Card Samples

just replenished and ADDED

more EMBELLASHMENT charms.. you likey?  Got a walkabella’s fire hydrant (my WARPED sense of humor), a spade and a rake for veggibella and refilled all the sold out ones! 





  1. Michelle says:

    Oh, Em, I do likey…in fact I LOVEY 🙂 Flowahbella’s watering can is sooooo cute! MUST have…I NEED…. 😮 The fire hydrant is way to cute; anybody who has walkabella needs it! OK, I’m off to place an order…I’ve been a good girl and waited long enough.

  2. michelle hoover (chella bella) says:

    you are so funny!

    and i see that grumpabella is back!

    i thought maybe she had been in a ‘time out’

  3. Katie says:

    Of course I likey…I too, “lovey” them. Can I add to an order that hasn’t shipped yet?

  4. Jen says:

    Love the new charms!!!! 😀

  5. Jessica says:

    we likey very much… but I think we would LIKEY a new fella or bella or both 🙂

  6. abi c. says:

    Hey lady! I just noticed that you called them emBELLAshments! How cute is that?!?! The fire hydrant is too funny. Love the gardening tools! Keep the good stuff coming!

  7. Janeabella says:

    ummm….me can’t help noticing there are ball cap charms…..a baseball fella???????? My guys are at a game right now……guess I’z bettah be startin a new cart….:)

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