And the new Release Sneak Peeks begin! Meet Tiny Townie BLOSSOM loves BALLOONS and a CHANCE TO WIN HER!


winnah of TINY TOWNIE BLOSSOM goes to…

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

11-BARBARA RAY you win!  PLease email me and in the subject line please write "I WON BLOSSOM" along with your snail mail addy!	

Timestamp: 2015-06-01 03:06:05 UTC



Stamping Bella has been around for over 10 years… where the HECK has the time gone?  I have no idea.. but I look and FEEL 10 years older so it must be true LOL.

When I started this little business I had a passion for children’s illustrations.. and to this day the passion continues.  I can’t help but casually go to the children’s section with my kids at the book stores and get lost in both the stories (yes I am 4 years old) and the images that I seen when I turn the pages.   I not only love children’s illustration .. I  love illustrations that tell a story.. that trigger an emotion or 2 or 4 or 1500894.  My artists who work very close by me are so talented and are able to tell MY story… tell A story.. take an image out of my head and get it on paper.. down to the nitty gritty details.  These artists also come up with their own AMAZING ideas to share with you as well.    For 10 years I have tried to stay “ahead of the game” .. to stand out from the rest.. to be, well, less generic .. if I can be so bold to say that.

We started with the “Bellas”  which to me was so needed in the market place.. something that we could associate with.. career… hobbyist.. anything.  And when people would email me and tell me how one “reminded” them of so and so and this one would remind them of  so and so.. and I would hear them say “that’s SOOOO insert name here”.. it would make my heart sing.  Those were the types of stamps I wanted to produce.  Stamps that made a difference..  Listen, I’m not solving the world peace issue LOL but if I can put a smile on someone’s face, then I’m happy.  I even had one customer who had NO pictures from her youth and she used the different bellas to document her childhood.  How cool is THAT?!

From the Bellas sprang oh so many other artist’s work.. senses of humor, wittiness etc…

Then came the Uptown girls… a more modern twist to the bellas.. more sophisticated.. again with the same idea.. I want my characters to RESONATE with people.  And boy do these uptownies Resonate LOL.  They are a huge success!

Yes, I am such a child at heart.. and YES my inner child sometimes gets unleashed and goes crazy.. and YES, I embrace those moments.  And I realized that the Uptownies also have an inner child.  Who were they before they “became” the uptownies?  (I always say I take my stamps seriously).. Well.. they were the TINY TOWNIES of course!  Younger versions of the uptownies…  Playful.. Studious.. Risk Takers…   I watch my children daily in awe.  How different they are from each other…. I watch my daughter be SO MUCH BRAVER than I ever was… I see my son more cautious and thoughtful in his every day life… It’s so interesting to see and I really embrace those differences.  My kids are my INNER child (if that makes any sense at all)

Ok so I am really blabbering.. not even sure I make sense but I wanted to introduce you to a whole new set of characters.. the TINY TOWNIES.  The little playful, brave, studious, cautious little characters before they became uptownies 🙂

I hope you LOVE Tiny Townie BLOSSOM as much as I do

Colouring was done, of course, by our very own Elaine Hughes.. a HUGE part of the Stamping Bella family.  Between my artists, my DT, My friends .. SIGH. I’m one lucky gal.

Here’s Blossom


And here are some samples made with Blossom 🙂


Tracymacabella’s card


Shelabella’s card


Stephabella’s card


Our release will be On JUNE 1st. (hopefully a bit before).. All images will be available then.  Until then, I torture you, ok?

Wanna WIN HER?  Place a comment here for a chance.  All winners will be announced before the release.  Place a comment here just to show me you are still reading my blog and that there is a sign of life out there LOL

Mwah to da sistahs who EMBRACE their inner child 🙂




  1. denise i says:

    i just love the tiny townie!! she is just soooooo cute!! bet this is going to be an awesome release and i can’t wait! 🙂

  2. Wendalyn says:

    OMG I just love her… fabulous can’t wait for the release.

  3. Carole says:

    OMG!!! Could she be any cuter!!! Love her!

  4. Kat says:

    She is too adorable for words!

  5. Tuoi says:

    she is the cutest! I have two little girls so she is just perfect! I do hope that she is the beginning of many more of her kind! 🙂

  6. helene says:

    Soooo cute. Perfect addition to birthday stamp collection

  7. Cris says:

    Love her! Reminds me of my neices!

