1. Jen says:

    Love the card!!!! The baubles look awesome…they are a great size!!! I am thinking a need them ALL now. (Baby steps, take it slow, order a few at time, SLOW DOWN!) LOL


  2. Rose says:

    Thanks for posting a sample, I’m hooked!

  3. So tell me about these baubles you speak of. Are they squishy? Glass? Plastic? How do you stick ’em? Spill it! 😉
    P.S. I loveeeeeeeeeee them!

  4. Carmen says:

    Oooooooooooooh Em!!! These are GREAT! And I love the card.

  5. Michelle says:

    The bauble are so…well…”bauble-y”. LOVE them…ALL OF THEM!!!! But I was wondering also how they are adhered? Are they self stick, or must they be glued on?? I do think that you are so right in that we NEED all of them 🙂

  6. Stamping Bella says:

    ok.. you didn’t hear it HERE.. but on Monday I will be introducing this wild glue I am addicted to..no not SNIFFING it but USING it!! LOL. it is great for the baubles… also paper on paper.. SO GOOD. But honestly, you can use anything from a mini glue dot to the tombo multi (I use that) or the quickie glue pen.. oh you can make a frame.. a stripe.. I AM NOW INSPIRED YET AGAIN.

  7. Michelle Wooderson says:

    Hi Em!! Wowzers, I just took the grand tour of all things new in Bella World……you have been BIZZEEEEEE girlfriend! Love the charms, love the baubles and LOVVVVVVE the new WitchyBella!!!!! She is a must have, I can’t wait to color her funky little stockings!!!!!!!! So glad we got to meet at CHA….for all of you reading this, Em is a complete hoot!! I simply adore her even more now that we’ve met in person!

  8. Anjabella says:

    Thanks for explaining the sticky situation (how to sticky the baubles on!) I was wondering that as well! They are just awesome and will have to join some sistah’s in my cart for my next ordah…
    You continue to rock on and on and on… Keep on rockin’ baby!
    (Can you tell I’m an ABBA fan?)

  9. Caz says:

    Ohhh I had to get some, they look scrummy, I got 4 colours 🙂 A pink, blue, green and orange (I think) LOL cant wait to see them.(and stroke them)

  10. Caz says:

    Does anyone know what make the stamps are for the background?? I love them too

  11. MayritaBonita says:

    hey! what gives? I thought we were getting a reveal of glue on Monday?? 🙁

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