Card Samples

Sistahs, today was a VEEERY productive day :)

I feel likeΒ I have been spinning in circles.. kinda like on a hamster’s wheel without an end.. today Nicky and Dena and Hannah and Helen were all working in the SCRAMPING room.. which has now become the “let’s-prepare-cut-stuff-squeeze-package-for-the-cruise-room”.. It has really taken over our lives.. our hands.. our sleep.. those of you coming on the cruise BETTER love the goodies…LOL.. just kidding (not really).. So ANYWAY.. I am about to “clean” up my “what’s new” section and have added some new goodies there… the most PHENOM variegated ribbon.. actually it is HEAVENLY.. soft, silky and because it is variegated (where the ribbon has different shades in the same family), it will pick up any one colors in one color family group.. absolutely an amazing FIND.. you will LOVEY IT!!!Β 

Second, I have been reading ALI EDWARDS’ blog for a while now and have really begun thinking differently, creating differently, and doing a little self reflection… it’s quite an amazing thing!Β  I have also become a little obssessed with photography.. yet another obssession.. oh and canvases… oh and painting… oh and and and.. it’s endless and I just don’t have the time..LOL.Β  So anyway, regarding Ali.. she is hosting the most wonderful project.. the project is to document and photograph a week’s worth of your life.. from the most mundane things to the most interesting things… a kind of self reflection.. a way to notice things that you always took for granted.. like Tyler lying on the couch watching TV before he goes to school or Jayden sipping her MUKKAH (chocolate milk) from her sippy cup before school… or my toaster (very important part of my life).. or my coffee maker (even more important).. lol.. or when Dena picks me up my favorite coffee from starbucks

tyler just chillin' watching tv before carpool comes

tyler just chillin' watching tv before carpool comes

jayden sipping her "MUKKAH" (strawberry milk-dont ask) before carpool arrives

jayden sipping her "MUKKAH" (strawberry milk-dont ask) before carpool arrives

ummm.. this is my toaster which needs a LOT OF cleaning (note to self..LOL) but still wanted to show this in the picture cuz it is what it is or what it WAS that morning *winks*

ummm.. this is my toaster which needs a LOT OF cleaning (note to self..LOL) but still wanted to show this in the picture cuz it is what it is or what it WAS that morning *winks*

my wonderful coffeemaker.. LOVE YOU CUISINART!

my wonderful coffeemaker.. LOVE YOU CUISINART!

MY STARBUCKS grande soy misto.. more coffee than soy, extra hot 3 (yikes) sweet n lows-->NOT SPLENDA

MY STARBUCKS grande soy misto.. more coffee than soy, extra hot 3 (yikes) sweet n lows-->NOT SPLENDA

Dena chit chatting giving a recap of the night before.. happens EVERY MORNING...LOL

Dena chit chatting giving a recap of the night before.. happens EVERY MORNING...LOL

my view from my desk.. isn't it AMAZING?

my view from my desk.. isn't it AMAZING?

Ok.. so this is a sampling of what I am trying to achieve.. to capture the moment.. to seize the day.. to hopefully have my kids understand what life is all about; the little things.. the mundane things, the interesting things that make up our daily rituals… I know, all of a sudden I am DEEP…. hopefully it is a passing phase :).  So I haven’t been as religious as I should be taking the pictures etc.. but I will TRY my best to keep this up and possibly do longer than a week’s worth.. a kind of “sampler plate”.. of course I have to mention food.  So thank you Ali for your wisdom and such a wonderful project!  I am hoping that you, my sistahs, will play along with us and share your photos?  The cutest thing last night was that we walked out of the office and all of a sudden I hear Dena SQUEAL.. we both look up and see the BRIGHTEST rainbow.. Dena mentioned she had ALWAYS wanted a picture of a rainbow and took it.. of course I forgot my camera.. This is what I am talking about sistahs.. rainbows don’t happen everyday!!

Oh, and this is another picture I took at the apple orchard last week with my fam.. this is my favorite picture I evah took to date so enjoy with me :)oh the peeling picket fence, the lighting, the flalas, the rusty pot.. JUST LOVE this picture

the rusty planterm the chipping fence, the beeeeyootiful flalas.. I LOVE THIS PICTURE

the rusty planterm the chipping fence, the beeeeyootiful flalas.. I LOVE THIS PICTURE

I have posted some other goodies on the website in the what’s new section that I am dying to talk about but I think I will leave my post at this point and have you all think about this project and if you would like to play along..
Mwah to da sistahs who will play


  1. Vicki says:

    I would LOVE to play along! I embarrass my kids (adults) all the time because I will stop in the middle of a crowded sidewalk, get down on my back, and take photos upwards through tree branches! Then I will go back in a different season and take the same photo again for a different effect. My kids walk away as if they don’t me. But they do, and they’re stuck with me, so there! LOL How do we show you our photos?