  8. Jane Crisci says:

    Hi Em! The Tiny Townies are adorable. Good luck, I’m sure they will be a huge success.

  9. Rebecca says:

    Omg. I love her and I know one little girl who will too. Thank you for creating these little Bellas.

  10. Barbara Ray says:

    She’s too cute…she could be the younger sister of Bentley…I have Bentley and together they would make an adorable card. Keep up the great work! See you Friday for the challenge.

  11. This is absolutely adorable! I want it!

  12. Margo D. says:

    Oh how adorable!!! I absolutely loved your blog post explaining your feelings with how your company has evolved and how this line of new stamps came about! So creative and fabulous! This image is super cute! Love her! <3 Thanks for sharing and being you! 😀

  13. Laila Bianca says:

    She is absolutely adorable. I want her!!! 😉
    Hugs, Laila

  14. Celine Blacow says:

    She is ADORABLE!!!!!

  15. Debby says:

    She is absolutely adorable!

  16. Kris B says:

    So cute!! Can’t wait to see more Tiny Townies!!

  17. Cybil Lynch says:

    I love love love Blossom. She looks like fun, and I love balloons. I only wish I was up with her floating in air, not a care in the world. Yep That’she my 2 cents.

  18. I’m alive & reading!

    She’s super cute! Can’t wait to see the rest!

  19. Hazel Parr says:

    Aww I love that we now have such a modern little girl to go with my large collection of Uptown girlies. I’m addicted lol.
    Hazel xxx

    Ps please please pick me lol

  20. Heather C. says:

    How stinkin’ adorable is she!!! I cannot wait to see the rest.

  21. Pam says:

    This image is adorable. The cards are so sweet. I really, really NEED her!

  22. oh my good golly gosh! talk about adorable! no wonder she is carried away…. she can’t wait to see all of the fun, new stamps coming to the store with the new release! 😀 she wants to be first in line! tee hee!

  23. KimmieBella :) says:

    So excited for June 1st! One of these days I might actually complete a challenge. 🙂

  24. TinaS says:

    What you say about your stamps representing something or someone in somebody (does that make sense?) is so true…but it even goes the other way round…I love the stamp characters that are so not me but my wannabe me…thin and funny…you know what I mean? 😉
    I love your Uptowns and Petunia (she’s more like my inner self than the Uptowns…) and I will definitly love your new little storytellers…

  25. Claudine G says:

    She is just A-DO-RA-BLE! I love the fact that her dress is patterned, not plain.

  26. Donna says:

    Love her, can’t wait to see the rest of your story

  27. Kim says:

    super cute….

  28. Katwondoo says:

    Wow so cute, I want it!

  29. Shari says:

    OMG she is so adorable!! Can’t wait to color her!!!

  30. Donna West says:

    EEEEEEEK!!!! I loooove her! Pick me, pick me!!!!

  31. Michele says:

    adorable! Glad my friend sent me to you!

  32. CherylQuilts says:

    Oh, wow!! I LOVE her and the inner child in us all (I actually have never grown up…haha…and never want to!). What an adorable Tiny Townie, and you do have amazing artists and DT, and you are amazing! I LOVE you work…and obviously your heart! Hugs, and thanks for the opportunity to win this sweetie!

  33. AWE she is really cute!!!! I am loving the Petunia pig line as I own a mini pig of my own!!!!

  34. Susan in AK says:

    She is ADORABLE!!

  35. Mardi Weber says:

    I love, love, love her!!! Such a wonderful idea, I can’t wait to see more. These little girls will be perfect for my little girl, my granddaughter Lila!

  36. Lucy Woods says:

    Oh goodness I fricking love her!! Oh ek her cute hair, pretty dress, spot tights…!!!! And the balloons are the perfect touch!!
    Lucy x

  37. Angie Brown says:

    OH MY GOODNESS! She is adorable and I just LOVE her! June 1st can’t come soon enough, I cannot wait to see the rest of the collection!!!!

  38. CeCe G. says:

    That is one cutie pie of a stamp!! I can think of many ways to use it for my grand-daughters cards! Can’t wait to see the rest of the release!

  39. kate says:

    You have such stinkin’ cute stamps! And names! I have been a big fan for about the full ten years and love your ideas as well as the designs. Thanks for sharing your talent.

