Card Samples


well, kinda.  I gotta tell you this funny little anecdote.  A few days ago I was visiting one of my favorite suppliers (which one ISN”T I ask you!).  Of course my partner in crime (nickabella) joined me and we both spot this cart.  Yes, a shopping cart. (please don’t roll your eyes.. I KNOW YOU ARE).. ANYWAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY, this is the cutest shopping cart you have ever seen (you are now asking yourselves.. a shopping cart?  cute?  WHATEV- ).. I will snap a pic tomorrow and show you and I am SURE you will agree.. Ok so anyway, we spot this cart.. called the ‘smart cart’.. so that sold it to me.. I admit it!  Anything with that name has got to be purchased, no?  So this cart is teeny relative to the normal supermarket cart (if I say CART one more time….).. there are 2 levels to this ‘C'(art) and 1 basket fits in each (both top and bottom) that you can remove.  Nicky and I immediately stare at eachother with the understanding that it is ABSOLUTELY necessary that I own this cart.. for work of course .  I can keep it in the car… I can take it out and put stuff in it to make it one trip to the office.. I can use it to pick and pack orders.. OMG. the places I would GO with this cart! (think Dr. Seuss book.. ‘oh, the places you’ll go’ (OMG wouldn’t that be a GREAT sentiment for DIPLOMABELLA???? just thought of that).. So I BEG.. I mean BEG the woman to sell me 2 of these carts.. you know in case one breaks down?? (I am laughing out loud just writing this).. she goes to ask the manager and sure enough, yes! I mean they’re thinking if this idiot wants 2 shopping carts, who am I to stop her from spending?… Anyway I ended up taking one.  I put it in the bella’s minivan and Ryan takes a look in my van when I get home and I am surprised his eyes did not remain crossed when he looked at this ‘thing ‘ in my car.. I went into my list of why this is the best thing on earth and he just held his hand up to STOP as he really wasn’t interested in the reasoning.. *giggles*… So of course I had TONS of stuff to bring to the office and I send him to home depot to buy a dolly to bring the big stuff up.. and what do you think he said??? no no no.. I think we should use your sssmmmmaaartttt cart (well at least he listens, no?)… I said to him to stop being a *()$*(%* and to buy a dolly.. of course he did.. SO.. he took his lunchhour and then some off.. I had packed my van up all morning and we met at the office.  He proceeds to take out this dolly that has trays, and the handle can pivot and you can lift it and squash it.. the only thing it doesn’t do is give you $$.. this was HIS smart cart.  So  I must admit there was a little bit of competing going on.. I whipped out my smart cart and he whipped out his “smarter” cart.. We loaded them up (mine fit 3 stamps..LOL) and his fit a fridge, 18 miliion boxes and 4000 acrylic blocks–ok I am exaggerating a little but I just wanted you to get the visual.

Well, the next step was to get to the front door.  They are repaving the parking lot and the path to the door… YOU SISTAHS woulda been HYSTERICAL.. the two of us wheeling our smart and smarter carts over PEBBLES.. can you just imagine?  We couldn’t go in a straight line.. things were threatening to fall.. we basically had to LIFT our carts over the pebbles… I knew I was smarter with my smart cart and loading it with 2 stamps.. less to fall!!! SEE? I WIN afterall! LOLOL.. (I so am really laughing as I write.)

So we get in my new digs and I have to tell you.. I SOOOO HAPPY there.. Hannah came to help me.. she will be with me a couple of times a week and we finished unpacking everything.. I can’t wait to go back tomorrow!  It’s MY place.. MY place to share with my sistahs when they come and visit where I will have MY goodies to serve and MY KETTLE to boil and of course MY COFFEEMAKER to make… It’s really nothing fancy at all but it’s MINE!

So tomorrow ladies, I will be hibernating in MY NEW PLACE, packing orders, listening to music and emailing you guys 🙂

I so happy I could just bust!  Stressed but happy!  Things should be getting back to normal soon!  I will try to take pictures and Natanya will be picking the winners to the contest by Friday!

Ok, now whomever recommended that labeler to me in the last competition, please email me privately.. I would like discuss your prize!! THAT THING IS THE BESTTTT THING IN THE WORLD.. well besides my smart useless cart, that is!

love you



  1. SusanH says:

    Pleeaase say you have pictures of the great cart competition! I’m picturing a Ben Hur kind of thing going on here! That’s hilarious!

  2. abi c. says:

    Oh Em!! ::Wipes eyes:: My tummy hurts from laughing. The imagery of the two of you racing your carts across the gravel is killing me! I think that our DH’s must be related! Thanks for sharing, you made my night!

  3. Laura (llevans) says:

    I love your stories! I can picture the whole thing out on the pebbles……Glad you love your new place! Hopefully I will get to visit soon!

