chit chat

and the winner is….

I asked Ruby to choose a number from 1-263 and she chose #17 so…. Sarah Armstrong, you are DA WINNAH! Email me your info and I will send over your $50 voucher! Happy shopping!!

Another “nugget” of info is that I have not been well for the last few days.. my throat has been terrible where I can’t swallow and just feverish and plain old blechy.. I was convinced that I had strep throat.. so off I went to the clinic and if anyone knows me.. i don’t go to doctors unless I am CRAWLING on the floor..LOL.  SO the doctor looks in my throat and says.. “do you have kids”?  I say “yes”.. she says you have HAND FOOT MOUTH DISEASE!!! OMG.. isn’t that a 4 year old disease? I Ask?? she says YES and it is rare in adults.. of course ONLY ME… between my 95 year old Diverticulitis and my 4 year old HAND FOOT MOUTH disease, I am about 64 years old on paper..LOLOL.  She still took a strep swab but for now there is nothing I can do but rest (ya whatever) and rinse with this gargly stuff… I have been banned from the BOOOTIQUE for the last 2 days.. Ryan told me to STAY HOME.. can you believe?  SO here I am reading magazines and struggling as to whether I should go in or not.. I won’t I won’t don’t worry!

On another note.. We will be having a big release of a new line of stamps on Nov 24th!! THey are the CUTEST stamps evah.. I know my sistahs will totally freak out.. I actually GUARANTEE IT!

We are actually having a SCRAPBOOKING stamp launch at the boootique tomorrow from 1-4.. Light refreshments, make and takes… LOTS of FUN!! These stamps have NOT been seen before and will be “appearing” soon on the website 🙂

Mwah to da sistahs who will come and join us tomorrow and YES I will be there 🙂



  1. Pinky says:

    Hi Hon – I send get well wishes with my note today – I hope that you are feeling better really soon. I think that the “powers that be” (whoever or whatever we believe in) hit us with these issues to make us take a break from the craziness of life – it forces us to slow down when life gets all too crazy. So yes, stay home and pamper yourself.
    I have been working like a mad woman lately but have been forced to sit for the last two days as I can barely move my neck (I have no idea how this happened??) As much as I want and have so many things to do I am now reading all the stack of mags I have been neglecting (my arms are getting sore though as I have to hold them staight up and out cause I can’t tilt my head to read) – I look like a crazy person. Now, if I could only stamp without looking down I would have tons of projects done…. ah well, off to surf the web…it is one thing I can do looking strait ahead.
    Get well Bella!

  2. Oh Emily,
    I feel your pain! I have been sick for weeks now, and I have terrible sore throat too 🙁 Hand, foot and mounth disease never even crossed my mind, I’ll have to look that up now 🙁 Can’t wait to see the new stuff! I’ll try to make it tomorrow!

    Hugs, Sarah

  3. Katie Cotton says:

    oh i hope you get to feeling better soon! Thats just no fun at all!!!!!!!! Congrats to the winnah!

  4. Mae Wisor says:

    So sorry you are not feeling well. That is just the pits!!! I wish you a speedy recovery.

    Congrats to the winner.

  5. Shelagh says:

    Hope you feel well soon. It’s your body telling you you need a break.
    Magazines and yummy food. Maybe get some good flicks to watch on the telly. DON”T GO TO THE SHOP. Get well orders.
    You’ll be up and at em in no time!
    Feel better xoxo Shelagh

  6. I am so sorry that you are sick. **Pouting for you** If I lived closer to you I would make you a big pot of homemade chicken soup! sending [[[hugs}}}
    feel better and stay out of the store! you don’t want to give anyone else HFM!
    xoxoxo mwah!

  7. Cindy says:

    Ya know that HANDMOUTHFOOT disease is usually picked up from shopping cart handles. Ya know how all the stores have disinfectant now so you can wipe off the cart handle before you shop? Use it! I have never left a comment on your blog but had to pass that info on.
    I love reading your blog because you always make me laugh with your silly bella language:)

  8. Robb_eeie says:

    Miss Pickle … I hope you are trying to rest and allow your body to heal. You’ve been running around and Cruisin’ around the world with all the Sistahs .. it’s time to turn off that crazy Energizer Bunny brain of yours and REST =)
    Feel better Em.

