Card Samples


anyone out there? I’ve missed my sistahs!  It’s been cuh-RAZY over at Bella HQ (lol)… sistahs are starting to find out about my itty bitty boutique and we are having a ball (WAVING HI TO SHELLEY!).. we are constantly getting new goodies and playing and demoing and trying lots of new stuff.. how fun is DAT?  Ok, so who’s coming to visit??? you here yet? (*winks*)

We have now painstakingly installed a calendar of events on our website so our local sistahs and not-so-local-sistahs-who-wanna-visit can come and say hi and take a class!  We are still perfecting this feature so pleasssse bear with us!

We are introducing a new STELLA class…  Nicky makes an assortment of PHENOM and ELEGANT cards… we introduce you to her wacky character (not NICKY”S- ok well maybe hers too 😉 ) and show how versatile she is (Stella)… especially for the STELLA in YOU! 

I have put a new product online.. a product I completely believe in and love… it’s the Lyra 72 pce Colored Pencil set.. I LOOOVE THIS SET!  It is an amazing deeply pigmented colored pencil.. the lead is beautiful and soft (perfect to use with odorless mineral spirits) and doesn’t break! I own Prismacolors and LOOOOVE THEM and use them but the Lyras are soft soft too and don’t break (do you know how many times I have sharpened my prismas and ended up having a little ‘stump’ cuz it always  broke? ! LOVE Lyras!.. and you know what?  Lyra has 72 colours only and you know you won’t be missing anything in this set.. the colors are stunning and come in different shades of each color! A bit of an investment but in my opinion, worth every penny!


mwah to da sistahs who wanna take a class with us and fall asleep in a pile of SOOOFT colored pencillllsssss



  1. You are cruel and unusual in your punishment of us non-locals — good thing you’re Canadian or we’d deem you unconstitutional… Sounds like fun — wish I could be there!!

  2. Christy S. says:

    As soon as they make a flat-rate envelope that I can mail myself in, I am THERE, sistah! 🙂 It would probably be a really long flight from here though…

    You’re so mean to my checkbook Em…I just did an order what with the free shipping and all, and my cart is already up to the same amount I just ordered! Maybe I should just add you on to my account information, make it that much easier for you to take my money, hehehe!

  3. I love the calendar of events. As soon as we get settled in our new place in Guelph, I’ll be attending regularly! Can’t wait.

  4. Gabriela Duclos says:

    I would LOVE to attend, where are the classes being held?


  5. christine says:

    Em did u really think ur little shop would stay a secret 🙂 (hehehehehehe) i swear i only told a few ppl bout it 🙂 hope ur having a good day look 4ward 2 c’ing u friday 🙂

  6. JenMarie says:

    Ooo, maybe I’ll be up there one of these days!!! HOW FUN would that be?!!
    Oh, wanted to share a Baboo’s Owl card I made today:

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