ’em (and IT) these days. (He’s four, you know, and very bossy. We call him ‘Little Saddam’ if that tells you anything.) Yesterday, we were on the road to a family Christmas gathering, all piled in the minivan (I am minivanabella, you know), and I turned around in my seat to look at him. I had taken off my glasses for whatever reason and he barked “Where are your glasses?” “Right here,” I said, pointing to the console. “Put them on!” Okay. I did, and turned around, laughing. “Mom!” “What, honey?” “Take off my shoes and rub my toes!” “No.” “Later?” “No.” “Later?” “No.” “On Wednesday?” “Maybe.” That is my life in a nutshell: I’m lorded over by a tyrannical four year old who refuses to take “No” for an answer!

  103. Liana says:

    seems no one is immune from the weather! stay warm and stay safe!

  104. Sue says:

    Hi Em –
    I don’t have a funny story unless you call finishing my Christmas cards on the 19th funny!! It was a little stessful.
    I can’t wait to see what the new embellishments are and would love have some extra to spend in your store.
    Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to you and everyone at the store!!


  105. Julie L says:

    Stormageddon? LOL! That sounds pretty serious!! I think this calls for Stormabella with lots of snow! πŸ™‚

  106. Carolina says:

    Eek, sorry to hear about the stormageddon…hope you stay warm and safe. So beyond excited to see all the new goodies tomorrow!

    Funny story – this year is the first year my three year old nephew was beyond excited about Halloween. Since then he’s been talking about what he’s going to dress up as next year. He loved how all the houses in his neighborhood and mine were decorated and we would take him often to check them out. Then when all the Christmas decorations started going up, he said to me, “Tia (which is aunt in Spanish), when are we going to go Merry Tricking? Cause I want to dress up as Frosty this year!” LOL – I couldn’t stop laughing…so much imagination. Sadly, every day can’t be Halloween right?


  107. Chris says:

    There is a storm heading in this direction. I think maybe Emily has sent it Eastward. This Bella may have to relax and do some Bella stamping.
    I am too tired today to be funny………LOL. Last Sunday our house was on the Christmas in the Country house tour to raise funds for the church. We had over 150 people walk through. It was fun. We are Christmas nuts in this house. I think the most often spoken question was “Where on earth do you put all this after the holidays”?
    If that was not enough, we had 20 people in last night for a bit of cheer and calories…….! I wear my “buffet” pants this time of year………Ya know….the ones with the nice stretchy elastic around the top?
    Merry Christmas to all the Bellas!!!!

  108. Susan W. says:

    Emily, I think your Stormageddon has headed east. My turn now LOL!!

  109. Dana says:

    Like many other posters here, I live with a VERY funny 4 year old, known also as ALO (Adorable Little One). So, last night, we had a friend of our older son here & we promised to drive him home. ALO loves to go anywhere in the car, especially with his big brother & Daddy, so Daddy asked him if he wanted to “Take a drive with Daddy?”

    ALO shouts YES and goes running for his shoes. He stops short, and comes over to me with tears in his eyes. It took a few minutes to settle him down, but I finally found out what was wrong:

    “Daddy wants me to drive Chris home, but I do not know how to drive. I don’t think it is a good idea.”

  110. Lynn Lemon says:

    Hi Em…This is an old story when I was a lot younger. We lived in Charlotte North Carolina & one February we got so much snow. I recall that it was unexpected so Mom hadnt gone out to get stuff like milk & bread, etc. So my brother & 2 sisters & I trudged to the 7-ll to ‘fend for the family’. You would have thought it was 25 miles away but walking in the thick, tall snow it seemed likt it. It was only l l/2 miles. We were teenagers then & still laugh about it sometimes. We live in different states now although my parents are still in NC, I live in Florida & I hate to even tell you its pretty warm here today & will be for Christmas too. I guess you’re used to the snow & I hope you keep really warm. Oh & thanks for the chance to win..I just love your products!! Merry Christmas, Lynn

  111. Lynn Lemon says:

    Thanks for the chance to win Em…

  112. Jeanette says:

    I wish we were getting snow in Texas….We’re projected to be 70 degrees on Christmas. How…un-Christmas like… But the bright spot…I’m off for two weeks…

  113. Becky says:

    Not snowing here but the wind is terrible.

    Now on to the funny story:

    Several years ago, my husband and I were at a restuarant. I decided to go to the ladies room to wash my hands. Upon entering the restroom I noticed a woman washing her hands and a small boy (around 5 hears old) crawling from under one of the bathroom stalls. The woman looked at me through the mirror and then glanced at her son and then at the door, which was shut. She asked her son if he had locked the door and he told her that he had. Still washing her hands she asked him to crawl back under the door and unlock it. He looked at her with a frown on his face and said that he could not. She asked him why and he told his mother that the “cows would get out!” I could tell that her patience was wearing a little thin and she, in a stronger tone told her son to crawl under the door and unlock it. He again looked at his mother in the mirror and told her that the cows would get out. Now all of a sudden there is laughter coming from the other bathroom stall. It was all I could do to hold in my smile. The mother still washing her hands turned to face her son and told him in a sharp tone, that there were no cows in the bathroom and he better get under the door and unlock it. The little boy started to whimper but he did as he was told. As he stood, he looked at his mom and told her, “Now look what you have done, all the cows got out.” Mom took him by the arm and started towards the door. The boy was now in full tears and crying quite loudly. As they approached the door, the mother looked at her son and spoke these words: Its ok honey, we will get them back. Well the laughter in the other stall came bellowing. As the door closed behind the mother and son, I burst into a fully belly laugh in cadence with the other woman in the restroom.

