1. maryg says:

    eeeewwwww! that is truly awful. ice cream and painkillers that make you happy – that’s my prescription

  2. Leslie W. says:

    Oh you poor thing! Hope you feel bettah soon!

  3. Corey Galluzzo says:

    I hear ya sistah, been there, done that, bought the t-shirt, wore the hat…four times! I agree with Maryg painkillers…don’t be a martyr…that’s what they are for. You’ll feel better soon.

  4. lalo says:

    That sucks,
    But hay now you have an excuse to sleep all day 🙂

  5. paula says:

    oh my gosh…i would be the biggest baby and in bed taking my advil. what happened? you not been flossing?

  6. Sheena B says:

    you poor dear. By dearly beloved had that rather painful surgery a few years ago. His surgeon was impressed with how quickly he healed. His secret? He drank lots and lots of “Boost” (or you can substitute your favourite liquid meal replacement beverage) when he was unable to eat solid food. His favourite flavour was chocolate….

    just saying…..alternatively — mmmm…chocolate milkshakes!

  7. jen shears says:

    Stay on top of the pain pills & follow their instructions implicitly. It WILL be worth it- da Bella needs her pearly whites for da bellarific smile!! 😀

  8. Awwwwwwwwwwww ouch!!!!!!!! Poor old you……… (((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))
    Christine x

  9. Priscilla says:

    Ouch!! Sorry to hear you’re down & out, Em. Hope you’re feeling betta soon! {{hugs}}

  10. Susan P says:

    Feel better soon. I am on my way to the dentist in a few minutes.

  11. Christine says:

    Oh, poor you. Now I’m worried. Mine is on Friday.

  12. Di says:

    omg! poor you!!! =(

    Try some chinese congee

  13. Ebru says:

    ouch !!! I hope you feel better soon. Try to get some rest and pop those pain killers.

  14. Crafty Cath says:

    Awww that sounds terrible. Hope you feel better soon! I hate pain!

  15. lindaH says:

    Gum surgery? Seriously?

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