  40. Karen F says:

    She is adorable. I started decorating my envelopes with your images. Even the folks at the post office loved them!

  41. She is adorable. Love the flying balloons.

  42. Krisitna Pavlovic says:

    Words can not describe how much I really love Stamping Bella stamps..And I really enjoyed reading your text… Let’s play together. Thanks for chance to win!!

  43. Mirella says:

    Oh my what a cutie! Fab idea! Tiny townies! Looooooooove! Can’t wait to see more of them! Roll on June!

  44. Sylvana Collins says:

    Oh goodness these are adorable…love the Tiny Townies and cannot wait to get some! Great idea!

  45. Lainey Nich says:

    FAB, FAB, FAB ! Loving the new Tiny Townies!

  46. Angelique V. says:

    Yes! I’ve been waiting for this (hoping)! If all your tiny townies are like this then they are just what I’ve been looking for and my wallet is in serious trouble! LOL! I am preparing because I love your uptown bellas, can’t see not loving your tiny townies, too.

  47. Kraftyaunt says:

    Yeah!! Yes, absolutely needed. I just finished making a card using the Uptown BBQ couple and thought – I needed a little girl to complete the family picture and wha lah!! tiny townies! You’re on the mark!

  48. Raquel says:

    I just can’t wait for the release! She is adorable and will be great stamp for little girls birthday’s cards.

  49. Raquel says:

    I just can’t wait for the release! This is going to be a beautiful stamp for little girls birthday’s card.

  50. mary says:

    So lovely!!!! Yes we love reading your blog and funny comments.

  51. Margo S says:

    So adorable- makes me feel happy- a petfect sneak peek in my birthday! ????????

  52. Pauline says:

    Emily, what a fantastic addition to the Uptowns! Love these tiny townies, so cute and I’m sure like the Uptowns they will have their own personality! Can’t wait to see more, these are truly adorable!

  53. Margit says:

    OMG what a adorable stamp love it

  54. Maguda says:

    Oh boy….I love Uptown girls from the very minute I saw them, but only recently I started to color my stamps and it’s getting an obsession or what… Anyway, I love books and children’s books with illustrations embracing ones heart have a very special place in my home even though I have no kids yet.
    And this little Tiny Townie is just out of my favs! The hair, the dress, the balloons! I can’t wait to see the rest! So well done! So well…

  55. Pejtoon says:

    wow she is sooo cute ? I must have this stamp ? sooo sweet!

  56. Terri Wilson says:

    She is absolutely precious! Love her!!!!

  57. Candy says:

    I am still here…………don’t always have the time to comment, but am in love with all your images!
    These new Tiny Townies will be as popular as the rest of your awesome ideas.
    Still buying, still love reading your thoughts!

    Big Hugs, Candy

  58. Lynn says:

    I absolutely love all your designs and I relate to so many of them. Maybe the tiny townies will help me connect with my inner child.

  59. I am a huge fan of all the stamping bellas and especially the uptown girls and now the little townies. This image is soooo cute and the cards made using her are gorgeous. Crafty hugs Angie x

  60. Cindy R. says:

    She is so stinkin’ CUTE! Love her! Can I win her!?!?! 🙂

  61. Tammie says:

    Can’t wait to see them all. So far I am in!

  62. Fay says:

    Ok I seriously love her. She will be perfect on my slider cards. The balloons will carry her up, up and away.

  63. Nan N says:

    Completely adorable and perfect for summer stories! I would love to win this!

  64. Kimberly Monaghan says:

    I completely agree on being a child (at least at heart!) My children are all in their 20’s but I love to buy children’s books and toys. I am assuming that I will have grandchildren some day but until then, I am happy to appease my inner child! LOVE, love, love the new stamp!

  65. Laurie says:

    She is adorable!!! Love all Stamping Bella stamps!!!

  66. Becky P. says:

    I just discovered your products about 3 months ago and purchased several of the Uptown Girls through Blitsy. I LOVE THEM! I have three daughters and lot’s of nieces and they are perfect for them. I just fell in love with the new Tiny Townie and I see lot’s of them in my future!!! Thank you for the opportunity to win such a delightful prize.

  67. Shawna Ault says:

    Too cute!

  68. Debi says:

    I don’t have a website. How in the world do I leave a comment. I can so behind the blog tech stuff. Maybe it will go through anyway? Maybe I can make up a website?
    Oh, the stamp…I love her! I refuse to give up on having a childlike spirit and this little one hits the nail on the head!

