Card Samples

do you know the NUT man, the NU-UT man, the NU-UT man

sang in the tune of the “muffin man”.. and I can SO see you singing this song right now!  Oh, how I wish you were all here with me.. hmph.

Ok, so I have to tell you this story… Actually it started a loooooong time ago and I kept on ignoring it but I cannot any longer.  It’s about Nicky AND the nut man.  A few weeks ago it was a blistering hot day in Toronto and Nicky and I decided, of course, to go to one of my suppliers.. YET AGAIN.  We get there after a 1/2 hour car ride and she says… “what should I do with my nuts?” (LOL that just sounded so hilarious).. and I said WHAT? and she says, “MY NUTS”, i don’t want them to melt (chocolate covered almonds)!  The nutman came today and I don’t want to  waste the nuts and for them to spoil.  I told Nicky.. UMMMM you were just at the hairdresser’s (which reminds me = GREY HAIR CANNOT GO ON FOR MUCH LONGER).. who is that NUT MAN?  She says, with pride, that the nutman is a guy (LOL) who comes in to the hairdressers and sells fresh nuts including almonds, cashews, dried fruit, chocolate covered almonds etc.. and sells them by the bag.  I say’s’ to her.. “Nicky, you buy NUTS from a NUTMAN who comes to the hairdressers once a week?  does that make sense?  She says.. I have been going to the hairdressers for years and years.. he has been coming in for the same amount of years.. all the women know him.. have no clue what his name is and he is called the NUTman.   So that sweltering day, Nicky asked me what she should do.. and I said in a panic “just shove them in the car and forget about them”.. she says NO.. I have to bring them in to the place so that they don’t melt.  I gave her SEVERE eyemail not to embarass me and to leave the bloody NUTS in the car.. she didn’t respond and we both walk in… HER with her NUTS. OMG.  these nuts are better taken care of than me.  hmph.  so of course, Nicky and her pet nuts walked around the joint with the owners drooling.. I think she came home with one NUT left in the bag (OMG if I say NUT one more time…).  SO that is the nutman.

Today, a few weeks after the incident, Nicky walks in to the ‘digs’ with a bag in her hand.. guess what day it is?  Yup.  nutty-plastic bag-don’t leave it in the car or else it will melt-nut man day.

 Hope you are all having the BEST nutman day ever




  1. Michelle says:

    Sounds like there is NEVAH a boring day in Toronto!!! I thinks me must get a life…I was just at the hair salon this morning and I just have to tell ya that there was NO Nutman in sight 🙁

  2. Connie says:

    Okay – I must support Nicky (even though I don’t know her!)… “PLANTMAN” comes to my office every thursday to water the plants (work in a food factory, gotta have a special program for “flora” LOL) but the point being – I do not know his name but I’ve spoken to him literally 150 times…. I see him and it’s “Hey Plantman!” and he sometimes says “Hey food lady!” afer conversations on every topic it is a little late to ask him his name without looking like a psycho! Would you consider a Bella in a straight jacket?

  3. robb_eeie says:

    You and Nicky are tooooo funny! I love your term “severe eyemail”, and how everyone just buys these chocolate/nut products from some guy, that probably scratches his *nuts*, before placing his *nuts* in the bag . ;0 (sorry, I’m trying to keep this as *G* Rated as possible! ha)

    I hope you’re going to post a photo of what new ~Goodies~ you got at your suppliers … did you take your *hand-weaved* basket, to carry your purchases? Or perhaps your *polka-dot wheelie* bag? Or wait, I know…it was your personal * shop Kart* that went for the visit. You two must be a hoot out on your own in public ~~ I’m sorry I’ve never witnessed it before 🙂 Love to Pickel **~~** Mwah :0)~~

  4. Nancy says:

    You’ve never heard of the NUTMan?? LOL! The NUTMan sets up kiosks in the malls near Christmas with all sorts of goodies. I’ve seen them set up once a week in hospital lobbies. All over the place!

  5. michelle hoover (chella bella) says:

    you are a NUT!!!

    that is so funny… i had a nutman at my very first job! (will’s tri-county trash removal)oooohhhh the snacks that the nutman would peddle?! mmmmmmmmm- brings back memories!!!

  6. Anjabella says:

    Too funny! I agree with chella bella… you’re a nut! But, that’s why we love you so! Wish i had some choc covered almonds right now! i’m pmsabella!

  7. Darlene says:

    We have the Nutman come to our work every other Thursday, our receptionist anounces over the intercome that the nutman is here and everyone in the building comes stampeding to the reception area to buy his goodies. Once the Nutman was a lady so we called her the Nutlady.

  8. Jen says:

    OK laughing my butt off here!!! 😀 Just the thought of you two shopping with this bag of chocolate covered nuts that MUST not melt. You Bellas are a trip!!! 😉 Thanks for the laugh Em!!!

    My new Bellas arrived today! I am so excited to play. As soon as I finish cleaning my table (No fun) off I am going to start on that Giddyupabella card to send to my little one visiting with her Dad in Texas for the summer. Thanks for getting them out so quick!!! You are the BESTEST!!!!

  9. Charlene Austin says:

    OMG!!!! You are seriously funny!!!

  10. Kendra says:

    I have a confession… I save up your blog updates so I can read them all at once and have a *fabulous* laugh! You are so stinkin’ hysterical girl! I laugh so hard my tummy hurts!
    Thanks for the stories!!! You are loved girl! 🙂

  11. Betty O says:

    Darn, reading your NUT story reminded me of a card I had seen on SCS a while back and I really wish I had not just gotten rid of my Super Squirrel set. Check out the link below. Nicky needs this card.

  12. Mary Lou says:

    Ok, NUTS? kill me … really…. the wrong ones could…. as funny as your tale is (and WHOA it is). I must admit it makes me ill because I’m so severly allergic to tree nuts that I would have kicked her out of the car with doz NUTS! EK! You are such a tolerant and cool person. LOL. STay cool and remember nuts are better when room temp., not so hot, not so cold.
    Hang in there,
    Mary Lou

  13. Julie Masse says:

    Can you two go on the road??? I think it would be the most hillarious, fun show ever and I want front-row seats!! 🙂 Love you Em!! 🙂 Any goodies coming????

  14. Janeabella says:

    Who is a NUT???? Man, your life is just one big sit-com, isnt it? Thanks for a great laugh!!

    BTW, you’ve been tagged. See my blog for details 🙂

    Now, how about a reveal….my burgerman wants to come to the US….:)

  15. Lori (Pinky66) says:

    Nicky needs a small styrofoam cooler (Purchase at Canadian Tire for $5.00) and a freezer pack (also purchase at CT for a couple bucks) On the morning that the NutMan cometh, place both in trunk of car. Insert nut bag into cooler as to not melt delish chocolate on drive home… I know this?????…..I too once had a NutMan!

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