Card Samples


now I had to make it a little FANCY for you..  so I took my antique brass pot (usually use a SALAD BOWL from the dollar store), out from storage to show you what I do at night and then move it to the kitchen table in the morning.  My life is VEH-ERRY interesting don’t you think?

Ryan gets up in the morning and makes me my morning java so it’s ALLLLL ready for me when I collapse down the stairs with the kidlets…

In about 3 seconds, this is what my coffee cup looks like…. EMPTY! LOL

Then I get organized on the kitchen table for a GOOD round of RUBBAH CUTTING

AND THEN I check often to see how productive I am


Now is that EXCITING OR WHAT?  In between cutting, I serve breakfast, read books and sign tests.. Then I journal a little bit, then cut again…


Ain’t life grand?

What is YOUR morning ritual?

Mwah to da sistahs who LOVE mornings




  1. My morning of late, include rolling over and cuddling with whichever kid has sneaked into bed with me, glab my ipad and check out my cityville, and emails, check the time…..get my tea latte that my wonderful hubby makes for me, get in the shower, blow dry my curls and off I go!

  2. angel p says:

    HA! My morning routine is to hit the snooze button twice….three times if I’m really being a bad girl :-p

    the best thing is getting to sneak back into the dark bedroom to give my honey a kiss goodbye before heading out to work 🙂

  3. Laura Evans says:

    I’m up at 6. Shower, makeup and dress, out the door by 6:45 to be at work at 7….

  4. Robb_eeie says:

    Emily ~~ I can smell the fresh rubber cuttings from here ~ YUM!!!!
    I was hoping if I stared long enough at the rubber I might get a sneaky-peaky as to what is going to be released next; *pout* no such luck 🙁 *sniff*

  5. Maria H says:

    Do you find the rubber cutting theraputic at this point? or numbing? 🙂

  6. DianaY says:

    well, I can certainly see that you live life on the CUTTING EDGE!

  7. Genevieve says:

    I get a latte to get me started and I wear funny underwears the kind taht have ants in them the only reason that I find that I never put my … on a chair … Make lunches don’T get me talking on those and out the door in less then an hour.

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