  69. Daniela V. says:

    A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E. Thank you for bringing this new character!!

  70. Robb_eeie says:

    Hey Em~~great concept for these adorable characters.
    Question: What is their rough measurements? Are they generally the same size as all your stamps?
    Please don’t torture us too long for the release, or else I will place some *special* scented hockey equipment under your pillow 😉

  71. Sharri Reeves says:

    She is so cute, and all the cards are adorable.

  72. Blossom is such an adorable little character, so very sweet and charming. I can not wait to see what else you have in store for us.

  73. Debbie says:

    I absolutely luv this image. It is adorable and I can’t wait to make special birthday cards for my friends!

  74. Elaine says:

    Love it when you are “blabbering” – giggle. Fantastic new image – can hardly wait for their release.

  75. Denise Bryant says:

    Ten years! That is amazing… congrats!
    Blossom is absolutely adorable! Love the darling sample cards!

  76. Laura Holt says:

    I LOVE Blossom and can’t wait to meet her friends!

  77. Kathy says:

    I LOVE HER! The Bellas are all so dangerous to my pocketbook because I love them all–and the stories that come with them! They all just make me happy!

  78. marina says:

    Beautiful creation…can’t wait til June….very sweet and adorable…wish I could fly with her. 🙂

  79. Denimo says:

    YEAH! A new line of stamps to adore!! I love that these are like tiny Uptown Girls! Thanks for all the fun(ness)!!

  80. Deanna T. says:

    Absolutely precious! My granddaughters will love these Tiny Townies. I would also!

  81. Cindi Flass says:

    I love this little girl! Such a great idea..I love my inner child lol. Beautiful cards!

  82. Love her! Absolutely adorable ????????

  83. Julia says:

    Love her! She is so stinkin’ cute!

  84. Deborah says:

    Love love love this little girl. Can’t wait to meet her in person!

  85. janscholl says:

    I wish I had a bunch of balloons to whisk me off to another place. Somewhere warmer for one.

  86. Vera W Yates says:

    Love the Tiny Townies. This one is adorable!

  87. Leona says:

    Ok she’s adorable!

  88. Brit Kohl says:

    OMG! She is way too cute! If sneak peek #1 is this awesome I’m kind of terrified for my wallet by release day! Can’t wait to see the rest of them!

  89. Merilee says:

    Dear Em:

    I am reading your posts and absolutely LOVE the stamps you produce. They are all full of life and personality. Just like others, I see my granddaughters, my daughter, my friends and even myself in your images! They are fun and sweet and I love using them.

    I can’t wait to see all of the sneak peaks! Thank you for sharing your passion and your stamps! They truly do make like a little more fun!


  90. Inma Banegas says:

    Woooioio!!!! I love her…. She is adorable….. Thanks

  91. Cynthia Cole says:

    I adore Tiny Townie Blossom.

  92. Alice says:

    This little girl is so pretty…and thoughts should be.. I love all the cards.
    Thanks for sharing

  93. Holly Olson says:

    She is so super cute!

  94. Dawn Beery says:

    LOVE the new tiny townies! Can’t wait to see more!

  95. charlsie says:

    sooooo cute cannot wait for June 1 Thank you

  96. Mayumi Adler says:

    I totally understand you, I am also a child at heart, hehe.
    And I have to say I totally love this stamp. I love stamps with balloons, and I love cute girls with pretty dresses, so you can imagine how much I am in love with her

  97. Lucy says:

    Oh…My…Gosh! She is so darn cute!!

  98. Helen Van Daalen says:

    I love this new line. Blossom is do adorable. I can’t wait to meet some more Tiny Townies!

  99. Lori G in PA says:

    Seriously too cute!

  100. Barbara Gallagher says:

    I love the balloons – what a fun way to use tons of color! Can not wait to see what other magic you have dreamed up for us!

  101. Christine Jannetto says:

    She is gorgeous, you never cease to amaze me with all the new stamps you release. Keep them coming. She’s definitely on my wish list! !!

  102. Roxy Jones says:

    Darling – can’t wait to see each one.

  103. I love this stamp it is so cute and could be used in so many ways. It was fun reading your history above, I enjoyed that, thanks for sharing.

