Card Samples

I HAD to post this

Is anyone aware of the “crocs” phenomenon?  Crocs are the UGLIEST shoes you have EVER seen in your life (actually they are coming out with cuter styles) but they are SOOOOO comfy womfy.. you never want to take them off!  About 2-3 years ago I was in Montreal shopping and spotted BRIGHT pink crocs in the window. I went nuts.. didn’t know what a ‘croc’ was then but bought them and wore them proudly all over the place… Ryan thought I was a PSYCHO.. my friends had no idea what had landed on my feet etc.. but I continued to wear them..(would you doubt it??).. Toronto still didn’t have the crocs at that point.. well.. wouldn’t you know it.. a year later, it becomes the latest craze and EVERYONE and their grandmother had to have these shoes! ALL the people who made fun of me are now wearing them ..LOL.  Well, I bought Tyler a pair last year and he wore them to death last year.. I swear it is like walking on two mattresses!(giggle)…  Ok, so then I am watching Oprah while working and hear the most incredible story about a stay at home mom who was at the pool and created these croc ‘charms’ that everyone went NUTS over. These charms hook on through the holes of the crocs.. kinda like an accessory.. Sure enough this woman who created these croc charms, made it on Oprah and BAM.. the rest is history.. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE stories like that.. you know about what people invent and sell kabillions of? I saw a story about a young girl who wanted pastel nailpolish so she took nailpolish and mixed it with white and called her company HARD CANDY, made it to Oprah and bingo bango.. the rest is history once again!! LOVE IT!

Ok, I digress (what else is new?).. the whole POINT of this post was to show you these legs

[photopress image=”jayden__s_fet_002.jpg”]

 I mean HONESTLY.. could you take these legs and SHOVE them in your mouth whole???  And of course, checkout minibella’s crocs with all the charms.. THEY ARE SOOOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!! 

Ok, that’s all I had to share..LOL.. sorry I got off track yet again! And Winners will be announced for the contest early next week





  1. Geeta / TexasLonghorns says:

    Em, I thought you were going to say that the bellas were headed for Oprah! Bingo Bango (love that!). I saw that Oprah with the Croc bling lady… she ended up selling her company to Crocs and made a FORTUNE! All because she was playing around with her kid’s shoes. Awesome!

  2. Stamping Bella says:

    I WISH they were headed for Oprah! LOLOL.. nope.. I just like to listen to all the other stories of successes.. things that you bang your head (bingo bango) and say DUH! Why didn’t I think of that!

  3. Allison says:

    REALLY…the Bellas should head to Oprah!!! Does she know about you, Em? Do we, as bellaholics, need to shine the light on the Bellas for Oprah??? I mean, truly, you are one of those success stories that Oprah talks about and we all love…do you realize that? No bingo bango for you…you did think up the Bellas that we are crazy about!
    🙂 Allison

  4. jkincolorado says:

    I just bought my first pair of Crocs…..I found a cute pair of black/purple sandels that are very ‘comfy-womfy’ 🙂

    Those legs ARE adorable — I don’t know if I would eat them, but they definitely look nibbleable!

  5. Amanda says:

    Ok so I have to tell you my story. My Mom works in a Garden Centre and the latest rage last year was “Holey Soles”. She found out that there were two business partners and they eventually parted ways. One started “Holey Soles” which are Canadian…..and the other lady started “Crocs” which are American.

    Our family is hooked on Holey Soles including myself who owns the bright pink pair and a lime green pair 🙂

    Then I discovered Jibbitz and whoa man…..I had to have some!!! I ended up catching that show on Oprah about the woman who invented the Jibbitz and thought to myself “now why can’t I come up with that and make millions”….hehehehe.

    Honestly they are the best shoes to wear…..they are comfy….you can wash them with warm water and soap….and they are supposed to be anti-fungal because they allow your feet to breathe.

    Everyone should have a pair 🙂 Don’t knock ’em until you try ’em.

    Glad I’m not the only insane one around !!!


  6. mcbetty says:

    YOU and your bellas should be on Oprah.
    But then you’d expand more and more and more!

  7. Christy says:

    I don’t know, I still haven’t gotten past the part where crocs are the ugliest shoes in the world….maybe it’s just me. 😉

  8. Stamping Bella says:

    Have I mentioned that I own 3 pair? LOL

  9. Melissa - stampedbym says:

    Crocs are very hip in Colorado… I was born and raised there, but I don’t live there now. Anyway, my sister does and she wanted to get my daughter a pair for her birthday last year – actually she did. But anyway, I took DD to Wal-Mart where they have their version of Crocs and showed them to her. I asked her if she liked them and she says *no way, Mommy!! Those are the most disgusting shoes ever* Keep in mind she was 7 at the time! So I called my sister and told her to take them back. Now, we live in WV and they have finally gained some popularity over here and DD just laughs when she sees people in their Crocs and says they are still disgusting! Personally, I’d like to a pair.

