Card Samples

from start to finish

 Ok sistahs, here goes… I am a little annoyed cuz I took notes (LOL) as goofy things occurred … actually Ryan kept on nudging me when something happened that had potential to be funny and he would just whisper “blog” to me… and OF COURSE.. where do you think that piece of paper is??? NOWHERE TO BE FOUND.. hmph.  so now I am going purely by memory so forgive me (not that you will know if anything is accurate or not..LOLOL).. here goes

So thursday night I packed all my goodies in yet another new rollie bag that I bought myself.. I actually ended up packing ALL my stuff in there and of course all the ‘extras’ went into Ryan’s bag.. I looked cute wheeling my bag while he SCHLEPPED his big yellow bag around.  EVERYONE stared at my bag.. honestly.. and whenever someone told me how nice my bag was, Ryan was sure to tell them that they made my day

[photopress image=”betsey_rolly_bag_1.jpg”]

can you blame me??

OK I digress for a change….  So I hardly slept cuz I was SOOO excited to leave.. woke up at 5:00 and of course we had to leave extra early so my hubby would be happy.. he has to be at airport extra early, and I am the one they are calling on the loudspeaker and I am the one running like a lunatic to catch my flight..LOL.  I am sure this doesn’t surprise you.  Ok, so in the car, Ryan and I are discussing the flight.. I asked if we had good seats and he says “OMG YES! I got great seats.. I said to him “what row”? and he responds “32” so I say to him.. that sounds like it is far back, no? and he says “no there was something good about the seats, I can’t remember what but there was something so don’t worry.  K sistahs.. do you think I shoulda worried? OMG.. we get on the plane and are following the rows.. I am getting more and more aggravated.. as my forehead HITS THE BATHROOM BEHIND THE LAST ROW!! I look at Ryan and say “what could POSSIBLY be positive about these seats??? WHAT???” umm he had no answer but finally came up with “oh we can push our seats backwards without bothering anybody”.. this is what he comes up with?  I look out the window and see an ENGINE.. the noise is SOOO LOUD as we are flying and I just look at him while gritting my teeth and say, “good seats, huh”?  I think I asked him every 10 minutes..LOL. 

We land, HALF DEAF, and of course have to wait about 17 minutes to debark cuz WE ARE IN THE LAST ROW.. did I mention that???

We take a cab to the city and arrive at our hotel.. this guy in casual pants and a top opens the cab door, WHISKS our luggage out (2 pcs) puts it on this pushy thingy you know with the loop on top that bellhops take for you? wheels our 2 bags in, says welcome and has his hand extended for a tip.. Ryan starts rifling through his pocket and says to him “sorry, I only have high bills”.. he says “that’s ok , I have lots of change”..LOL.. so since that day we GRRRR’d everytime we saw this guy.  The hotel was quite impressive.. it had a dean and deluca in there, and a great comfy lobby.. very cool as it was like 897 degrees outside.. we checked in, went to our room and LITERALLY, the door hit the far wall.. a SHOEBOX was bigger than our room.. our bed was on the floor, the tv was smaller than my portable DVD player (LOL) and there was this MASSIVE piece of artwork over our bed that gave me a headache and the creeps everytime I looked at it.  Needless to say, we drop our bags and head out… (did I mention that they don’t air condition the hallways????? ).

We hail a cab and we are going to a toy store I had to go to  (my first two days were going from toy store to toy store).. I don’t remember the exact coordinates but I think we were going to 79th st (probably not but let’s just say for the story) and we were at 55 st (for example).. so I say to mr. cabbie “how long til we get there”.. meaning minutes, right?  and he says to me “you can count.. we are at 55th now and we are going to 79th).. CAN YOU BELIEVE HE SAID THAT TO ME?? so I quickly shut up, and ryan was thrilled that “i was told”…hmph.

We get to this cutesy little toy store and we start talking to the owner who was a doll and a great girl who worked for her (HI STEFANIE–she made sure that I spelled it with an ‘f’).. and she asked if we were seeing any shows and we said that we wanted to see Avenue Q.. she knew some people and we got great tickets!  After the toy store, we were walking around Times Square and this guy approached us selling comedy tickets.. of course we are so paranoid so we are asking this guy a million questions (he was actually adorable and sweet).. and our whole investment was $20.. so we got the tickets.  The whole day we are wondering if the place actually exists.. we went that night and HAD THE BEST TIME.. the comedians were absolutely HILARIOUS!! We are still remembering snippets and giggling…