  104. Pam says:

    Charming image! Hope there are many more to come in the near future.

  105. Diana B says:

    Brilliant, Emily, just brilliant! “Oh the places we will go”!
    I am so incredibly thrilled at your new line and I anticipate a new obsession with Tiny Townies!

  106. Kerrie says:

    Oh how I remember being a Blossom myself. I can see these Tiny Townies could be my new fav. xx

  107. Net Clough says:


    She is just super-bella-rific! If they’re all so lovely I guess I need all of them.


  108. Yvonne C. says:

    Such a super cute image, I’m in love 🙂 can’t wait to purchase her or win her 🙂

  109. Kelly W says:

    Oh my Glob, she is adorbs!!!! I can totally see all the Uptownies as Teenies, with their flowerdy dresses and messy tresses, up trees, down holes, and floating away on the breeze with balloons 🙂

  110. Natalie H says:

    Isn’t she precious?!! Adorably sweet image. Your inner 4 yr old is so cute!!

  111. Olivia says:

    What a fantastic idea. I love the new Tiny Townies and they will be a fantastic addition to the Stamping Bella family. Congrats to 10 years and here is to many more years of success!

  112. She is a cutie, for sure!!

  113. Emily says:

    First of all, Congrats on ten years. That is UNREAL BANANA PEEL!
    Secondly – Wow – what a great image. I love her!
    Your team rocks Em.


  114. teresa ankeney-mackenzie says:

    Oh dear, I think I am going to have to come out of retirement to afford my StampingBella addiction. LOL I love them all…

  115. Amy Young says:

    Absolutely adorable! These Tiny Townies have me super excited for the new release! 🙂

  116. So cute! Can’t wait to have some little great granddaughters so I have more reason to use them.

  117. Aileen says:

    well you now know that there are people out there. Offer a prize and you shall hear. Love your little uptowners. What a cutie, cant wait to see more.

  118. Susiebella says:

    OK, so I’m the 115th comment. I have to say, she is adorable, cute, fantastic, darling. Should I go on, because I can! LOL! Anyway, she’s to cute for words.

  119. Shelley says:

    Of course there’s life out “there” (here). I read your blog regularly and follow along with the ‘Bellas. Love your story. And of course I’d like the chance to win one of your cutie patoodies. All your images are adorable and the Tiny Townies are a welcomed addition!

  120. Eileen M says:

    Adorable and loveable! Can’t wait to see more!

  121. Leslie says:

    I am a noobie who is hooked on the Uptown Girls. And now you will hook me on the Tiny Townies. Really cutes.

  122. Ten years congrats..I started my journey with your images and loved them then and I still love them..on top of everything else I now get to colour them for you..A dream come true..once again love your images your outlook on life..thks for your creativity and sharing it with us!!

  123. She is so cute l would love her to join my family of course in my house where she could spread happiness ????

  124. Elaine Hollander says:

    Love her makes me want to start stamping again.

  125. Every crafter’s dream, finally a ‘grown-up’ little girl. Simply beautiful. There is definitely a place in every stamp collection for this style of image that will be timeless yet always on trend every time you use it. Roll on 1st June. Thank you team 🙂

  126. I absolutely love every stamp and hope to eventually have all of them, including this wonderful new one.

  127. Nancy Jones says:

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE this stamps and the many color possibilities!! It is a great stamp!!

  128. i love the new stamp! It’s adorable! My favorites that I have started collecting are the uptown girls! Takes me back to my younger years! Congrats on your 10 years success! I wish you many more years of success!!!

  129. Stinkin cute!! Can’t wait!!

  130. Sher says:

    OMG…she reminds me so much of my little niece…what a cutie patootie image…looking forward to more reveals! 😉

  131. Lynda says:

    OMG I have been looking for a stamp for my Granddaughters 3rd birthday and this is perfect. If I don’t win I certainly will purchase.

  132. Julia says:

    She is so cute! Loving the new release excitement!

  133. Diane MacKinnon says:

    She is absolutely adorable, I want her!!

  134. I think she’s absolutely adorable and I would love to have her!!!

  135. Nicole says:

    she is so cute and I love the balloons!!!

  136. Becky says:

    She’s so cute!

  137. Deb Archer says:


  138. laura j says:

    just one word….A D O R A B L E !

