Card Samples

Remember THIS?

[photopress image=”jaydeninvite_1.gif”]

Yes yes! You remember a little over a month ago I stayed up late to create my daughter, Jayden’s birthday invites?  Do you remember how much I fell in love with this invite and couldn’t wait to replicate it a million times and send out to all close friends and family?  Do you see where I am going with this?

Jayden’s 2nd birthday is on Saturday.  Yes, 2 days away. So what do you think the organized queen stuffed pickle did 1.5 weeks ago ?  Yes, you got it… I CALLED EVERY SINGLE PERSON ON MY LIST and told them all the info about the party cuz I didn’t have the time to make the invites! LOLOL.. I guess there is always next year?  So sistahs, block this card from your mind in case I resurrect it next year and want a kajillion comments on how original and specfabulous I was in creating such a card.. n’k?  It’s like the shoemaker and the shoes.. he makes em, but has no shoes on his feet (I hope that is how the story goes.. if not.. it fits so well so don’t correct me.. LOL).

I have my son, Tyler’s, 5th birthday in a month.. what do you think I did?  Yup!  I went to the indoor gym place where we are hosting it and they have FREE invites with maps on how to get there etc.. HOW CLEVER AND CRAFTY am I? *giggles*

That’s my story for the day.

Digs or “crib” as someone mentioned which I LOVED, is great.. still bringing stuff everyday and slowly getting organized.  I am getting my speed back .. still behind but promise will get there and once I am done I will reveal  something JUIIIICYYY! (or 2 things)


love love love you



  1. Suzy Pearson says:

    Hey EM,

    She’s only 2 and will never know that you didn’t actually send the invites out. Stick it in her scrapbook and tell her it was the invitation to her 2nd birthday party!! She’ll look at it years from now and think what a great Mom she had to do all that work and try to do the same when she has kids!! What they don’t know won’t hurt them!! tee hee.

  2. Chris Mott says:

    Your such a tease 1 or maybe 2 things!! Okay yes, I remember your spectacular car, and YES I will forget a year from now, when U bring it out again and say it is new…LMAO

    I agree with Suzy put it in her book..she won’t remember…and you will.>>LOL Then U can tell her the story later! Have a good weekend! chris

  3. Chris Mott says:

    I mean card!!! Can I say edit, before I send?????????????

  4. Michelle says:

    Isn’t this always the case?!?!? I so understand your situation, Em. I have my daughter’s birthday favors all stamped and sitting very pretty. We have yet to hold her party, and her birthday was several months ago!!! Now on to the juicy things….can not wait to see them…so exciting the anticipation is.

  5. Jen says:

    Em, don’t feel bad. I can’t tell you how many times I have done this exact same thing. We can’t be on top for every event. 🙂 They know we LOVE them to death even if they have store bought invites one year. LOL 😀

    Can’t wait to see the next BIG reveal!!! (Or two) 😉

  6. shellyluwho says:

    True well-intentioned card sending confessions- I forgot to send both my mom and my mil a mother’s day card. I just called them instead. How sad is that. And to think, the reason I justified my stamp habit in the beginning was so I would be better about sending cards. Oh, well, at least I remembered my grandma on mother’s day….
    and my sis’s May birthday…

    And I am so excited about your 2 big surprises.

  7. Mary Lou says:

    Anyway you could turn it into a Happy 2nd Birthday card? Too funny. Birthdays sneak up on us don’t they? My son turns 3 in July. I should start now but plan on only inviting 1 person so I don’t have to make so many cards-LOL-naw, but it is an idea?!
    Can’t wait to see what you have next to reveal. Stay cool. There were actual snow flurries up North here in the Adirondacks. Gotta love Upstate NY.
    -mary lou

  8. Erica says:

    Hihihi, you have me in stitches again Em, I thought it might go that way but hey, can’t say I blame you, we Bella-sistahs are very demanding and you’re too busy with the orders ;). I will erase it from my mind (not that hard, as I’m blonde) and will praise you again next year ;). Happy birthday to Jayden and a big Bella-kiss for the birthday princess :D!

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