and I am sick and miserable..LOL. Have a cold.. headachy.. achy in general. So not a chipper bella this week. Next week should be MUCH chattier :).. I feel it in my bones! And if you don’t get enough of ME.. you should visit our splitcoast forum and our facebook group.. they are VERYYY happy and chatty and I try to participate as much as I can!
Ok so today is BELLASHMIFFIC SHMIDAY. Let’s pick some winnahs from last week shall we?
Winnah for CONTRIBUTIN’ ($20 in bella bucks ) goes to….
Here are your random numbers:
1-LESLIE YOU WIN!! please email me and I will send you da vouchah!
Timestamp: 2012-11-30 17:31:28 UTC
Now for a COMMENTAYTIN’ winnah ($10 in bella bucks) goes to…
Here are your random numbers:
1-karen you win! please email me and I will send your vouchah!
Timestamp: 2012-11-30 17:32:44 UTC
Ok ya ready for our show?
This week’s theme was a SKETCH
let’s see how our AMAZING BABEROONIS interpreted it shall we?
Amandabella used MARTHA LULU
Angelabella used BEE MINE HUGGABUGG
Carlabella used UPTOWN GIRL EVE under the MISTLETOE
and of course the inside 🙂
Danabella used SNOWMAN CIRCLE
Marybella used GOSSIPABELLA
Paulineabella used POLAR BEAR CIRCLE
Regabella got MESSSY and Painty this week using our SCRIBBLE and SPILL GRAFFITI set and our THINKING BIRDS
Vickibella used FROSTY
I just love our baberoonis… I love how different and beautiful all their work is.. SO INSPIRING!!!
Now for our inspiring DROOLY ( LOL.. bella word for people who make us DROOL) sistahood!
Ok so sistahs you ready for this? Starting next week, I am in a holiday mood and and will DOUBLE our Bellarific Friday prizes! So if you comment on this post , you can win $20 in bella bucks. If you CONTRIBUTE to next week’s theme, you can win $40 in bella bucks! how’s that for holiday spirit? I ain’t no GRINCHABELLA! LOL
Also as I mentioned above , we have monthly challenges going on on splitcoast which you can find HERE. I will be featuring the entries on my blog next week so STAY TOONED TO DROOL some more! Why not participate? you have a chance to win MO’ money!
Ok next week’s theme is to use a TAG… either make your card in the shape of a tag , or make a gift tag using our stampies or stick a tag on a card with an image on it 🙂
Hope to see lots of entries for the chance to win $40 in bella bucks!
Mwah to da sistahs who feel bad for Tyler’s coach this weekend 🙂 LOL
Yikes, hope yo feel better soon – no fun being sick! Wowzers, great stuff here today – lots of eye candy! Hmmm….love me my tags. Laters, baby!
Another week of great cards! Love how everyone makes the sketch “their own”, as they say in the music industry! No Bellagrinch for sure when you double the prizes. Nice of you.
Tags – I can do that!
Great take on the sketch everyone! Love it. And WOW for the generous spirit you have GIFTABELLA. Hope you are feeling better soon
Wow what beautiful cards. Hope you feel better soon, we have the same thing in our house, why get the flu shot, still get sick. Oh well it was worth a try. Have a great week.
Gorgeous cards again this week!! Love the inspiration! Pami x.
Oh Em, I hope you feel better soon honey!
So sorry you feel icky girl. Drink lotsa water and rest! Hummmm, a tag, that will be fun! So fun to see evryones take on the sketchypoo!
Sorry your sick! You need to send hubby to David’s teas and get some organic cold 911!!! My mom was feeling achy sick and had a glass before bed and said she had the best night sleep ever! Worth a try
Sorry your sick. Hope you feel better soon!
My step-dad was sick when he returned home from Thanksgiving vacation. My aunt, a doctor, told my mom to get him to take a shower, then put Vick’s vapor rub all over him, put a cold compress on his head, and give him Tylenol every 4 hours. If that doesn’t work you should probably head to the doctor and see if they can prescribe you a Z-pac (those are the only things that help me).
The DT did an amazing job and the sistahood of Bellas did awesome too.
I know how you are feeling because I have had a cold all week – hoping for a better week next week too. It would be really great to win – just in time for Christmas. I love all the cards and really liked the sketch that was used. I look forward to the beautiful cards every Friday. Thanks
It’s that time of year…..cold/flu time 🙁 Sorry you’re poorly – hope you’re up and at ’em real soon! Loved playing along this week and love all the different cards!
Ekkk! Its that time of year where every other person is sick! I hope you feel better soooon!!
Thanks Em for giving the chance of winning double $! Yayyy!!
Great job Ladies!!! Inspired me to be creative this weekend!!
great mix of cards ladies
gotta get busy on my tag!
Feel better soon!! Loved the inspiration this week, and you’re definitely not a grinch :)!
LMAO @ the word “grinchabella”!!!
Hope you feel better soon StampingBella!!
Great job ladies. Gives me the warm and fuzzies!
great sketch… working on a card now
Such great inspiration by the DT!
Beautiful and creative eye-candy ladies! Hope you feel better soon!
Beautiful cards. Hope you are feeling better real soon! Thanks for the motivation to play along this week – double the winnings works for me – I’d love to get me some more Uptown girls!
personally, I think a Grinchabella would be kinda cute. All done up in green, festive-like! 😉
Lovely cards this week, as usual. Hoping I can get some time to play along!
So many gorgeous creations this week! I hope I get to play along with the new challenge!
Love all the cards – have been super busy since thanksgiving and haven’t found time to play – hope to find some time soon!
Awesome cards this week! I’ll need to spare a tiny bit of time this week to participate in the TAG challenge!
Yet another inspiring bunch of cards!
The cards were gorgeous this week. Where did the time go? I so wanted to play this week.