  10. Jenny says:

    we need a Bella wearing a pair of Crocks, seriously. I have 2 pair and I’ve been seariching locally for the color and size I want of the mary jane’s, I’m too cheap to pay shipping when I don’t have to. I wear my Crocks ALL the time. When I 1st saw them I was afraid they would make my feet sweat, just like jelly shoes or other cheapy plastic, even on a really hot day my birkenstocks felt un-comfy. But I am hooked on Crocks now.

  11. Inkabella says:

    I too think they’re ugly….haven’t tried them on yet…..maybe will breakdown & give them a try. Does this mean we’re going to see a Crocabella!! LOL

  12. MayritaBonita says:

    I’m one of the ones that go back and forth… ‘Cause looking at them I really don’t like them, but there’s been a couple of times, when I’m walking around in a theme park or really long distances that I’d do anything and wear any shoes so that my feet wont hurt… So I’m considering buying a pair, filling them with charms (which we all wish we’d thought of first) and keeping them just in case there’s a lot of walking around to do…

  13. Mary Lou says:

    I like my crocs except when it is too hot and sweaty they don’t feel so great. However, my kids love them. My son received his first pair last year when he turned 2 and his younger sister LOVED them. She’s a shoe girl aftah her Mama. Anyway, She now has 3 pair of little crocs. She is a tiny 19 month old so can you imagine the little crocs. OH SO SWEET. She has two tie dye pink ones and a pink Hello Kitty pair. Love them. Even my DH has some, but he is hiding them…..afraid I thinks. Anyway the thonged sandals are awesome too. I just bought them for my friend who just had a baby. Those are super duper comfy. I hate to give them to her and maybe keep them for ME. Greed, greed, greed. ANYway, I am going to invite soft beer bottle tops so that you don’t smash your teeth when you have had a few and SWING that drink up to your mouth. Anyone want to help with that one?

  14. shellyluwho says:

    I love Crocs on babies- I just searched the world over (literally 10 stores online and locally) for some knock-offs for my 2 yo boy and it was so worth the search. I also want to munch on those cute baby legs in crocs. You have just convinced me to get my own:) Hey, mother’s day is just around the corner.


  15. Jen says:

    Those are the yummiest legs evah!!! Crocs have been all over Florida for years now (boaters LOVE them) but I just can’t bring myself to buy them – can’t get over the ugly part. LOL The cuter styles are a growing on me. So maybe this summer I MIGHT get a pair of the flip flops. I love the idea of a Bella in Crocs very hip!

    The BESTEST idea is of YOU going on Oprah with the Bellas!!!! I think we should ALL flood Oprah’s email box with letters telling her all about our Em and her Bellas and how she should be on her next show!!!! 😀 I’m off to write my letter!!!!

  16. Geeta / TexasLonghorns says:

    So, Em, earlier today I was telling a friend about this post and she said something funny…. “Isn’t Splitcoast the Oprah for stampers?”. I think so! See, you’re already famous! Jenn (Balcer – my “upline” ) can play Oprah! Or maybe Beate… 🙂

  17. Julia says:

    Personally I thought they were really weird looking but I thought they would be a good slip on shoe to wear for letting the dogs out and gardening. I bought a pair of pink ones that are knockoffs called “RICS”. Wow are they comfortable. My DH even wears my pink ones too cuz he thinks they are so comfy! We need to find him a pair that are a better color for a fella. LOL!

  18. Chris says:

    I just had to ask????? Am I the only one that checks this Blog 40 times a day desparately waiting to see what the storage is???? I can’t stand the wait… is torturing me… don’t want to torture us do you EM??? As a footnote I don’t have Crocs and don’t really like the look!

  19. Chris says:

    Don’t have Crocs…but really wish I had legs that Cute.

  20. abi c. says:


  21. Jenn says:

    My fiance’s brother calls them my “duck” shoes. Don’t know where he came up with that from….?! My fiance thinks they’re the ugliest things ever, but I have to agree with you, Em, that they are the most comfy shoes! I thought they were hideous at first, too, but for real I love them! Did you see the cute, mary jane style black ones they have out for kids now?! So wish I had a daughter to put them on! Oh, and BTW-mine are hot pink, too!!! 🙂

  22. Kisa says:

    Love the croc story – have to share my croc story! My daughter is 10…she and her friend were buying some new crocs that they had to have, pink of course….Well we got home after shopping and they put on their new crocs and I heard my daughter say to her friend, “Well, how do my new “cocs” look? I about died…..she said, Crocs with out the R….after about 5 minutes of them saying this…. I decided that I’d better tell them what they were saying was incorrect….I even went as far as to tell them what someone else might think they were saying if they said it in public….I wanted to make sure they didn’t make that mistake again – My husband and I get a good laugh about it often!

    Enjoy your Crocs – with an R of course!


  23. Chris Mott says:

    I love crocs! I have 3 pairs. They are great for swimming..You should be on Oprah! Your story is amazing. ….Are you in your new place yet??? Love the new fella!. don’t know any golfers…but you NEVAH know…Muah chris

  24. Chris Mott says:

    Do you think we will get a Fella Graduate? I am hoping by the time my little fella graduates, there will be one for him too! Chris

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