  139. Cathy P. says:

    I’m not sure which is more endearing, the story behind the Townies or this little girl herself! Can’t wait for this one to come out!

  140. carisa says:

    adorable – i absolutely adore her and the story behind your company, vision and stamps!

  141. Vidya says:

    Adorable stamp ! Totally in love with her . Can’t wait to get my hands on this stamp .

  142. Oh my! I love this idea!!!! I have so many nieces and nephews (I should say “great” nieces and nephews!). I am always looking for images for their cards and have had such a hard time finding them!!!! I just DID!!! I am SOOOOO excited! Is it June 1 yet?????? BTW, I will be a grandmother for the first time in 2 weeks……maybe on release day! Wouldn’t that just be wonderful???!!!!! Love, love, love this!!

  143. sandra says:

    so cute, can’t wait

  144. Karen R., Canada says:

    OMG this gal is just too cute! Can’t wait to see her sistahs

  145. Tracey says:

    Love her! She is fantastic!

  146. So excited to try this adorable little girl out! thanks for coming out with fresh, new ideas!

  147. lia S says:

    o my!!!! i can NOT wait!!!!!!!!!!!! lia

  148. Jan King says:

    What a cute Tiny Townie BLOSSOM! Yes, I do love her almost as much as you do! I cannot wait for her release. I will be making cards with my granddaughters as soon as I win the stamp and receive it!!!

  149. Amy Chalk says:

    I just love the new stamp. She just screams FUN with the balloons.

  150. Magie O says:

    New here and am enthralled. Can imagine all sorts of uses for this darling. Looking forward to her release and all the others. May 20 ,2015

  151. Sandra C. says:

    OMG….I just love her!!! Can’t wait to get her.

    Thanks for the opportunity to win her.

  152. Darling! Would love to win this adorable image!

  153. Sue McW says:

    “Blossom” is too precious!! Love all your incredible designs! Thanks for a chance to win!!

  154. Pam Tiedtke says:

    She is adorable, but ALL your stamps are wonderful. Being a HUGE fan of children’s books (yes, I’m 4 as well) I think you need to pursue your dream. You have an amazing gift!

  155. Skye B says:

    Up, Up and Away with my beautiful balloons. Such a cute stamp.

  156. Pam says:

    Yes we read your blog and yes, we can totally relate! I love these Tiny Townies and I can’t wait to buy! 🙂

  157. Lori Scott says:

    She’s sooooo adorable!!!! Bring them on! I can’t stand the wait!

  158. Oh, I just know this is going to be another epic release!

  159. Shirlene says:

    Oh what a cutie patootie stamp Tiny Townie Blossom is! Absolutely adorable. She reminds so much of my 3 year old granddaughter…black hair in pigtails and if Coco could “fly” she would choose balloons! Hurry up June 1…puhleeese!

  160. Flo says:

    Blossom is so cute. I love her and her balloons. Thanks.

  161. Teresa says:

    Hi Em, I LOVE Blossom! This is my first time being here and I am excited to see what you have. The sample cards here are all adorable. I can’t wait to see more. I am subscribing so I don’t “loose you”! Congrats on your new release!

  162. Carmel says:

    Thanks for another adorable one!

  163. kim says:

    She is adorable!! Love all of your images!!!

  164. kim says:

    She is adorable!!Love all of your images!!!

  165. Became aware of StampingBella through watching videos by the very talented AmyR of Prairie Paper & Ink. May 5th I purchased my very first haul of stamps from StampingBella. I’m offically addicted. Looking forward to more sneak peeks and ordering June 1st.

  166. Trisha says:

    All of your designs make me smile! Blossom is adorable. Thank you for the chance to win her 🙂

  167. I love your stamps!!! I have spent quite a lot lately via your online site. All of my items arrived fine and your stamps are GREAT!!! I love this new one a lot as my 50th birthday is 06-08-15. How apropos!!! 😉

  168. Kasia says:

    Can’t wait 🙂

  169. Annie says:

    Love it! Love it! Love it!

  170. Catherine says:

    What a lovely, cheerful little girl. I can’t wait to use her on birthday cards and celebration cards. She’s absolutely sweet thank you.

  171. Jennifer says:

    Blossom is Awesome! I can’t wait to see the rest.

  172. Rob Keogh says:

    She is absolutely gorgeous……….Oh how I love your beautiful images. Thanks for the inspiration.