So that was Friday.. did I mention it was HOOOOTTTT?? Honestly, between being out in the heat and going into stores that were freezing cold.. I was starting not to feel so good.  So we went back to our room.. the next day was shopping and walking some more and “sephora-ing”.. sorry Ry! and by the end of the evening I was so exhausted, dehydrated, tired, sore and complainy.. so we rested a bit and then went to the play.. honestly, I had NO PATIENCE for the play.. by the time intermission came I was ready to RUN back to my shoebox.  I told RYan that those puppets in the play were annoying me and that my head was SPINNING.. so we went back, I went on line and we watched our DVD/tv.  Sunday came and at this point I was already wanting to come home and blog and blab and work (crazy eh?).. I actually tried to post a blog entry but had NO IDEA what my username and password was to log in.. then I tried to post a comment on my blog just so you would know that I was there and I couldn’t cuz I had no username and password.

So we did some last minute shopping on Sunday and we were off to the airport.. We had a GREAT time as usual but it was nice to come home.. I was so happy to see my kidlets yesterday and put them to bed and coming into my office this morning with all my favorite things surrounding me…

 I am so happpy (deep happy sigh)

and I missed my sistahs so much.. soo soo much



**you’re all looking to see if I am posting something, huh??**



  1. AmyR says:

    Well it sounds like you had a pretty good time even if some things (last row, cruddy room etc etc) sound not-so-great!! And just think – you’re back home where we all now get to pester to you to post more goodies!!! ROFLOL!!!

  2. AmyR says:

    Oh and yes I did check several times to see if anything new has been posted – so far I don’t see anything……………………….tapping foot…………….

  3. Cresta says:

    Glad you’re back and that you had a good time.

  4. Ali says:

    Hey Em!!!! Love the story as always…. And yes… me too, as Amy I kept on checking your blog over the weekend just in case you release something during your trip (how crazy is that?… not that it woudn’t be nice huh? LOL)……
    I’m gald to hear you had a great time!!!

    Lots of love…

  5. Jen says:

    Sounds like a jam packed weekend!!! Love the bag…very cute!!! 😉 So glad you had a great time, so glad you are home…now I can order Clickabella!!!! 😀

  6. lauri aka jailbirdstamper says:

    OMG – you are the funniest woman on the planet – yes the planet! I’m so addicted to your stories that I just can’t read your blog at work anymore because I laugh out loud and give myself away!

  7. michelle hoover (chella bella) says:

    well yea!

    you are a hoot!

    i could stand a vacation from hell… if i could share it with someone like you!

    you make me laugh.

    thanks for sharing, chella

  8. Shannan says:

    Love the bag, did you make it to the M&M Store? I’ve been to that Sephora, it kind of scared me. And how bout H&M? The best jewelry evah!! I hope your trip was more great than not…sounds like it!

  9. Tanya says:

    I thought you were to leave the laptop at home??? JK… Yes…I was checking and looking and checking again to see if you posted anything. I figured you’d bring your laptop with you, lol. However, I did notice that a Bella went missing (yes, your counter noticed) but haven’t had the time to figure out which one it is…yet:) I know…usually I have an answer for you 2 mins after I tell you she’s vanished, but I’ve been busy and I’m off to bed. I’m glad that you had some time away with your hubby on your Anniversary weekend. My hubby and I celebrate our 14 year anniversary on the 4th. I have no clue where the time went! Feels like yesterday we were dating! Anyhow…welcome home…we missed you!

  10. abi c. says:

    I am glad that you guys had a blast! You deserve it! Give Ry big hugs for being a fab hubby~even if parts of the plad didn’t pan out! Welcome back!

  11. Rosybella says:

    That is soooo funny!!!
    I’m sorry you had a crummy experience with your room and stuff…
    well look at it this way… when i went it was kind of for a day we left one night got there the next day… got to sleep in the freaking cold airport and til we catch the flight next morning!
    We walked arround the whole entire day… absolutaly no brake because there isn’t really any benches around.
    Anyway so was it worth it.


  12. emily says:

    cosmobella is back! sorry ladies, it showed that she was sold out.. thanks for letting me know!

  13. Mary Lou says:

    Oh I luv the details. Great story!
    Now I’m dying to know what was so great about going to all those toy stores first? Just curious.
    Sounds like a whirlwind of a trip.
    I’m glad you are back, yeah we missed ya!

  14. anjabella says:

    Glad your back and out of the shoebox! Yes, we missed you! And yes… I read to the end to see if you posted anything…humpf! 😉 LOVEY your guts.

  15. Shannon Roberts says:

    All I can say is I missed you!!! And I hope you don’t mind that we all laugh at you! You are so worldly & I am jealous!!! LOL!

  16. stefanie!! says:

    yay u spelled my name right!!

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