Card Samples



We are now finally taking paypal.. I know that lotsa sistahs including yours truly have a little hidden stash in their paypal account..LOL.. so now you have a place to spend it! 🙂

 Hope this helps a few of you 🙂





  1. Jen says:

    WooHoo!!! I have some friends who will be thrilled. Em, you think of everything. 😀

  2. Karinn says:

    Thanks so much! Now I’ll be able to order more and more often!!!

  3. Robb_eeie says:

    YIPEEEEE ! Thank you Em. Gee I wonder how much your Bella orders will increase with the PayPal system {*wink*}? I guess we all have our little rubbah’ ~**obcession**~.

    PS—-> Have you ever established how many inserts your adorable Bella Storage Binder will hold? I’ve collected SOOooo many Bellas, that I’m starting to lose track 😀 Keep ’em coming though, as us Bella’Addicts can’t get enuf 😉

  4. Em is there any chance of getting a TeachaFella??? My sons both have several mael teachers that I would like to do projects for but only have TeachaBella and she is really hard to turn into a Fella. Thanks Sistah!

  5. Katie Skiff says:

    YAY!!!! I am excited!! I think I have money in there…woo woo hoo

  6. Gaylabella Ferland says:

    Yahoo!!! OMG!!! I’m so glad to hear this great news!!!
    Thanks Em!

  7. veronica says:

    oh my gosh YEAH YEAH YEAH…..

    whew now I won’t have to keep saying it is Bella fenimine hygiene products.

    and yes hidden funds there pssstttt our little secret

  8. veronica says:

    tell me about this splender blender what does it do and how do you use it?

    mwah Veronicabella

  9. Andrea Hays says:

    You are going to be the death of us Em! Are there any new bellas or fellas coming out soon? I don’t want to put in another order and then not be able to afford something new and fun! Thanks Em!

  10. Kate Baldwin says:


  11. Tangi says:

    You rock, Em!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THanks!!!

  12. Hi Em,

    I *THINK* this is good news hee hee
    and yes I uisually have some funds in paypal

  13. Marty says:

    YES!!!!! gonna do some shopping now!

    Emily, loved chatting with you today when you called Buffalo Stamps today. I need an IKEA fix bad now.

  14. kerry davis says:

    Oh my goodness!!! This is the BEST news — I am totally one of those gals that has $$ hidden in my paypal acct. from da hubby!!! YOU ROCK – as usual!!!

  15. Erica says:

    Great news Em, thanks :D!

  16. susan says:

    How can I use paypal? I tried it through checkout and didn’t see anything for paypal. Thanks!

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