
where have I BEEN?  I honestly don’t know.. under orders?  in a big PLATTER OF SUSHI? searching for Copics? hmmmm all of the above!  It has been so much fun in “BELLALAND” which is what our sistah friends Dana, Karen and Leslie have coined our digs (big hugs!!!).. Other words I have heard are “it’s our HAPPY PLACE”.. LOL.. So yes I think the name BELLALAND the HAPPY PLACE will stick!  Nicky has been hard at work creating the most LUSCIOUS YUMMY cards with a new line we are coming out with.  It is quite different from our usual 🙂 but I KNOWWWW that you will love it!  I PLOMISE (as my 3 year old Jayden would say)

Tomorrow is Tyler’s 6th birthday.  Where oh WHERE has the time gone… I remember him in my tummy.. ummm is he still in there? Sure looks like it..LOL.. Watching him grow and become a little gentleman has been an amazing experience I would trade for NOTHING in this world.  My little boy will be going to GRADE 1 in September.. can you BELIEVE IT?  I can’t!  I don’t think I am OLD enough to have a 6 year old.. LOL.. mentally I am definitely not.. PHYSICALLY I can have a 50 year old..LOL!  Happy Birthday my little man.. I LOOVEY YOU!

We are going to Montreal tomorrow for the weekend as I have to visit my grandma in the hospital.. she had a bad fall and lots of injuries so I must go and visit.. we are also celebrating my sister in law’s bridal shower!  SO we will be veeeryyy BizZy.

I have started to load some of the copic sketch sets (had to mix in a ciao or two here and there to make the complete sets and the prices will reflect that.  I have these in very limited quantities so get them while you can!  These are the colours we find blend beautifully and you can find them on the SIDEBAR under Bella’s favorite Copics!  and on the Copic paper found under new products.. YUMMALISH!  so enjoy sistahs! (you will notice that I have provided NOOOO active links… YA KNOW WHY??? cuz I got a new MAC and have no idea how to use it..LOL.. I am logged in through home and all these commands are coming up etc.. and I am IGNORING THEM.. YA HEAR ME MAC?  Forgive me sistahs!!!!)

So next week we will have some surprises.. would love to hear from you and will miss you LOTSNLOTSNLOTS

Mwah to da sistahs who need da COPICS



Ok sistahs, I promised and I deliver.

I LOOOVVVVVE this bag.. it is so functional and it can also house your cuttlebug folders, nestabilities etc.. the gusset is on the “CORRECT” side, so it doesn’t “constrict”  expansion.  It is clear.. it can stand on your table while you work.. the only thing it won’t do is serve you brekkie but I will work on that 🙂

I actually have the whole line of these products which are PHENOM and will try to post soon.  They are made of tent material, stands up to bad weather and honestly, is SUCH a great quality and has beautiful attention to detail.  This TOTALLY gets the Bella Stamp of APPROVAL.. LOOVE IT.  Did I mention that I love it?

 I also wanted to thank everyone for their responses regarding the Copics and I would be more than pleased to give the list.  Please email me and I will get back to you as soon as possible.  I understand that the investment is very great so what I think I will do is take my “54 that I adore” and break them up in color families.  this way you can “collect” and it doesn’t hurt the pocketbook.  I am hoping that that will help.  So here are pics of my favorite copic “tote” and I think I will continue this MYFAVORITETHING bidniss n’k?  like posting goodies I sell that I adore

[photopress image=”copicpack1.jpg”]

[photopress image=”copicpack2.jpg”]

[photopress image=”copicpack3.jpg”]

[photopress image=”copicpack4.jpg”] <—- a closeup of the detail

[photopress image=”copicpack5.jpg”] <—- now how GORGEOUS IS DAT?

