and I am sick and miserable..LOL. Have a cold.. headachy.. achy in general. So not a chipper bella this week. Next week should be MUCH chattier :).. I feel it in my bones! And if you don’t get enough of ME.. you should visit our splitcoast forum and our facebook group.. they are VERYYY happy and chatty and I try to participate as much as I can!
Ok so today is BELLASHMIFFIC SHMIDAY. Let’s pick some winnahs from last week shall we?
Winnah for CONTRIBUTIN’ ($20 in bella bucks ) goes to….
Here are your random numbers:
1-LESLIE YOU WIN!! please email me and I will send you da vouchah!
Timestamp: 2012-11-30 17:31:28 UTC
Now for a COMMENTAYTIN’ winnah ($10 in bella bucks) goes to…
Here are your random numbers:
1-karen you win! please email me and I will send your vouchah!
Timestamp: 2012-11-30 17:32:44 UTC
Ok ya ready for our show?
This week’s theme was a SKETCH
let’s see how our AMAZING BABEROONIS interpreted it shall we?
Amandabella used MARTHA LULU
Angelabella used BEE MINE HUGGABUGG
Carlabella used UPTOWN GIRL EVE under the MISTLETOE
and of course the inside 🙂
Danabella used SNOWMAN CIRCLE
Marybella used GOSSIPABELLA
Paulineabella used POLAR BEAR CIRCLE
Regabella got MESSSY and Painty this week using our SCRIBBLE and SPILL GRAFFITI set and our THINKING BIRDS
Vickibella used FROSTY
I just love our baberoonis… I love how different and beautiful all their work is.. SO INSPIRING!!!
Now for our inspiring DROOLY ( LOL.. bella word for people who make us DROOL) sistahood!
Ok so sistahs you ready for this? Starting next week, I am in a holiday mood and and will DOUBLE our Bellarific Friday prizes! So if you comment on this post , you can win $20 in bella bucks. If you CONTRIBUTE to next week’s theme, you can win $40 in bella bucks! how’s that for holiday spirit? I ain’t no GRINCHABELLA! LOL
Also as I mentioned above , we have monthly challenges going on on splitcoast which you can find HERE. I will be featuring the entries on my blog next week so STAY TOONED TO DROOL some more! Why not participate? you have a chance to win MO’ money!
Ok next week’s theme is to use a TAG… either make your card in the shape of a tag , or make a gift tag using our stampies or stick a tag on a card with an image on it 🙂
Hope to see lots of entries for the chance to win $40 in bella bucks!
Mwah to da sistahs who feel bad for Tyler’s coach this weekend 🙂 LOL
Hope you had a GREAT weekend 🙂
We had 2 hockey tournaments as well as an angry hockeymom who was “thrown out” of her son’s dressing room.. can you believe it? LOL.. I got myself into TRUBBLE… but I was miffed. hmph. No one messes with a mama bear.. am I right sistahs???
Quick Bidniss update: Elaineabella has been VERY busy chatting up a storm on FACEBOOK and on SPLITCOAST and has set up a challenge there… take a look!
Yesterday we had a bit of snow and of course my little Jayden was fully dressed and ready to play
the snow was shortlived but her smile lasted 🙂
So this week’s AJ TOOSDAY theme was ANYTHING GOES… so let’s see what everyone came up with
and I decided that I wanted to try a journal in a binder format.. never tried that before and I think I like it! LOL
I bought the Michael’s recollection version of SMASH.. I liked the binder size and the page design. I decided I would keep some elements of each page that I liked.
Here’s the binder I chose
Here’s a sample spread in the binder. How GORGE are those poppies? and to stick and collage and paint in there? keeping the poppies and the birdies? Oh my imagination is running WILD sistahs!!!
And here is a page I altered using molding paste, acrylics, pastels, pen, gesso, stencils, collage and of course some of our new RUBBAH! I used our WALL WITH WORDS stamp set and our HAPPY SILHOUETTES stamp set. This was so much fun I tell ya. I wish I could show you this in person.
Next week’s theme??? hmmmmm….. STENCILS. Try to make your own out of cardboard, paper, acetate.. or use ready made ones.. but using your own will make you feel like an ARTISTE! Use them ANY WAY YOU WANNA!
Don’t forget Bellarific Friday this week SKETCH! and comment on the BF post for a chance to win $10 in buckeroonis!
Mwah to da sistahs who LOVE to AJ.
Hiya sistahs! whatcha doin?
My head is POUNDING.. I am sooo in tune with the’s terrible.. I woke up with a migraine and sure enough it’s dark and yucky and damp outside. Does that ever happen to you?