  4. OMG – you have got to stop making me laugh, my eyes … OMG my eyes! Tears streaming down my face. I swear… really truly swear that I was in a *MANDATORY* staff meeting(ya know nothing good is going to happen anywhere your attendance is mandatory) and they show this clip of people thinking outside the box (like they get paid to do that.. make good ideas better) and they had the almost very same cart you are describing but with some other goody features and I was thinking how awesome it would be to have that shopping cart and now to think you have the same cart in my mandatory meeting video – I can’t stand it!
    p.s. I got fellas and bellas today in the mail… would it make you blush if I said I totallly adore you!

  5. robb_eeie says:

    Hi Miss Pickle ~ I’m going to be in the *Lurks* until I see pics of this “smart cart” of yours..hehehehheeee. BTW, will it hold the HUGE weaved basket, that you bought back at the Toronto Creative Sewing Show? And will it also hold your new Polka-Dot wheeler case? HA HA No wonder you need more space …. it’s to house ALL your Carts AND Baskets AND Bags AND Purses~~ :))
    You are one funny chic Em!
    P.S. C’mon Sistah, where are the storage units? I have approx. 45 Bella stamps, and you KNOW how much I enjoy neatness and organization ! My Rubber deserves R-E-S-P-E-C-T when they need to be put away. > PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE release the storage stuff, or I’m just going to show-up on your door step; I know where ‘ya live . Or I’ll just look for the house with all the Smart-Carts out on the front lawn ! ! LOL

  6. Chris Mott says:

    Em…You have me rolling on the floor at work…You are a smart sistah with a smart cart…i can really see you and your hubby with the smarter cart going over the pebbles racing to your space!!! I bet the acrlic blocks were heavy…ahhh that’s it…You did good sistah!! A good man always listens to his wife! Of course he got the dolly…lol…MUAH!! have a great Tuesday Chris

  7. Janeabella says:

    Man!!! I think I NEED a smart cart….you are too funny! I’ve been with SU! for almost 4 years and have wanted to go to convention every year (still never been) UNTIL I met you!!! My new crafty goal in life is to get me a ticket to Cananda to visit the Bella Homeland…….Can I crash on your couch??? LOL! YOu are the best. MWAH!!!

  8. Jen says:

    OMG!!! I am rolling on the floor of my computer lab laughing – my students think I have competely lost it!!!! 😀 The picture I have in my head of you and your hubby racing your carts up to the new Bella Head Quarters is priceless! You have the gift of story telling girl – are you sure your not Irish??? 😉

    Can’t wait to see photos of “your” new digs and the new smart and smater carts. (Still laughing out loud!) I so need to plan a trip to Canada. 🙂 This Florida girl better buy some sweaters first.

  9. Esther (as in Maralyn & Karen) says:

    Congratulations on your new digs! This is my second ever comment on-line, and both were to you…but I couldn’t resist…just had to not only offer my congrats (in a timely fashion this time) and to comment on the great shopping cart adventure (Hi Nicky…miss you)…you…crack…me…up…you are just too hilarious and a great picker-upper…you need your own camera crew as videos of your exploits would be hilarious…although the images that you conjure up in our heads probably runs a close second…hey, can the ‘cousins’ come to your new abode and play?…

  10. I am SO laughing right now my DH thinks I’ve lost it! What does he know about how our Stamping Bella makes us laugh! I have visuals and they are all hilarious. Looking forward to seeing pics of your new space and, hopefully, will be visiting soon.

  11. Mary Lou says:

    Are you making this an annual competition? LOL. Great story. My friends and I were just discussing (yesterday in fact) the many competitions we have with our DH. For example, who’s in better shape. One couple did held a race. Good times for sure. I need to see a photo of the cart. I can’t imagine how cute applies to a cart but I’m game.
    By the way, I’m sooooo jealous of YOUR place. I can’t wait for my basement to be finished so I have MY space again. The waiting………

  12. jean says:

    I can’t add much more then the others. I’m sitting here laughing and wishing I could work for you. Congratulations on the big move. MWAH!

  13. Keri says:

    I just laughed so hard I had an asthma attack…I tell you this not to make you feel bad but to make you understand just how stinkin’ funny you are. I am so excited for your new space…I am waiting (im)patiently for you to get yourself settled to place another big fat order. You are AMAZING!! Just FYI!!

  14. Helen (Bagpuss) says:

    Why this cart is automatic… It’s systematic… It’s hydromatic…
    Why it’s grease lightning!!!!!!

    (You are bonkers, BTW. :))

  15. Bethany says:

    Oh my gosh! TOO funny. Thanks for the laugh. And I don’t mean a little giggle. I mean several minutes of laughing from the first word to the last.

  16. Congratulations on getting a new place, Your very own place. 🙂


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