[photopress image=”copicpack6.jpg”] <—- upright so you can see the colours

[photopress image=”copicpack7.jpg”] <— standing up so that it is easy to work with and pull out markers on an as-need basis

[photopress image=”copicpack8.jpg”] <— ready to boogie whenever you are!

you can find the case here

Hope you lovey it as much as I dooooo

Mwah to da sistahs who can HIDE their “alcohol” in a gorgeous dotty bag


what a bizzy day today

can’t really tell you what I have done but I have not STOPPED whatever it was that I was doing (note to self, see where time goes during the day)…

So it seems that da sistahs liked our tutorial on Friday so we may have to repeat it *winks*..   So I have been thinking very long and hard about DA COPIC SKETCH MARKERS… and I love them so much.. and ME + LOVING SOMETHING= DISASTER…LOL.  Soooo I have made a decision.  I will be taking special orders on copics.  Nicky and I have made a list of the “54 that we adore”… LOL (cute name, no?  THANK YOU KRISTIE!!!).. So…  this is the scoop.  The colours we have chosen, in our humble opinion (humble.. WHUSS DAT?) are from different necessary colour ranges, minimum of 2-3 of each color chosen to allow for blending and basically a comprehensive set where it doesn’t make you cry for more.. (I have cried and cried until finally I accumulated over 250 sketch markers.. YES I AM NUTS).. the colours chosen are blendable and BEEEE-UUUUUUUU-TI-FULLLLLL and pretty much foolproof once equipped with the proper tools and lessons.  We will be focusing some classes in the BOOtique on Copics and will try to teach online as well and share the love.   Ok this is SO not important BUTTTTTT I have also found THE PERFECT CASE to house 48 copics.. OMG.. IT IS PHENOM and CUTE and PINK and LUSCIOUS and AMAZING and STUNNING and I LOVE IT and and and… I will post pictures tomorrow and it will be up for sale tomorrow.

Now, I will not post the copics/price online.. it will be a special order only so bear with me and should you have any questions at all, PLEASE don’t hesitate to call me or email me… I am trying to gauge demand so please email me or comment on the blog to let me know if you would be interested in our very exclusive bella-esque list

Mwah to da sistahs who love alcohol

alcohol markers, DAT IS


Today is FRIDAY and we decided

after 1.5 years of being a cardmaking blog/shop that it was TIME to post 1 tutorial..LOL.. ya think?  So here is DA TUTORIAL for DA WEEKEND.. make copies, share with friends, call everybody you know cuz DIS MAY BE IT.. LOL.. or at least LET US KNOW, if THIS SHOULD BE IT.. LOL!

This card is PHENOM and of course by Nicky.. The technique is called FAUX TEARING

This is what the end result is..

[photopress image=”coffeebordercard.jpg”]

now to prepare for this card

you need

low tack masking tape

ink colors of choice

stipple brushes (one per color family)

coloring medium of choice (we used Lyra Colored pencils with spirits)

Bella DOTS (but of course!)

Bella handpicked ribbon


quickie glue pen

coffee border stamp 🙂


1. Tear masking tape or paper very jaggedy to create dimension on either side of the image

[photopress image=”picture1.jpg”]

2. tap stippling brush into respective inks and then swirl between the two ends of the jaggedy masking tape over the image

[photopress image=”step2coffeebordercard.jpg”]

[photopress image=”step3coffeebordercard.jpg”]

[photopress image=”step4coffeebordercard.jpg”]

3. Make sure you only stipple one color at a time and no more than three colours (Says NICKY who is sitting next to me).. or else it looks muddy/murky

4. peel off G-E-N-T-L-Y… YA HEAR ME???

[photopress image=”step5coffeebordercard.jpg”]

 do you see what I SEEEEEEE???? YUM!! Voila!  Faux Tearing!

5. Layer, Embellish and BE HAPPPY!

Nicky’s scallops were made by punching out a 1″ circle

[photopress image=”fullcircle.jpg”]

and then she cut them in half and glued under the layer

[photopress image=”halfcircle.jpg”]

and there you have it.. FAUX TEARING… CLEAR AS MUD?

[photopress image=”coffeebordercard_1.jpg”]

you likey da TUTORIAL?

if not, just write Nicky.. it’s HER fault. (LOL)

Mwah to da Sistahs who don’t need to TEAR no mo’


masculine cards? romantic cards? you nameS it, We GOTS it

First, I must acknowledge and SCREEEAM from the rooftops that our VERY OWN NICKABELLA has FINALLYYYYY started her own blog!!  You can find it here !  So please leave a comment and help her understand how THERAPEUTIC and how AMAAAAZING having a blog is.. n’k?  no pressure or anything.

