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it’s that time of year again

This is the time where I am inspired to plant an herb garden.  SO HELP ME, every year for the past 7 years my darling husband accompanies me to Home Depot, we pick every herb imaginable including sweet basil, some sort of exotic thyme, dill, oregano, peppermint, catnip.. you name it, we buy it.  Then we buy a planter (EVERY FRIGGIN YEAR WE BUY A PLANTER-same color same shape).  We come home, I tell him my menu for the next 6 weeks and how everything will be ENHANCED by a FUSION of herbs and how brilliant and gourmet-ish I am.  SO that’s the beginning.  We come home today full of plant and soil (of course top quality insect free extra brown, super moist soil) we plant my 10ish herbs in the planter, the darling CHILDREN while in the kiddie pool decide to help.  Ryan lets Tyler water the plants.. well.. the herbs drowned.  They were WATERED to the point of oblivion.  All I saw was a shuddering stalk of rosemary.  **POOF** went the idea of gourmet meals.. Ryan assured me that all would be fine.  Now let’s take a step back a little.  For the past 7 summers, we started this way.. within 2 weeks, every single herb was dead due to lack of watering, too much sun etc  (you’re probably thinking.. THANK GOODNESS HER KIDS CAN ASK FOR A DRINK! LOLOL).  I cannot take care of ANY plant or herb for that matter.. My mom is a botanist.. has an award winning garden.. when I know she is visiting I RUN to my dead plants and inject water and miracle gro and say a few prayers and of course she comes to my house and says “so you watered these today, didn’t you?” and I look at her and say, WHATTTTT??? I water these every coupla days! and she just shakes her head at me… so by the end of the summer.. the herbs are gone, the planter is thrown out cuz we VOW never to plant again.. and 12 months later (kinda like groundhog day) we go and buy the same things all over again.  I must say it is fun to plant.. but I am SO not good at it… oh well.. let’s make bets how long I will have my drowned herbs for… LOL

On another note.. I have not scrolled down to my previous email where I mentioned the hair coloring thing.  I looked in the mirror today and guess what I saw???  a KAJILLION grey hairs again.. did I NOT JUST GET MY HAIR COLORED??? hmph.  double hmph.

MWAH to da sistahs.. I am sure I will ‘see’ you tomorrow



  1. robb_eeie says:

    Hi Miss Pickle ~~ Well I guess you can’t be PERFECT in everything, since you’ve already proven what an amazing business woman you are ~ friend ~ wife ~ mother ~ ohhh ya and all the stuff that goes along with the Bella rubbah 🙂 Have you ever tried just planting just a few of your favorite herbs in pretty ceramic “household” pots, and placing them on the window sil in your kitchen? That way you MUST see them each and every day, while making your morning coffee, or while making dinner, etc.. etc… and then you will remember to water them.
    You could put your planters in your **Super Cart** and push them in and out of the house daily, for their sunshine and fresh air, and then wheel them back in at night to ensure the birds, racoons, skunks, rabbits, cats, etc. don’t eat them while you sleep 🙂 And when you do that, I want- I mean REALLY want a pic of that super-duper-cart of yours :)) Happy gardening Em.

  2. Carmen says:

    Hi Em,
    I know I should be replying on your garden story and I will but it’s monday and It’s time for the new reveal so please come out the garden PLEASE and don’t keep us waithing any longer;)

  3. Hi Em~So I totally did the same thing last summer. My husband was deployed and I was going to grow this wonderful herb garden for him to enjoy when he returned. Well all but one were on deaths doorstep when he got home. He transplanted them all to the backyard (I had them in the kitchen) and they bounced back a little bit. Well we live in Upstate NY so the winter came and killed them. Well much to our suprise the basil has come back and is growing like crazy. We can’t keep it pruned fast enough. But also I’m getting SICK of Basil!!

  4. Queeniebella says:

    BTW sweetie, I gave up on the coloring thing last July — I needed the money for stamps! I actually get much more respect with my head of white hair! 🙂

    As for brown thumbs — I am she! 🙂

  5. LOL! I kill MINT!!! Yes. We have lived here for almost 3 years and I am on at LEAST my 3rd set of mint plants. Bet ya didn’t know you could kill mint, did ya???

  6. oh….and in the pot out front……I have fake flowers from michaels. Who cares if daffodils aren’t in season? they are my favorite and they look so pretty!

  7. Anjabella says:

    i plant and kill tomato plants! my thumb is black (is it from all the ink?) 🙂
    BTW…my ds is Ryan, and if we have another boy… Tyler… weird?

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