Card Samples, chit chat

my JAYDEN is six today!!

OMG.. I can’t believe how OLD my little nee nee loo loo laa laa (pet name) is today.  She marched into my bedroom at about 6:00 am and says


me with one eye half open “yes Jay?”

“are you PROUD o’ me?”

“I’m ALWAYS proud of you Jay.. why should I be proud of you today?”

“cuz I am SIX today! Are you proud of me?”

I felt like saying.. “i’m more proud of MYSELF for you making it to 6″…LOLOL.. but instead I said

“of  COURSE I am proud of you!!!”

mwah mwah mwah to my little itty bitty pooky shmooky cutie wootie.

I love you.


  1. jen shears says:

    Happy Birthday Jay!
    (my little person turned 6 April 1- and I can relate to being proud they survived that long! ha!!!)

  2. Susan P says:

    Hope Jayden had a great birthday. Yesterday was also my granddaughter’s birthday. She turned 7.

  3. Isa Norris says:

    Happy birthday Jayden!!!!

  4. Ebru says:

    Big shout out to JAYDEN, ” HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETHEART” may your day be full of laughter, cake and all the presents your beautiful heart desires. Mwahhhh !!!

  5. awwwwww 🙂 beautiful girl and beautiful mummy! Happy bday Jayden!

  6. Happy Birthday Jayden…I hope you have a Very Special Day!
    Emily…I hope you made her a card with all those delicious goodies in the store!

  7. Leslie W. says:

    Happy b-day Jayden! Hope you have a great day!

  8. Elaine says:

    Oh so sweet! Hope Jayden had a fantastic birthday!

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