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just a heads up

You will be getting a ‘doozy’ of an entry coming up about the Creativ Festival I went to yesterday so stay posted.. I just have to get some time to gather my thoughts (OMG a scary thought) and then I will post some pics (of course NOT of me–when’s MONDAY AGAIN?)..

just wanted to let you know and what are people thinking about that lovely post on SCS?  OMG I was mortified when someone called my bella a maniac? having a maniacal smile?  SHEESH.. I thank all the sistahs for coming to my ‘rescue’ and still loving this community we have all started together.. let’s continue forever k? 

Oh, you know the invitation I created in the middle of the night for my DD’s birthday party?  I think I will colour copy and send out as flyers.  whaddya think?




  1. Tanya says:

    They are just jealous of what you have created and how successful you and your Bella’s have become. To each their own opinion…but I was brought up by the “golden rule”…”treat others how you’d want to be treated” and also…”if you have nothing nice to say then don’t say it at all.” We have almost 500 “bellaholics”…and it’s been what??? almost a month? I think that’s pretty darn good!!! Don’t let the negative comments get to you. Just remember the sistahs and how much we adore our Bella’s!

  2. Caz says:

    I think we all have different tastes but there are ways and places to say what you think, you dont have to be nasty to say something isnt your cup of tea! I love your bellas em


  3. Jeanne S says:

    Mean people just stink. Don’t let them get you down Em 🙂

  4. Shannon M says:

    I love the Bellas, everyone I know loves the Bellas, don’t worry about a few jealous mean spirited people.

  5. Jen says:

    I joined SCS a few weeks before I found the Bellas and I have to say I haven’t been back to SCS much at all. (I only check out the Bella gallery really) I just don’t like the forums there. I think most of the SCS members are SAHM’s who have nothing better to do then look for things to complain about….because for the most part they are very unhappy people. Most of the threads I took the time to read all had negetive comments for no reason. Unless someone posted a thread ASKING so what do you think – there is no reason to just start a thread to announce to the world you dislike anything. Why be mean??? Unless a product or comapny did wrong by you why slam them? I just don’t get that kind of behavior at all. I think everyone needs to go watch Disney’s Bambi. 🙂

  6. RC says:

    I’m an SCS member also. I read one of the negative threads about the bellas. I mean geesh. I was raised that if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all. I for one, Em, LOVE your bellas. I have yet to own one myself. I’ve bought them for girls whose names I draw in the exchanges over there.
    I have one more thing to say:
    Hello, my name is RC and I’m a bella addict! 🙂

  7. jessie says:

    Em after reading your blog I checked out SCS and do not get why others say negative things. I understand they have there own opinion but hate is not a nice word and I was taught not to use it lightly. I for one love my bella’s and am patiently (well not really) waiting for my next order.

  8. natanya says:

    I bet you if you met any of these “hate” people they would be a very, dark hue of green………………………….. jealousy is the green eyed monster and if the cap fits, they should wear it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It boils my blood when people have nothing else to do but spread ugliness about things they have no education about. There in I think lies the whole problem, uneducated people whose maturity level is that of a two year old (no offense to two year olds). We love the Bellas and Na Na Na Na Na to all of them and there yucky public opinions.

  9. Kim Nielsen says:


    Please don’t let these people get to you. You are now #48 of the stamping sites; that right there says volumes about what the majority of people (bellaholics) think about the Bellas. I know that everyone is entitiled to their opinion, but sometimes they should think before they type. Remember mean people suck and don’t waste your precious time fretting over it… you could be spending it creating and revealing new Bellas, Fellas and the rest of your goodies. LOL
    I LOOOOVE my Bellas and am waiting to submit my next order until payday. I tell everyone I know about you; even local stamping stores in hopes they will carry them…. one said they are looking into it 🙂
    Thanks for all you do and remember we all love you!!!!!!

  10. Nancy says:

    My Mom is visiting my sister in Oakville right now and they are off to the Creative Festival today. They were hoping to be able to drag Nicky off to lunch. Wish I could have gone!!!!

    And as far as the thread on SCS… just remember that you can’t make *everyone* happy. Do what makes you happy and there will be others that follow…. Keep having fun!

  11. Christine says:


    Mean people suck! Anyway, I wouldn’t have discovered the Bellas if it weren’t for SCS. I love them and I haven’t even gotten my first order yet! So there! 🙂

    If people want to be “haters” let ’em! The rest of us know that the Bellas are the BOMB and we’ll just keep right on buying them! Even my 8-year-old, Stephanie, is dying for me to order more Bellas. Her current favorite is PMSabella, which is on my wish list for my next order.

    Keep the Bellas coming! We love you!!

    Christine (and my DD Stephanie)

    PS: Stephanie wants to know if you can make her a Stephabella. I told her I’d ask! LOL What’s a girl without a dream?! 🙂

  12. Crafty Math Chick says:


    I am so sorry some negative person posted something @SCS that hurt your feelings. I too try to conduct my life according to the principle “treat others as you want to be treated.” Maybe this person isn’t used to being treated well? Maybe they don’t smile much and that is why they couldn’t understand the Bellas’ big, BEAUTIFUL smiles, which I find charming. Maybe they are jealous of your talent and vision. IDK, but I feel bad for them if their life is so empty that they need to post nasty things about someone else to fill their time or feel better about themselves. Someone who I haven’t met but seems so incredibly kind and generous. 🙂

    I am just one person, but I for one LOVE the Bellas and THANK YOU for sharing your art with us; not just by creating beautiful things for us to look at and admire, but that we can use ourselves to create our own art as well.

    Thank you Em, I think you are great. Please try not to let evil comments bring you down.


  13. Em, who says such things? Tell me and I’ll give them a piece of my mind (the one with the Bellas on it and they’ll be instant converts)!

  14. Laura (llevans) says:

    ya know how I feel!!!! I unsubscribed to that thread and don’t even open it up because it makes my blood boil!!!!!!!!

  15. Tinabella says:

    Em, let me just say that I am a SU! demonstrator and I also am the proud owner of 23, yes I said 23, Bellas. I love them! Keep doin” what your doin’ and know that we love you!

  16. Julie Masse says:

    Just remember how many people love you and love the Bellas – how many are in the Yahoo group now, and your site is what #48 in the top 50???? I’d say to them, “na, na, na, na, na!!!” Ooops, was that rude?? 🙂 Love to you EM!

  17. Connie says:

    I vote next time we COMPLETELY IGNORE the negative post… My mom used to say to do that when mean kids would make fun of me… Goodness help me she might have been right!

    They might get one or two replies, but I predict it will fizzle. It will take a bit of restraint on our part, but it won’t be much fun for them! You know we love our Bellas and our Em right???


  18. Jenn says:

    Crikey! (is that how you spell it?) I never knew that there were so many BellaHatas out there (or thought there could be!) . Maybe you should make a BellaHata stamp and make profit off of them! 🙂 J/K! For real, Em, your stamps rock my socks and I’m currently in a saving mode so I can order more-they’re just great! The first stamps that I’ve bought that aren’t SU! (aside from a few random purchases at the craft store). I say keep creatin’ and ignore the hatin’!
    Have a Bella-rific week!
    ~Jenn 🙂

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