  2. I will play (iffen I remember)! Love this peek into your life! πŸ™‚

  3. Pinky says:

    Bella Boo – I’m back from my trip and missed you so!!!!

    Loved your blog today! So true that we need to capture the moments of our lives on film – otherwise it just passes us by so quickly!

    Funny that you write about this today as while I was away I took tons of pics (1403 to be exact). I was taking pics of everything that caught my eye all the while thinking “who knows if I will ever get to Europe again – so MUST take a shot of that”. Joe thought I was nuts when I started taking pictures of my food!! I even have a couple Bella shots that I will send to you!

    Have a great weekend – capture the moments! Mwah, Pinky

  4. Robb_eeie says:

    Hey Em … I love this idea of capturing our everyday life and what surrounds us, on film. Did you ever see the News story about a man in his mid-20’s who took a picture of himself, each and every day in the same location, for three-to-four years of his life, and then posted it on U-Tube. You can’t help but sit and watch it from start to finish as it captures just a snip-it of this guys life and it’s cool to see how he changes during this time. I’d love to do a project like this, but fear I would scare everyone, especially on the days when I don’t have any make-up on or when my hair is having a mind of it’s own and I look like a “Bush-Wacker-Woman” ! ha!

    I too have some photos to share with you of some recent creations I made using our favorite Bella images. I don’t have a clue where to post them? Maybe I’ll just email them to you? Like I know you don’t have enough to do right Em πŸ™‚

    I would adore seeing more of the life that surrounds you, as well as the *ENTIRE* process that takes a sketch of an image straight through to how it becomes a rubber stamp. Now that would be a project I’m sure a lot of lurkers would enjoy!

    I’m off to see what’s NEW in the land of Bella πŸ™‚ Have a wonderful weekend!


  5. Mandi says:

    How fun to see just a bit of your every day life. Last December I had a friend pose a challenge of posting a picture a day on a blog. She got the idea from another blog/article and so I took on the challenge. I usually update my blog once a week or so. Sometimes on a more regular basis, but I do take a picture-a-day. This is the first time I’ve actually really followed through on “blogging”. Maybe it is because I love photography and it is something I am very much interested in. Maybe that is the reason it has been easier for me to follow. And this is something I hope to continue to do for a long, long time to come. 10 months into this project and I already really enjoy pouring over pictures/memories of just the past 10 months. Feel free to check out my blog at:

    I hope you get hooked on this little project of taking a picture or several pictures even a day. It is definitely important to capture the everyday things in life, as well as the big things in life too, especially when it comes to having little ones like you do. Time passes so quickly and the little every day things our children do that make us stop and feel our hearts just smile, are often times forgotten, but when you capture the memory in a photograph, we can go back and remember those times that made parenting so worthwhile and has brought a joy in our lives we never could have imagined. πŸ™‚ Keep up the challenge and I know you will be so happy you did.

    Now I am off to go drool over more Bella’s and Bella goodies. And I am sure add to my list of wants! πŸ™‚

  6. JenHoover says:

    just so ya know… the link to Allie’s blog “no worky” πŸ˜‰ you have your-addy-and-her-addy all crammed together… just so ya know! πŸ˜‰

    my morning pics could be VERY scary! LOL — but I’ll try to keep up.

  7. paula says:

    Hi Em…
    This is the second email I am typing because I didn’t answer the question.
    I love your photos and the picket fence one is fab-you-luss! You may not really remember me, but I am still in Bella heaven, and can’t wait to shop up there again. Linda is keeping me in fresh Bellas until that can happen, lol! Well, I am also an Ali Edwards fan and I don’t know if I could cram any more into my day, but good ;uck to you for doing it. I find her so inspiring and I love her style…Have a great week…

  8. What a fabulous idea. I actually read Elsie’s 52 scrapbook challenges, and one of her challenges was to take a photo of an object that reminds you of something, someone, someplace etc. And I had to get a photo of my hubby’s fingernail/toenail clippers. It’s so funny, because every time we go somewhere, (like on vacation or visit family out of town,) he feels the urge to buy a new set of clippers. So we have a ridiculous amount of clippers in our house, all of which have been used once maybe twice. It’s something so simple, but totally reminds me of my hubby.

    Thanks for the inspiration!

  9. Lynn says:

    This is an awesome idea! I love it!!!
    I’m going to try and play along, starting today!
    Thanks for posting this πŸ™‚

  10. Denise Follmr says:

    Em- Please demo the new inside out stamps. I just purchase one & not sure how to use it. Love the cruise photos, wish I coulda been there.

    Denise Follmar

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