What do you have planned for the weekend? guess where I am gonna be this weekend? Yep you guessed it.. in 2 arenas… BOTH my kids have hockey tournaments.. I had to call an S.o.S. to my Mother in Law from montreal to come and help me out and guess what? she did :).. so she is at the arena with Jayden this morning since 7:10 (OMG she must love my kids).. and then one more this afternoon and tyler has one more this afternoon.. and then 2 tomorrow morning for Tyler and one in the afternoon for Jayden… SOMEBODY PLEASE ASK ME HOW I GOT MYSELF INTO THIS????? wahhhhhhhhh!
Ok enough complaining.. Let’s get down to BIDNISS.
Some bellarific winnahs from last week!
Winnah for CONTRIBUTIN’ a card goes toooo ($20 in bella bucks)
Here are your random numbers:
10-MARYANN you win! please email me and I will send your vouchah!
Timestamp: 2012-11-23 14:41:59 UTC
And now for da COMMENTAYTIN’ winnah ($10 in bella bucks) goes to…
Here are your random numbers:
4- Christine you win! please email me and I will send your vouchah!
Timestamp: 2012-11-23 14:43:01 UTC
Ok now for an announcement! We have now closed our DT call and thank everyone for sending in their applications. We SOOO appreciate it and treasure each one. It was very difficult to decide! We have 2 more DT members to welcome! We are SOOO thrilled that they decided to join our little family and trust me when I say they fit right in!
Please go visit and say hello to ANGELABELLA Thomas .. her work is gorgeous and so bright and vivid.. her specialty is Tombow markers and it just opens a whole new world! or reopens an old world LOL.. It’s so much fun to try new things!
Now again put your hands together and welcome AMANDABELLA Reed! Her work is stunning and will compliment all of the drooly inspiration you see here every week.. so go and say hello will ya?
OK so this week’s theme was HOLIDAY WISHES
let’s see what da BABES came up with shall we?
Since we have two new ones starting next week, they decided to contribute this week so OF COURSE I have to feature them under the baberooni heading just for you to get a taste of their work!
Amandabella used JINGLE BELLS
Angelabella used POLLY PACKAGES
and of course our “INSIDE CARD SPECIALIST”s inside
Cathabella used Frostier (with some birch bark that she picked up on a nature walk.. I loved that 🙂 )
Elaineabella used FROSTIER
Marybella used WHOOOO MEEEE?
Regabella used the tree from our NATURE GRAFFITI set
Vickibella used UPTOWN GIRL WINONA
How’s DAT for inspiration hmmmmm?
Now for da SISTAHOOD!
How’s DAT for a bellarific friday?? hmmmmmm?
Don’t forget to put a comment so you have a chance to win $10 next week!
next week’s theme is a sketch
MWAH to da sistahs who love BELLARIFIC FRIDAY!
Hiya sistahs!
I thought today was a good day to post some inspiring cards.. no? Ya.. it’s that kinda day. and tomorrow is Bellarific Friday!! Have you submitted your card yet?? hmmmmm?
ready? set? here we gooooo!
I also picked a card from our SPLITCOAST gallery :).. Random and gorgeous using BRANCHING OUT OWLIES.. this is Pia’s card. Pia if you are out there, please say hi!
gorgeous inspiration for a thursday no???
Ok off to workkkkk
Hiya sistahs! How was your weekend? (lol as if you’re gonna answer.. WELL YOU CAN IN DA COMMENTS YA KNOW)… Mine was pretty good and I was able to squish in some time for FINGERPAINTING… woohoo! nothing better than getting dirty!
But first… So Jayden had this HUGE infection in her ear (a staph infection).. that she had to get major antibiotics for. So we go to the pharmacy and this young pharmacist starts making gagging noises and mumbling loud enough for us to hear that this medication smells HORRIBLE and TASTES EVEN WORSE! So I look at him and say, “you don’t have children do you?”.. and he rolls his eyes at me and says “No, how did you know?”.. so I sayS (lol) “because NO ONE WITH A CHILD IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD do what you just did!!”.. I hope I taught him a lesson. hmph. Sometimes I hate stupid people. So of course, it has been a struggle giving the medicine ever since… until I had to involve ICE CREAM. Do you have any STUPID PEOPLE stories? LOL. This one just took the cake in my opinion. I was SOOO angry. Ok enough venting about this.
Now I am going to vent about Dance moms.. LOL. does anyone watch that? (YES YOU CAN ANSWER ME IN THE COMMENT SECTION..LOL).. well I just watched 4 episodes that I taped (yes I still say TAPED and my kids say TAPED even though they don’t know what a TAPE is..LOL).. I watched all 4 last night and I swear that clique is just SO UNBEARABLE. What is WRONG with those women? Ok. I’m done now. LOL.
