chit chat

head on straight?

Check (kinda)…

All Ducks in a Row?

Check (kinda)…

Ok.. this has been a lovely monday so far…

listen to THIS story by the ‘braindeadabella.’

I have been suffering with diverticulosis as you all are WELL aware..LOL.. so of course I have been in and out of the doctor’s office when I had my flare up 3-4 months ago… So I get this call from my doctor’s office advising me that I have an appointment with a dr. so and so.. located at so and so address and my appointment is in a week (today)… I was kinda scared and didn’t wanna know what it was about.. so I just “accepted” that I had this appointment and planned around it.

Then I started to get curious..

So I called the doctor so and so at such and such a numbAH.. and it was a voice mail saying absolutely nothing about who he is..

So I let it go.

THEN… I looked up on the internet last night the doctors name to see if I could get a HINT.

Found out today that I had the doctor’s name wrong.

So this morning, while Ryan was driving me downtown today TO THE DOCTOR’s.. I felt I really should know who he is and what he does.

So I call again.  And I listen to the WHOLE message this time… mentioned something about breast clinic.. blablabla

I panic.

I call my DOCTOR to see who this doctor was.. the receptionist couldn’t answer me.  Had no idea (Note to self, change doctors)

I panic.

Finally we get there.. and BLUSHING and APOLOGIZING for being such a STOOOPID girl I humbly asked why I was there and what the doctor specialized in.

“He’s a general surgeon”


So she saw my face and told me I was there to just discuss my “condition”.


What a day.

I toldja I had a good one 🙂

Mwah to da sistahs who NEVER panic and NEVER NEED TO



  1. Vicki says:

    Well, I am NOT one of those sistahs! Surely I have earned a PhD in panic and worry! I am thankful that you were there just for a discussion. I hope you are feeling well! And just think: it you weren’t feeling braindead, imagine how much worse the panic would have been! So being braindead was a blessing to you today! LOL

  2. Chris says:

    I always panic and think the absolute worst. I relly wish DR.s would tell you what is going on right away so one wouldn’t have to worry and fret….I’m sure it makes you sicker.

  3. Rosybella says:

    LOL 😀
    I would have been freaked out of my mind too!!!
    Breast cancer probably running through my head!!!
    So glad things didn’t go to worse!

  4. Chrystal says:

    You should check this website out 🙂

    It’s the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons, and has a doctor search engine. It gives a TON of info and is very easy to use. You should never have to panic about that again 🙂

  5. Pinky says:

    you ok hon?????? Did you talk to “Dr. Whatchamacallhim”???? Hope that he gave you some insight on the diver’ , and relief???? I’m worried about ya.
    The last Dr. appnt I had I told the Dr. that “I need a check up from the neck up” cause I seem to be very forgetful lately. She just laughed at me and told me that I had S.O.B…….I said “What is that” – beginning to panic…. She said it is called “Schedule Overload Brain”…most women have it!
    Feel better n’k?

  6. LindaH says:

    hugs and giggles from your diverticular sistah!!!

  7. Nichols says:

    First of all, leave it to you to have a comments section that makes me do math…( I don’t like math unless it has dollar signs and plus signs and is a check made out to ME.) Anyway, I am endoscopy nurse, I deal with this sort of thing EVERYDAY. If you have any questions, email me, if I don’t have the answer, I will ask OUR general surgeons, we do this all the time, hope you feel bettah my friend, and don’t eat any NUTS. Bwahh ahahahahaha! Just joking!

  8. BarbW. says:

    Hi Em. Hope you are over your panic. Don’t you just love drs. who do this to you right before holidays? As if you have nothing else to worry about, so I hope you are feeling better now & more relaxed.

  9. MsNia says:

    Panic and worry is what keep us and our children alive. All things in moderation. Wish you well on you health.

  10. caz says:

    Just to say a HUGE thank you for your very quick shipping of my order ;0) I look forward to getting them in the new year.


  11. Collee says:

    cuda wouda tell u. All patients with this diagnosis must develop a relationship with a surgeon, just in case. Next time if you need to know about the doctor, check CPS website under doctor search. Hope all is well

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