Card Samples

Off to Europe!

if anyone needs me, you can reach me at the craft barn in the UK! LOL! and thenย  at the Champs Elysees in Paris!

I will miss you terribly!

mwah to da sistahs who can visit me there and who I will miss here!


  1. Karen Steen says:

    have a wonderful time Emily!! ….. we will all miss you ;-(

  2. Shellabella says:

    Have a safe trip and an amazing time Emily!
    I can’t wait to hear all about your wonderful
    European adventures!
    Missing you already,

  3. BellaG says:

    have a great time Emily!!! don’t forget to have a croissant or two….or three…. well they’re really good and you just want to eat them everymorning with a good cafe au lait!

    have a safe trip!

  4. paula says:

    ohhhhhh, so green with envy! Have FUN!!!!

  5. Carol W says:

    Hope you have a safe journey and I look forward to meeting you at the Craft Barn on Sunday, very excited.

  6. Barb W. says:

    Are we there yet? LOL . Hey Em, have a great time in the UK & France & while you are at the Craft Barn, try to sneak out to have a Cream Tea (scones, clotted cream & fresh preserves). Yum. For your info, there are no calories in this – Big LOL. Wish I was there having fun with everyone.


  7. Libby says:

    wha!whah!whah!No fair I want to go!!! Good luck!! Miss you already!!:( How long are you gone for???
    Luv Libby

  8. Rhian says:

    You have to try catching a world cup soccer game at a pub! Except don’t call it soccer…it’s FOOTBALL!

  9. Linda fitzsimmons says:

    Glad you came, was great to meet you!

  10. Diana Y says:

    the photos of Donna’s event were great, balloons always add a festive touch, what double-chins? love shrimp no matter what state. Who cares about hair and makeup, as long as you can make beautiful art. Have a wonderful time over there.

  11. Caz says:

    Hi Emily
    It was lovely to meet you! I came home with 2 new cats and the boy playing football! I can feel a stamping session coming on.

    Hope you enjoyed your time in the UK.

    Stamping Hugs

  12. Lydia says:

    it was lovely to meet you yesterday, my daughter was totally in love with your stamps. Bought the pencils too. hope you are having a great vacation.

  13. Gabriela says:

    Can’t wait to see photos when you get back. I hope you are having a great trip!!

  14. COREY GALLUZZO says:

    Have a wonderful time.

  15. Are you back yet, huh? huh???? ๐Ÿ™‚

    I hope you have a fabulous trip. ๐Ÿ™‚

  16. alma says:

    SHUT UP! GET OUT! (said with the utmost love and respect, of course)

  17. Isa Norris says:

    Champsilizus, hun… Champsilizus lol

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