Card Samples

ode to my 36 year old bff shmiz who looks 23

Happy birthday Shmiz.  I love you.  And of course feeling SOOO guilty that I didn’t send you a card so here it is.

[photopress image=”bffcard.jpg”]


Let me tell you a little bit about my high-school-always-was-a-bad-influence-on-her-and-she-made-me-graduate-university-BFF-named-LIZ.

This will bore you but I am gonna talk about her anyway.  Liz is the most wonderful, warm, amazing, SKINNY, BEAUTIFUL Bella. Not only is she BRILLIANT and GORGEOUS but a phenomenal wife and friend and mom.  We have been BFFS since we were 12 and blabbed to each other in high school when the teacher would always get US into trouble when it was really ME who was the blabbermouth (shocking I know).  Liz was the one who pulled all nighters with me and forced me to FOCUS and concentrate on my studies..  Liz was the one who Wrote, ahem, edited, my papers that I handed in to my professors in university.  Liz and I got engaged within a week of eachother.. liz is DA BOMB but she lives too far away *sniff*.

Liz, you are the blond eating ice cream and I am the brunette (except you really look  like bella and I, well, I have curly hair 🙂 ) ..

Happy birthday my friend

I love you and miss you

mwah! (she actually coined the term)

your sistah in every sense of the word



  1. Yanitza says:

    What a lovely card! I don’t know if I count as “International”… I am from Puerto Rico… and it took about 3 weeks for my Bella stamps to arrive… they are just AWSOME! I couldn’t resist working with them immediately. You can see the cards I did with them in my blog. Anyway, I can’t hardly wait to place my next order. Thanks again!

  2. MayritaBonita says:

    Mwah to all the real sistahs that come from different sets of parents… It’s like that for me and my BFF Ali, she’s not too far away, but it would be perfect if we lived next door to eachother…
    Miss you Ali!!!!

  3. Suzy Pearson says:

    OK. I’m an idiot. BFF? What is the second F for? I get Best Friend. Please advise so I can be in the know. By the way, is the BFF on the card a stamp now?

  4. Mary Lou says:

    What a sweet ‘ode’. You are both so very lucky to have been able to maintain such a wonderful relationship. Thank you for sharing this sentimental tidbit. I’m so jealous. Happy Birthday Liz.

  5. Stamping Bella says:

    bff means BEST FRIENDS FOREVAH… yes, it is a stamp available in the sentiments section 🙂

  6. Jessie says:

    Love the card! I know how you feel my BFF lives in Germany and I have not seen her in 2 1/2 years but I am headed there soon and taking her some bella’s to boot!! She too will be Bella addicted too!! Thanks Em for all you do!!!! Jessie:)

  7. Shmiz says:

    You just made me cry like a baby, my very sweet Em. I wish we were in the same city so we could sit at the kitchen table and eat party sandwiches and drink hazelnut vanilla coffee whilst deciding which new purse we should buy.

    I love you and miss you so much! Thank you for the beautiful tribute 🙂 🙂


  8. Andrea Hays says:

    How very sweet! I just got to see my very best friend today. She’s only about an hour away, but it’s still too far! Happy Birthday Schmiz! Thanks for sharing this cute card, Em!

  9. Shmiz says:

    Read it again, crying again.

    You’re the best, Em :).

  10. Christi says:

    This is such a sweet card. I miss my BF from junior high. We still stay in touch but it is nothing like what it was when we were younger. I guess life just took us in different directions. You are so lucky that you guys are BFFs and don’t let miles keep you from each other.

  11. Addictabella Angela says:

    Okay, I’m so loving the BFF!! The cute is killin’ me Em! My BFF from Middle School is still the Bestest BFF a gal could have. We just celebrated our 20th year of each other. And the fact that she still loves me after all this time, makes her a saint. Thanks for the wonderful homage to friendship.

  12. Lori -PinkyDinkyDoo says:

    Oh Em! Ya got me with that beautiful story. BFF are what life is all about really. No one knows us like our true girlfriends!

    I am doin’ the full ugly cry right now….eyes drippin’, nose drippin’, puffy upper lip….ya see my BFF just moved last week. She is now 16 hours away and she had the nerve to take her kidlets with her!!! (she did threaten to leave them with me 🙂 Ya see, (me) not able to have children, her two beauties were like my own…a huge part of my life. I am SO sad because I fear they will not remember me and all the great times we shared (they are now only 4 & 6 years of age).

    We must treasure our friendships – they do indeed sustain us.

    Thank you for sharing your frienship story – and Happy Birthday Liz!

    Going to blow my nose now and take a deep cleansing breath, and then try to be my giggly self.

    Thanks for listening (reading) my sob story.

  13. BFFs are the best. Mine is to far away, too. but we chat and eat cake and pretend we’re together. That is a beautiful card for Shmiz!

  14. melissa says:

    that was so nice…

    happy belated b day shmiz…ehhehe

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