Card Samples

once upon a time there was a

bella.  And her name was Em.  And she was COMPLETELY obssessed with ‘nifty’ (she never uses that word by the way) gadgets and tools.  Things that are ADORABLE but work amazingly too.  So she decided that she would gather allllll of her favorites (or at least work on it) and post on her blog.  So here is another one that bella had to introduce cuz she got them in her hands last night.  Ok, she bought one for herself a few months ago and HAD to find the source to share.  It’s a mini teeny tiny weeny winy scissor.. it looks like a tweezer, is sharp sharp sharp, is amazing quality and can be used to cut ribbon and even to burnish your double sided tape and lift off.. this helps it find the end that you keep on scratching with your fingertips to try to pick up?  even if you use peel off stickers, this works AMAZINGLY to lift it with one of the blades.

THIS TOOL IS AMMMMMAZING and deliciously cute!

bella wants to know…. DO YOU LIKEYYYYYYY???


em and her 15th personality



  1. Jen says:

    WOW, I have never seen scissors so small!!! They really do look like tweezers. They look like they would be kind of hard to get use to not having anywhere to put your fingers through. I may have to give these little things a try. Very cool find Em!!! Always looking out for us. 😀

  2. Chris says:

    Once upon a time there was a Bella named Chris and her main goal in life was to have as many tools as Bella Em. She is getting very close ……. should she wait to process the order fot the teeny tiny scissors that she not only has to have but loves soooooooooooo much …… is there something else she will have to order this week (second order this week)?????

  3. jailbirdstamper says:

    teeny tiny itty bitty cute adorable scissors… more stuff that lauribella just has have….how do you live with yourself?

  4. michelle hoover (chella bella) says:

    these are GREAT!

    i love to paper piece and i have NEVER seen any so small!

    good call… i love all your gadgets- you are an addict too.

    hugs, chella

  5. jean says:

    Wow! Those are tiny little things.

  6. Rachel says:

    So COOL! Those would be great for cutting out little tiny spaces when I paper piece!!! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Dawn says:

    I use these at work. I am a Dentabella and use these often they cut very well….

  8. Carmen says:

    This is indeed a perfect tool! I’ve been using this to cutmy 3D images once upon a time…

  9. Debbie Olson says:

    Very cool tool, Em! Are they hard to get used to holding?

  10. Stamping Bella says:

    hey Debbie,
    they are so easy to use and to hold.. the perfect size to cut your ribbon tails and without fraying! And of course totally portable 🙂

  11. Sheri says:

    These would work so well for those using the Coluzzle regularly to cut those little pieces! I think they look cool.

  12. Melanie says:

    Wow! I love those scissors! I see the Vascular and Cardiothoracic surgeons use them everyday! What a find!

  13. Tracy says:

    I’m shocked

    I can’t believe you’ve not seen these scissors before. They’re a massive seller in the UK.

    If you do decoupage they’re brilliant for getting into all the tiny spaces that normal scissors can’t get into. There also good if you have dexterity problems and can’t use normal scissors.

  14. MayritaBonita says:

    Once upon a time, there were lotta greedy sistahs that wanted all the tools and all the bellas that Bella Em could get posted… they stalked and stalked her blog, pleeded and tapped their feet, to get Bella to post super cute and useful tiny weeny tools… Luckily, they realized that Bella Em posted only the coolest stuff, and that everytime there was a new bella, it was well worth the wait!! and they lived happily ever after sorrounded by their beautiful bellas and tools on their bags that went no where… 😉

  15. Mary Lou says:

    I didn’t realize I had this need and now I DO I really DO! Neat tool.

  16. Kimberlee says:

    Can we expect any new bellas soon or is it safe to place my next order? 🙂

  17. Chris says:

    Where are you EM? It has been 4 days (almost)

  18. Chris says:

    OMG……..It is the most adorable packaging I have ever seen. I just received my order with the new packaging….it is to die for. I do not want to open the packages and take the stamps or baubles out. You have outdone yourself!!!!!!!

  19. Tanya says:

    Knockey, knockey…oh Em…where are you? We miss you! I was coming on here to ask the same thing Kimberlee asked…

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