  173. Maria says:

    I would love, love, looooove to win a tiny townie!!!:-)

  174. Nicola says:

    Blossom is beautiful. I only discovered the uptownies but they were just what I was looking for to colour. Now I’ve got Tiny Townies to look forward to colouring

  175. SuzanD says:

    She’s so cute. I would give anything to be able to fly away with some balloons right now.

  176. What a sweet image! Beautiful cards.

  177. Mar says:

    I can’t wait till June!!
    So cute!!!

  178. Lindy McBide says:

    Blossom is so gorgy. I’m sure she will be a huge hit. Can’t wait to get my hands on her.

  179. Elsa says:

    I love the Bella Uptown girls and this sweetie will make a nice edition to my growing collection of Bella stamps. I’m thinking that Bentley Gets Blown Away might be this little one’s bigger sista?

  180. Nancy says:

    Blossom is cute as a button! Many possibilities with that stamp, can’t wait for new release.

  181. Kathy Slawsky says:

    So Adorable…Can’t wait to see more of these Little Townies!

  182. Brenda says:

    She is irresistible for sure. And yes! I want her!

  183. Lou says:

    eeeeeeeeeeeeep! I can’t wait! release day is my birthday so I know where some of my pennies will be headed!!!!
    hugs Lou xxx

  184. Wendy says:

    I can’t wait to meet Tiny Townie Blossom and all Her Teenie Friends! Her Mischievous Cuteness will no doubt give us all renewed Vigor and excitement!xx

  185. Mary B. says:

    You are a very talented and lucky women. Your work is your passion and your love. Congratulation on a job well done.
    Happy 10th Anniversary!
    Also a very sincere thank you!

  186. Marluce Macedo says:

    Wow!!! I can´t wait for the new releases. I´m sure will be gorgeous!!! Yes, yes, yes, I want her…

  187. Joelma says:

    Tão linda e delicada, eu quero!!!

  188. Blossom is just adorable! I can’t wait to see the others you have come up with.

  189. Vicki says:

    How cute is she? The possibilities are endless.

  190. Jen says:

    So, so cute. Reminds me so much of my 4 yr old great-niece. So excited and adventurous. Wants to be out in the world and the… Oops! She’s lifted off her feet by the experience is of it. Fantastic!

  191. Raquel says:

    she is so adorable, great stamp for little girls birthdays.

  192. Andressa says:

    She is so lovely! Adore her already. 🙂

  193. Louise Dahlgren says:

    This stamp would be darling on my childrens’ cards. I donate them to the Shriners and other organization.

  194. Suzanne says:

    I started scrapbooking and making cards twelve years ago. Time flies when you are having fun 🙂 My favorite stamps were Bellas. I still have a lot of them however now I love love love the uptown girls. The new Tiny Townie Blossom stamp is so adorable…I can’t wait to start playing with these new creations.

  195. She’s so cute! Can’t wait to see more they are so special and adorable!

  196. Chitra says:

    How cute is she!!!! and love love love Elaine’s coloring…

  197. Casey Thrush says:

    Oh my goodness she is so FREAKING ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love this new line!!!! Can’t wait for the rest!!!!!!!!

  198. Shirley Y. says:

    OMG! Totally AWESOME piece! She is so adorable, I could see myself using her a lot. You are totally talented! Thank You for sharing your creations!

  199. Susan B says:

    I have almost every one of the Bellas and have a feeling that the Tiny Townies are going to be joining them. Blossom is stinkin’ cute!!!!

  200. Cynthia Smith says:

    Definitely resonating out here. And now that I have two new grandchildren, I’m loving the little boy and little girl characters as well as the Uptownies for my teenage granddaughter, and all the sistahs in my circles. (I don’t have a website, sorry. But I’m a big fan and can’t wait to make some of the new tiny townies my own.)

  201. char says:

    My granddaughter 1st birthday is June 21st and I’d LOVE to make her 1st birthday card with this adorable stamp!!

  202. Laura Turcotte says:

    Cute, cute, cute!!!!

  203. MaryAnn N says:

    Love, love Blossom’s flowery dress.

    PS we understand you Em and that’s scary.

  204. Becki says:

    She is adorable

  205. Karen Erwin says:

    I love balloons on cards, especially when they are held by such an adorable little girl!

  206. jennifer says:

    She is SO beautiful! it would be an honor to own one!

