chit chat

I am BACKKK with a VENGEANCE (sp?)

Hiya sistahs!

I am back from my weekend at “home”.. I wanted to thank all the good wishes about my grandma (I call her “nanny”.. lol.. a little nugget of bella info).. Ryan and I arrived in Montreal and rushed to the hospital and guess what happened? LOL.. we rushed and rushed.. got the hospital information desk (visitor’s hours were ending in approx 7 minutes).. and the lady behind the glass told us that we were in the wrong hospital… LOL… so we had to rush to the CORRECT hospital and sneak in.. I was very sad seeing herΒ  in the hospital, my independent, vein grandma (nanny) was not so vein, quite humbled and was just feeble.Β  She broke my heart.Β  Hopefully she is on the mend though πŸ™‚ will keep you posted.

The weekend was also devoted to my beautiful sister in law who had her bridal shower on Saturday night (I was one of the hostesses).. it was absolutely divine.Β  Will share pictures with you tomorrow!

What else?? hmmmm.. aside from driving 14 hours in two days?Β  nothing much..LOL

The good news issss that I will beΒ  posting some YUMMALICIOUS stuff tomorrow.. a small new line including stamps that I think will be quite popular.. especially after you see what Nicky does with them! LOL. THEY ARE PHENOM!

I also have some products I will be uploading tomorrow as well.. STUFF I LUV of course!

I think that’s it for now..

mwah to da sistahs who care about DA SISTAH



  1. Vicki Burns says:

    Care about you? We LOVEY you! Glad you are home safe and sound. Sounds like you will have a fun week posting, which means a fun week of stalking and ordering for da sistshs!

  2. christine says:

    Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh NEW STUFF!!!! You know your killing us waiting till tomorrow….lol. Nick the girls and I hope your nanny has a speedy recovery and you get to sit with her having a nice cold drink this summer. πŸ™‚ So glad that the shower went off without a hitch. πŸ™‚ As far as the drive, well seash I was willing to carpool…lmao. Oh wait you had the kids ….. ok never mind glad you all had fun…lol. Hope you all have a good nite and cant wait to check back tomoorow. πŸ™‚

  3. Hi Miss Em, I’m glad that your trip was good and safe…and hopefully Nanny is doing better by now! Can’t wait to see what’s new this week…although I did *just* get my last Bella order today so I’m planning to stamp the afternoon away! Woohoo!!!

  4. lindaH says:

    Can’t wait for tomorrow!…and best wishes to Nanny…i’ve seen my (Baba) weak and tired in the hospital and it isn’t nice…hope she is back on her feet again soon. (and now that my reno is coming to a close, hope to be back stamping again soon!)

  5. Maria says:

    Glad to hear your nanny is on the mend. I’m sure it did her good to see you. Well, you are truly an enabler so enable away – hehehe.

  6. Rosybella says:

    I’m sorry to hear about your nanny.
    Hopefully things go well.

    And i am hoping really bad to get a bella.
    since today a little doggie broke my heart πŸ™

    I have spotted a dog in the animal shelter
    today was the day he was going to go for adoption and more than one person wanted it. It was a 2 pound Yorkie!
    So they had to do a draw and someone else got it.
    I wanted to cry i wanted that dog so bad.
    Anyway my husband talked to a breeder and i’ll be able to pick from her next litter of yorkies.
    So hopefully everything goes well. I’ll have to wait til september.

  7. I am really sorry to hear about your Nanny and I am wishing for her and for you that she has a speedy recovery.

  8. Robb_eeie says:

    Welcome Home Pickle πŸ˜‰ I always, genuinely miss you, when you’re out of the City, so I’m very pleased you are back to the ~~Land Of Bella~~.

    I’m also going to keep your Nanny in my *Positive Thought* bank, where only special individuals are ~allowed~ [*smile*], but where they receive a LOT of positive energy and thoughts by yours truely. Please keep us//me posted on how she is doing.

    Now onto the serious business end of this post. C’MON EMILY, start posting this new line of stuff and stop taunting us poor Bella Junkies that need our fix of new stuff. C’mon Em, I’ve been having a really REALLY rotten, crappy, stinky, miserable, maddening past week, so I really do need a FIX of my Bellas. Stop prancing and dancing around ~ as I know you do ! HAA ~ and get posting some new stuff before I have to just drive out there, to your **Boutique**, and find out for myself what is going on and what is going to be launched πŸ™‚ Do I sound a bit off my *Rocker*? Yep, you better believe it :)) [*evil grin*]

    MWAAAH to all the Sistah’s who are ready to pounce at the first sign of some new Bella stuff.

  9. carmen says:

    Welcome back Sis! Thinking of you!

  10. Karyn says:

    Welcome Home Emily! Glad to hear that your Nanny is on the mend-hoping for a speedy recovery for her.

    I’m sure that the shower was lovely! We all know that you would be the hostess with the mostess!!

    Can’t wait to see the new line-and what a great day I picked to come to the boutique…I just may have to buy them all…LOL!!!

  11. Stephanie Eisele says:

    Hope nanny gets better soon. New stuff???? It’s hard to imaging what it could be……….you luv everything. LOL

  12. Jess Willison says:

    Glad you are home safe and sound. Hope your nanny (I have one too!) is on the mend!

    can’t wait to see the new stuff!

  13. martha says:

    of course new stuff after I just placed and order the other day…. oh well….

  14. JenHoover says:

    tomorrow? tomorrow? why is it always tomorrow!?! πŸ˜‰ LOL {snicker}

    More hugs for you -and good vibes for Nanny! πŸ™‚

    glad your back! mwah!

  15. kayla says:

    yay! new stuff! i love when you release new stuff. i just bought the newest bike bella and must say i LOVE it!

  16. Christi says:

    I am glad that yours back and here are good vibes for your Nanny. I am SO excited to see what this new line is!!

  17. Rosybella says:

    where are the surprises?

  18. Gay Ferland says:

    Em…so glad to hear the good vibes about your Nanny!! Are you stressing out yet with surprizing us all with your new line??? LOL!! Be hanging!

  19. Randell says:

    I love the Funky Weeds!!! I can think of a hundred things to so with them! exciting stuff!

  20. mcbetty says:

    Welcome back!!! I’ve been thru the rushing to hospital for my Gran.
    Once we drove there (200 miles away), expecting that she would already be dead by the time we arrived, she was 103 then. Walked down the hospital corridor into her room, and she was sitting up in bed!!! In pain, but sitting up and telling stories.

    She passed at 106, I happened to surprise her with a visit three days before, so I felt really great that I had that time with her and the sweet memories of that visit.

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