Card Samples

scoop about da RIBBON

Ok sistahs, this is the scoop.  I have in my little chubby hands the most PHENOM flimsy beautiful silk ribbon.. in 7 colours. NOW, the reason why it hasn’t been posted yet is…… drum roll please……. that it came directly from the dyers in a figure eight… think 150 yards of ribbon in a figure eight.. think of 150 NECKLACES tied in a figure eight.. Ya now YOU try to figure out how to detangle..LOL!  Ruby is working on it at home.. she is wrapping it around an empty water bottle.. I told her to take out a VODKA bottle, FULL.. maybe that will make it easier to unravel..LOLOL!

So that’s my story and I am STICKIN to it.. I do have some goodies to post today… hmmmmm should I????


  1. michelle hoover (chella bella) says:

    WOW… now that’s a lot of ribbon!

    yea the vodka should help!

    i’d LOVE to see what you have in store for us monsters!!!

  2. Jessie says:

    Oh can not wait to see the ribbon!! I love ribbon!!! Can not wait to see what else you have in your bag of goodies!!

  3. broni says:

    anxiously waiting…..

  4. Chris says:

    Should you post goodies today?????? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!! Would you like up all to have the most horrible day waiting and maybe end up at the Dr’s for nerve pills or would you like up all to be HAPPY and have a GREAT DAY!!!

  5. Suzy Pearson says:

    Poor Ruby. I feel bad for her. I’ve attempted to untangle embroidery thread before and it wasn’t pretty. Love the Wreathy Bella. She is very nifty and just in time to start working on my Christmas cards. Any good Christmas colored ribbon in that stash that Ruby is working on? Couldn’t you post just snippets of the 7 colors to keep us going?

  6. jailbirdstamper says:

    ribbon and vodka – the perfect combo!!!

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