Now onto our regularly scheduled program.. AJ MONDAY on TOOSDAY. I think I scared all DA SISTAHS with this FINGERPAINTING business. LOL. I LOVVVVE using my fingers in the process. Don’t be scared!
Well we have 1 new sistah who joined us this week!
and that’s it for da SISTAHOOD!
and now I will show you how I use my fingers (I can’t show you how I use my fingers while I DRIVE..LOL you can just imagine).. hehehe
Here is a mixed media MAJORLY layered and textured piece using paints, and inks and pastels… Used my fingers for most of it 🙂
And here is another mixed media piece in progress …Major mixed media background which will of course be calmed down and then my little bunnies in pastel which were SMUDGED with my fingers… nomnomnom
and here is where I am at.. I think they will be backwards bunnies.. my friend told me so LOL. They were ALL painted in with my fingers :). If I can do it.. so can you!!!
Ok.. next weeks theme…. ANYTHING GOES. Just look around you and submit an INSPIRATION page.. what is inspiring you NOW? at this moment?
Mwah to da sistahs who feel INSPIRED!
So sistahs.. it’s been a great week behind DA SCENES in bella headquarters. We have been active in all sorts of ways! (aside from me getting off my a$$ and maybe taking a walk? LOL).. but active in all sorts of othA ways.. our facebook group is rockin’ (LOL I always wanted to say that without sounding like a loser).. and we are having a great time. We are also adding more “family members” to our Design Team… Our call is now closed but thank you all for sending in your applications!
Before we announce one of our new team members, let’s discuss some winnahs from last week’s Bellarific Friday shall we?
Winnah for COMMENTAYTIN’ on last week’s post goes to….. ($10 vouchah)
Here are your random numbers:
5- CAROL W you win! please email me and I will send you your MOOLAH
Timestamp: 2012-11-16 14:00:02 UTC
Now for a CONTRIBUTIN’ winnah ($20 in bella buckeroonis) goes to
Here are your random numbers:
2- KATE! you win! please email me and I will send you your VOUCHAH!
Timestamp: 2012-11-16 14:01:28 UTC
Ok now for an announcement and this week’s theme.
This week’s theme was a SKETCHYPOO
We have LOTS of entries this week so grab your favorite hot beverage (or cold but HOT BEVERAGE reminds me of Sheldon on BIG BANG THEORY and I LOVE sheldon)
I would like to announce KIM O’CONNELLABELLA to our team this week. She is absolutely DELICIOUS and when she wrote me her email asking for a chance to be on our team, I absolutely could not resist! It was FULL of humor, a sense of loyalty, and just plain funny. Who could resist an application like that? Oh and did I mention she is UBER talented? OMG! Run.. I say RUN (said like foghorn leghorn-can you tell how giddy I am writing this post? LOL).. to her BLOG (linked above) as she is giving out some AMAZING blog candy! Please give her the usual amazing SISTAHOOD welcome k? so we don’t scare her away.
Ok here is her card for this week celebrating her newbyness 🙂 Kim used UPTOWN GIRLS VICTORIA and JULIETTE for this card.. Don’t forget on our website, if you “CLICK FOR IDEAS” under an image, you should get some card samples pop up to inspire you 🙂
and of course the inside 🙂
Here’s Cathabella’s card using UPTOWN GIRL WINONA LOVES WINTER
Danabella used UPTOWN GIRL EVE under the MISTLETOE
and the inside. (I LOVE how that just ties the whole card togethah!)
Elaineabella used JANE GIRL
Paulineabella used RAMONA LOVES TO GLIDE
Vickabella used FIXER BOY
Ok tell me your BEVERAGE is still hot? It better not be because you stopped and ogled at each and every card above 🙂 Are they not GORGEOUS?
But WAIT… there’s MORE! Let’s see what our STUPENDOUS SISTAHOOD came up with shall we?
Honestly sistahs.. this post makes my heart sing.. such GORGEOUSARIFFIC (yes that is a word) entries.. the colour, the talent.. OMG.. I now wanna stop working and paint and stamp right now..LOL THAT”S NOT GOOD.
Thank you for all your entries. I love them. And don’t forget to leave a comment for a chance to win $10 in BELLA BUCKS next week!
Next week’s challenge? HOLIDAY WISHES! Paper, bella stamps, holiday ribbon.. holiday colours.. you name it.. !
Mwah to da sistahs who count on BELLARIFIC FRIDAY 🙂 (ON FRIDAY LOL)