1. Michelle says:

    Pleazzzze hurry 🙂

  2. Lori says:

    On pins and needles impatiently waiting!

  3. Jessica says:


  4. Tanya says:

    Oh my gosh, I was just about to place my order and thought I better check her blog one more time before I plug it in…thank goodness! Oh I can’t wait!!!

  5. Jane says:

    Okay, Em! I am officially addicted! Can not wait to see more! This Gemini is dyin’ here! lol! Happy Birthday, Gemini sistahs! xoxo

  6. sharon clark says:

    Could he be any cuter… love the grill boy!!!

  7. MayritaBonita says:

    You know what Em? you should have like a separate blog on this same page where every sistah can go in and leave the bella or fella on their mind, I saw an entry saying something about a geekafella, and I can’t get a photo-a-bella (photographer?) out of my mind! it would be so cool, and plus, you don’t have to do them all (although all your fans would love it), but it can give you tons of inspiration world wide!
    Just a thought anyway, while I’m hanging out here, waiting for the big ancore revealing! 😉

  8. Lisa B says:

    I can’t wait to place another bella/fella order. I haven’t even used all the ones I have, but I’m ready for MORE! I just can’t get enough of them!

  9. Carmen says:

    Well, I can’t waith any longer Em. I havo to go to bed. I hope I can sleep. I’ll come back in the morning;)

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