    Now you might think that this is the end of the story, not quite.

    As my husband and I sat eating our dinner, I saw the mother, father and son rise from their booth and make their way towards the door. As they passed our booth the little boy looked at me with a gleam in his eye and exclaimed proudly, “We got them all back!”

  114. SusanB says:

    Funny story….ummm, I’m drawing a blank. I’m sorry. But today I gave DH his Cmas present early and I am SO GOOD that he actually got tears in his eyes. I had his grandfather’s pictures framed (detailed pencil sketches); he had a real talent. (His grandfather passed away 10 years ago.) Gave it to him early so he could have them up for Christmas (which we host here and his family comes to.) So I’m happy he liked it, and proud I thought of something cool!

  115. Jen del Muro says:

    I hate to tell ya this, Em, but I’m headed to San Diego in the morning.
    This oughtta bring a smile to your face, even though it starts off not so happy.

    Yesterday we had to bring Ellie to the ER because of pneumonia. She had to get a chest xray, which was even more sad bc we had to stand behind a glass block away from her to protect us from the radiation. She was crying (me, too), but was so brave and such a trooper. When the xray was all done, DH said, “See, it was a piece of cake. I’m so proud of you.” She cheered up a little in his arms. As we were headed back to the treatment room, she said, “Hey!” DH said, “Hey, what?” to which she responded, “Where’s the cake?” Too cute! (She’s much better today!! Thank goodness!!)

  116. Elizabeth Fortuna says:

    Blog candy yippee!
    Hmm funny story…well we have been a foster family for kittens since the summer and its been such fun. We get the joy of little bitty kitties and then find great families for them to grow up and old with. So yesterday we got two new little girls, about 8 weeks old or so. Absolutely adorable but scared and need some tlc. So my daughter is holding one and she squirms free and runs for her life all over the house. I am running like a mad woman trying to catch this tiny ball of fluff all the while she is hissing and freaking out and puffing herself up to look intimidating. I finally cornered her in the bathroom and she growls and carries on like a monster. I guess it is funnier if you had actually seen this little baby trying to act like a ferocious tiger. It was hysterical. Poor thing.
    hope you have a wonderful holiday!

  117. Amanda says:

    sumethin’ funny,
    umm. I have to add to leave a comment here!!!

    Hey EM, do you still have the treble clef from Quickutz? could you put it away for me? May not get there for a few weeks, unless i win the candy! Now THAT would be funny!

    Happy Hannukah!


  118. Melody says:

    I live in San Diego, California. It is cold here for us, but I can’t imagine all the snow! No funny story, but I would love to win. There are so many cute new things in your store I would love to have!

  119. Jennifer says:

    This one, unfortunately is at my husband’s expense, but seriously funny. We just had our first child last Christmas (literally, she was born Christmas Day), and a couple of weeks back the doctor suggested we start her on homo milk. Well, the first day we decided to try it, my husband said he would pick some homo milk up on his way home from work. I asked him to try and find some with more than 3.25% M.F, if he could. (I had seen some homo milk with 3.8% M.F. at the grocery store before). So, what does he bring home for her? Light cream!!!!! He said “Well, that’s the next thing over 3.8%!” Too funny! (And no, we didn’t give her the cream……)

  120. Nisha says:

    Hi Em…what a wonderful blog candy surprise…THANKS for the chance to win!

    I don’t have a funny snow story but here are some lessons we can learn from a snowman!

    * Wearing white is always in style – even after Labor Day.
    * Getting outside in the winter is good for your health.
    * It’s fun just to hang out in your front yard.
    * We’re all made up of mostly water.
    * Accessories don’t have to be expensive.
    * Don’t get too much sun.
    * If you’re a little bottom heavy – hey, that’s okay!
    * You know you’ve made it when they write a song about you.
    * If you look down and can’t see your feet – you’re probably not very active.
    * Sometimes sweating too much can have disastrous results.

  121. Angie says:

    I have a funny story. At our church Christmas party my son was playing with his friend, and they went up to her parent’s table and he said “We are fighting the bad guys…” He ran off, then came back, as if he forgot something, and said “…and we are going to kick them in the nuts!” You just never know what is going to come out of the my kid’s mouth.

  122. Cathy says:

    I don’t have a funny story, but here in Oh right now we have 0 (zero with a 20 below chill factor). That is cold. . .
    Love your blog. Hope I can still be entered in your blog candy with out a funny story.

  123. Tami Grandi says:

    I don’t have any funny stories but I am glad that I am not snowed in πŸ™‚

  124. Robb_eeie says:

    Glad to see the Holiday Spirit alive and well, especially with your beyond generous blog candy πŸ™‚
    Good luck to everyone and whoever wins certainly is one lucky duck!

  125. Jessica says:

    can’t do any funny stories – too tired. Will be so very glad when the holidays are finally here, just to get a break! Glad to see you’re all well though.

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