Card Samples

Oh I feel so much better now

Just to show you that I haven’t lost my touch.. LOL… meet giddyupabella.. check out her buckle.. and could you ever imagine a bella horse to be as gorgeous as this horsy is?? OMG. 

Let me know what you think!  I love them!

 Ok Sistahs.. now we will be going back to Emmy stories once again… have lots to tell…!





  1. Tanya says:

    OMG!!! Em…I absolutely LOVE them BOTH!!! They are on my list for my next purchase. Awesome job!!! I love the horse…just adorable!

  2. Lori (Pinky66) says:

    This will be perfect for the horse lovers out there! Bella so stylin and what a pretty horsey!! Great design.

  3. Tanya says:

    Oh I have to share this with ya’ll… I just got off the phone my my hubby telling him about the 2 new bella’s and the sentiments that you have for them…and then I went on to tell him how cute the horse is etc. He says…you can always use the sentiment… “save a horse ride a cowboy”…omg…leave it to my hubby! That’s one of my favorite songs, lol.

  4. Christy says:

    Tanya, I actually have a shirt that says that! “Save a horse, ride a cowboy”…my parents were mortified when I came back from college with that!!

  5. maria says:

    OMG she’s too darn cool! Em, I think this may be the bella that get’s me started with the bella madness….now if only a runnabella would appear I could have my first order be for multiple bellas 🙂

  6. maria says:

    Sorry to bother you with the whole runnabella thing again, but was just checking out your sentiments and noticed the “sole sisters” saying…how perfect for the runnabella! See, you’re already half way there 🙂

  7. Anjabella says:

    Me lovey the horsey! yeehaaw!! you ride on, cowgirlybella Em! Giddyupabella is just too cute! Thanks for releasing early! i can now ‘hit the hay’ since it’s 11:30 here in Spain! Do you feel the love? WE Lovey from across the ocean!

  8. OMG I LUV her!!! I grew up on a farm in Texs and have to have her!!
    WTG EM!!

  9. Tanya says:

    Christy…you’re too cool! I want your shirt!!! lol
    Maria…I’m right there with you sistah! Along with a runnabella/marathonabella, I’d like a swimmabella and a cyclebella…I was training for a triathlon. Well, a mini one. And the “sole sisters” sentiment, how perfect! Oh and a lifeguardafella and lifeguardabella to make thank-you’s for the lifeguards at our pool. I’ve already bugged Em about making a deployingspousabella…a bella saying goodbye to her deploying fella…waving “a” flag (for me American) in one hand, a tissue in the other and a tear rolling down her cheeck. Our guys deploy once a year for 5 months:(
    Anyhow…keep up the fabulous work Em!

  10. michelle hoover (chella bella) says:

    do you hear that?

    ca-ching! that is all the addictabellas adding the new bellas to their cart!!!

    i have got to have giddyupabella!!!

    i could give you a hugg(ybella)

    EM- you rock! love, chellabella

  11. Jen says:

    OMG Em…not one but TWO in one night! I am soooooooo glad I took that nap now!!! 😀 I so have to have Giddyupabella and FAST!!! My youngest DD is with her dad for the summer (I miss her so much) and I am sending her cards each week…but guess where she is…TEXAS!!!! And guess what she is doing…riding HORSES!!!! How do you know just what Bella I need and when???? You are awesome!!!!!

  12. Chris says:

    Love it!!!!!!!! Love it!!!!!!!!! What a great horse.

  13. Tara says:

    Em, you really are fabulous! I love the new bellas and will look forward to placing my next order!

    I was talking to someone today and it crossed my mind that it would be fab to see a “Divabella” or “Princessbella” with a snazzy tiara on! Keep up the awesome work!

  14. Janine says:

    I have enough room for a new stall here-send her my way!!! I am in LOVE….a girl crush!!!!

  15. Cheryl says:

    Great job!!

    I just love them both

  16. MayritaBonita says:

    WOW!! 2 bellas on one day!!! I’m trilled!! They’re on my cart along with kinibella, walkabella and puppybella… ALL MUST-HAVE’s!!! 😉

  17. MayritaBonita says:

    I know I’m getting greedy, but when’s cowboyfella arriving?? I’ve got a cowboy @ home, so GOTTA HAVE IT!! 😉

  18. Lisa Keeffe says:

    Their hair and outfits keep getting bettah and bettah!

  19. Jenn says:

    OMG-she may just be my new favorite…and I’ve never ridden (is this a word?!) a horse in my life-NEVER! I live in the (or, rather, just outside the) city. Why do you keep introducing these awesome Bellas, Em?! Every time I come on my wishlist grows and grows!!! She rocks, can’t wait to buy her!
    ~Jenn 🙂

  20. Carmen says:

    EM!!!! She is so cool! As you know Alysha rides so I just showed her and she said ‘ mama, die wil ik’ (mom, I want that one). And I want her too. What a great stamp!

    Doei doei;)

  21. Julie Masse says:

    I love them both -that horse is just soooo cute!!

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