chit chat

are we gonna have a REFRESHATHON tomorrow or what?

Yep tomorrow is release day…  ITS CRAZY.. it’s an OUT OF CONTROL release.. so you better tell all your friends and family about it.. LOL  cuz it’s GOOD.

YAYAYA I say it all the time and I mean it all the time.. and this time is no exception…

Soooo I am going to weigh in for my first week (GRRRR) at WW tomorrow and I am gonna STAY at the meeting cuz i havta.. and THEN DA REFRESHATHON beginssss…

what’s a REFRESHATHON you ask?

Basically it’s a game where you refresh your screens while I am adding new images so you get to see them as they go live on da bloggy..

Want an inventory of what’s gonna be tomorrow?

ok I will give you one hint.. only 1/67th of the release… 6 UPTOWNIES.. ya still with me?  mmmhmmm… and they are sassiah than evah!

I did post a card using a new ART JOURNALING concept “building on a wall”.. and it is on instagram.. so if you wanna see it… go by there and take a look… and leave a comment so I know you visited 🙂

Mwah to da sistahs who REFRESH.



  1. Olivia says:

    Oh I love the Uptown yeahhhhhh! Can’t wait.

  2. Patti J. says:

    Oooh, I can’t wait! I’ll practice all night long! lol… Good luck tomorrow with that weigh in, and you stay at that meeting! My guess is 6 pounds! Hmmm…did you cheat? Maybe 5 pounds….cya tomorrow!

  3. Retro Dolly says:

    SO excited!!! You sure you don’t want to start showing them off tonight? Like…..right now??? 🙂

  4. Nona (Inona) Joiner says:

    Best of luck at WW tomorrow Em. It’s sooo hard cuz you can’t just give up food like you can ciggies and other stuff. Very excited about the new releases.

  5. Karen says:

    Mr Dancing Snowman is going right in my basket! Faster than you can say “refreshathon”!

  6. dianayee says:

    love the sneak peek!

  7. Karen Motz says:

    Command R…I’m ready!

  8. Jessica says:

    Looking forward to the release!! Good luck at ww!

  9. Diana.L says:

    Oh my my! So excited! Hurrrrrrry! Lol

  10. Vicki says:

    Can’t WAIT to see the new Uptownies Em…………and LOVE the Snowpeeps! Good luck at WW today……It’s a struggle, I KNOW, I’m at it ALL the time



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