Card Samples


don’t you know that I love to torture? LOL

I’ve been SOOO well behaved for the last little while.. can’t a girl be sneaky onceinawhile thankyouverymuch?

Ok.. just have to pick up some stuff for bellaland (more goodies) and I will start posting some sneaky peekiesย  around noonish (that sounds so funny.. just say NOONISH).. I bet you’re saying it….

Ok.. breathe tight… keep sending me nasty blog comments which I love because it shows me that HUMANS actually read my blog and not just high stats..LOL


~the torturer


  1. Junebugpins says:

    I’ll be on the lookie for a peekie at Noonishie! lol :c)

  2. Carol W says:

    Stop teasing!

  3. Leslie G says:

    I would never send a “nasty” blog comment and have set an alarm bell to remind me to look againl at noonish! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Leslie G says:

    OMG, a typo in my previous comment – unacceptable!! Am so sorry ๐Ÿ™

  5. Karen says:


  6. Karen says:


  7. Sandi says:

    Noonish…. hmmm that should be around 11ish out here. Perhaps I will go and work on my son’s birthday card (using a Bella stamp) while we wait!

  8. Laura Evans says:

    You are killin’ me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Leslie W. says:

    Really?? You are terrible! Is that mean enough? I’ll e-mail you what I really think of you ๐Ÿ˜‰

  10. Lorie H says:

    okay it is noonish now….waiting not so patiently!

  11. Kerri Boucher says:

    love the cards and excited for the release…

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