  9. awww… our poor Em! 🙁 My kid had that I banned him from the ENTIRE HOUSE! {cackle} just kiddink! 😉

    Hope you are on the mend! we miss you!!!

    gemaphobic cyber hugs!!

  10. geez…. spell much? – that is GERMaphobic! {rolling eyes}

  11. BarbW. says:

    Hi Em. I’m sorry to hear about your illness. I agree with all the sistahs. Stay home, read mags, watch chick flicks or studly movies whichever you prefer. Have Ryan make you chicken soup served up with a huge dollop of TLC (or eat a whole box of chocs). I hope you are feeling better soon.

    Thanks to Cindy for the heads-up on shopping cart handles. Eeuwww! Yuck! I always scrubbed my hands after riding the subway but never thought of this.

    Take care,

  12. Tema says:

    Hi Emm, leave it to you to pick up something like that! Hope your kids don’t catch it too..Take a break(do you know how?) Wishing you well.Miss you & all thefun. Tema

  13. Hope says:

    Oh, Em! I hope that you are feeling better soon! That is no fun at all.

    I love, love my new Bitty Blooms! They are THE cutest, evah! I can not wait to see what else you could ever find that would be cuter! I’m in!

  14. Heather says:

    OH NO!!!!! I know that is no fun! I hear it is even more painful for adults :(. I am with you on having to be near death to go to the Dr. I just done have time!! Not for me anyway. Try not to go stir crazy .. just do all you can to rest and it will be over soon.

    And Congrats Sarah 🙂 you lucky sistah 🙂 lol. Have fun with da loot!! 🙂

  15. Laurie P. says:

    Hi, Em:

    So sorry you haven’t been feeling well – hope you’re back to your normal energetic self really soon. I’m looking forward to seeing you this afternoon (if you’re feeling better) at the big open house – WOOHOO! I can’t wait to see the new stamps!

  16. lindaH says:

    i shouldn’t laugh….but i am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! may your next illness be the common cold!

  17. Anita C says:

    OH my……I have never heard of that before. I feel lucky now only having had strep throat a few weeks ago 🙂 Hope that you are feeling better soon!! Can’t wait for the new release….teheheh.

  18. Sabena says:

    Oh Em,
    You now have to work hard at getting better, by DOING NUTTHING!!! Pamper yourself, and focus all your wonderful energy on YOU!! I hope you feel better really soon! And a new line, OMG, I can hardly wait!!

  19. Emily says:

    I am so sorry you are sick.
    On the other hand – congrats to the winner!
    Feel better!

  20. Sarah says:

    Hope you feel better soon Em!!!! Thanks for the blog candy!!

  21. Shellabella says:

    Hi Emily,
    Hope you are feeling so much better.
    The scrapbooking stamp launch was so much fun.
    ( I can’t believe you made an appearance, you silly girl.)
    Hurry up and get well soon! 🙂


  22. Darsana says:

    OMG – I have literally felt your pain. I was babysitting for a friend of mine once while she and her BF went on a cruise and I caught HFM from her 4 year old. It totally stinks. Not to mention the fact that I just got done being home on bed rest and recovery from surgery. I am soooo glad to be back at work. I don’t think that time off should be wasted on being sick. Yuck!!! All I can say is try to enjoy and catch up on all your stories. Let Ryan and the gals run the show and see how they do 🙂 Mwah to the sistah with HFM!!!!

  23. Cheri says:

    HI Em,
    You poor thing…I am so sorry you are sick. I’m thrilled you are releasing new stamps but do you have to do it before the holidays? You’re killing me here. I shouldn’t have bought anything for me until next year for now, and yet when you offer free shipping I can’t resist. Then you say there are new stamps again, ugh. I’m staying away from my puter til 2009…yeah right, lol! Now I can’t wait to see what they are. You are such a tease {{{smile}}}
    Hope you feel better soon,

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