I have posted lots more goodieZ 🙂  take a looky at Nicky’s cards! you can find ALL da stamps in the What’s new section

[photopress image=”nickytvcirclecard.jpg”]

[photopress image=”nickytvbordercard.jpg”]

[photopress image=”nickytiecard.jpg”]

[photopress image=”cardchandelier.jpg”]

this chandelier card is soooo cute and is great for birthday or anniversaries

more dots to follow





you know.. I mean YOU KNOW me by now, and realize that I am 100% bonafide MENTAL when it comes to embellishments, tools, storage.. hmmmmm… I think Embellishments are my FORTE (there should be a french accent at the end of the word but don’t have that “luxury” on this keyboard..LOL)…

So Nicky and I met with a company who could do anything we wanted… (loaded situation, I know)… So I LOVED my bauble and I wanted something a little more opaque, a little fancy shmancy.. a little STUNNING.. without a back (as I detest putting holes in my paper and then trying to cover up the back of a brad..LOL– detest is a little strong.. I no likey when there are holes in the back of my papers.. there.  that’s bettah).. Anyway, upon discussion and months of developments and samples.. DA DOTS came to fruition. Now I had butterflies and KNOTS in my tummy before we opened the first box… did everything I want come true?  were the colours chosen good?  or is it just a box of potatoes that came from overseas (honestly I used the word POTATO.. ask Ryan..LOL)… Anyway.. It was EVERYTHING I WANTED AND MORE.  It will take a few days to load the 100 different styles (either go big or go home is my philosophy..LOL).

Here is a new stamp called funky clothesline with new sentiments.. let’s hang out and hang in there.. I LOVE THIS BRA.. LOL!

[photopress image=”funkyclothesline.jpg”]

here’s a closeup showing da HALOWEEN orange dots.. yum! (these are the small 5mm ones)– p.s. not loving that color name so it may change..LOL

[photopress image=”funkyclotheslinecloseup.jpg”]

here’s a small mint tin

[photopress image=”smalltin.jpg”]

and a closeup

[photopress image=”smalltincloseup.jpg”]

and a funky DVD tin

[photopress image=”largetin.jpg”]

and a closeup of DA DOTS

[photopress image=”largetincloseup.jpg”]

the great thing about these are that (1) they are flatbacks.. so no need for holes just a glOO dOt.  (LOL-like how that looks).. the glitter, crackle and marble ones (which I will give more samples of tomorrow) are contained in the material of the dot.. so NOOOO dusting, no flyaways.. nice and clean and  BOOODIFUL :0

 You likey my new exclusive Bella Dotties?

I LOOOOOVEY them (and you)




I need to practice my breathing.. OMGOMGOMGOMG… THEY CAME IN!! the stuff I was working on last february is IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  We are freaking out at bella headquarters.. Making up some samples for you but all I can leave you with is that they will be called Bella’s DOTS…  OMG I am in dotted heaven

Mwah to da sistahs who love da dots. (heee heee… will post tomorrow)

**edited to add**

here’s a sneak peek.. I COULD NOT WAIT ANOTHAH SECOND

[photopress image=”dotssilver.jpg”]

and here is what to come and ryan thinking “what the heck are we gonna do with all this”.. don’t worry Ry!

[photopress image=”ryanthinking.jpg”]

mwah to da sistahs who can’t wait to see the whole SHEBANG!

lotsalotsalotsa GOODIEZ


Princess POOPY made a POOPY on the TOIDY!!! How happy are you?  (lol.. not sure but I know that I am)!  Having said that, I must say that I was INSPIRED to launch some new goodies… (everyone thanks you JAYDEN!!)

So check out my “what’s new section”.. OMG  we gots a  seal balancing a ball on her nose with the most PHENOM sentiment (sometimes life is a balancing act).. not only a PRETTY FACE here…(LOL), we gots some of the most amazing stellas EVAH (thank you Jan!!)..  stellas with cupcakes, with coffee, on the phone… hmmmm we gots some groovy VW’s… girly and boyish ones.. great for Father’s day and matches perfectly with the “feeling groovy” sentiment!  Thanks to Tiddly, we have an amazing wedding couple called Togethah Forevah… and last but not least….chichi’s ruby ribbonlace! love the movement in that image and her expression.. and I love causes!

Enjoy!  Happy long weekend!

mwah to da sistahs who will sit back, relax and enjoy