  207. Janet D. says:

    Oh my goodness , how adorable is she??

  208. Maria says:

    I love your blog and love your stamps and yes we are still here

  209. Barb Yochem says:

    Cute is all I can say!!!

  210. Sandie says:

    She is just too cute!

  211. Genevieve says:

    Very cute! Another awesome group of stamp, yeah 🙂

  212. Lindsay B says:

    She is absolutely gorgeous! Love her ????

  213. Lindsay B says:

    I meant “Love her!!!”

  214. Carisa says:

    omgosh, she is a CUT-EE!!! absolutely adore her – can’t wait for tomorrow!

  215. This has got the be the cutest lil girl evuh!
    Love her dress and hair.
    It’s so versatile.

    x0, D

  216. Bonnie says:

    There is life out here! Pick me! Lol. Absolutely adoring the new stamps!

  217. Patricia Molnar says:

    I just love her!! She is so adorable!! Can’t wait for the new releases!!

  218. Michelle says:

    She is stunning. This just gets better and better. Not only would she be great on a happy birthday card, she would be awesome on a graduation card, or any place where you ask hoping someone will take the next challenge in life, soar new heights! Simply love her. I have been a fan since the beginning and would love to add her to my collection!!!!

  219. Hazel says:

    She is so cute! Can’t wait to see the new’

  220. Mary J says:

    Balloons!! I love balloons!!! They make every celebration happy! What a treat to have Blossom on a wonderful card to make any celebration lighter and happier!! Thanks for the inspirations!!

  221. Heidi says:

    take time to celebrate, take time to celebrate!
    It’s your day to celebrate! It’s your day we celebrate!
    Brilliant little Blossom and love balloons.

  222. Margo S. says:

    A perfect birthday image to post on my birthday! super cute!

  223. Rachel C says:

    OMG! I love her, could she be any more cute

  224. F Bond says:

    She is just perfect! Too cute!

  225. Beverly Soo Hoo says:

    Up, up and away…this stamp image is delightful!

  226. Beverly Soo Hoo says:

    Fly away with me…this stamp image is delightful!

  227. Kim Mordang says:

    Noooo…you’re killing my wallet with this new stamps….I’m affraid I wanna have them all

  228. Kari V. says:

    Oh my gosh I love her!!! This is the cutest. I really want to watercolor a card with this image…eek!

  229. Donna Dacy says:

    What sweet little girls. I love them and going to have to check them all out. Great peek at what coming.

  230. Lucille K says:

    Blossom is adorable, I just love images floating with balloons 🙂

  231. Lisa says:

    I’m loving her already. I need her in my life

  232. Arlana says:

    Oh she’s the sweetest birthday stamp ever. Your stamps are always so adorable.

  233. Mar says:

    Nice balloon girl!!!
    Love it

  234. Kim K says:

    I think the Tiny Townie collection is spectacular (yes I’m commenting backwards lol) and is exactly what I was hoping you would do next!

  235. Danielle D says:

    The balloons and the little feet dangling! So precious!

  236. D.Ann C says:

    What a sweetie!

  237. Mary-Anne V. says:

    love this cutie and her balloons!

  238. Estrella says:

    So adorable, so cute!!

  239. She is an adorable Tiny Townie. I think I will love putting her with my Uptown girl. They will both float away together.

  240. Diane says:

    As I am brand new to your company (not sure how that’s possible because I’ve been around the stamping world for awhile now, I’ve heard of your name but none of the blogs i visited over the years were using your images), I’m happy to hear some of your back story. I’m REALLY drawn to the images of these children! I will admit I’m a little intimidated too because I’ve never considered myself very good at coloring, but I’m not going to let that stop me from having a go at them! I’m super impressed with everything I’ve seen here today and happy to call myself a new FAN!

  241. Steffi Broocks says:

    First I thought that flowers on her skirt is a paper pieced part. Very clever! Cute image

  242. Kr says:

    There should be a law against being tortured by all this cuteness. I’m catching up on all the sneak peeks , drooling and counting pennies. I could look at these forever. You guys are blessed with such incredible talent for making people happy with your unbelievable artismness…new word.

  243. PaperDoll says:

    Congratulations on 10 wonderful years of living the dream, & bringing joy into other’s lives! Here’s to the next decade of fabulousness! XxXoOo

  244. Soo sweet with the little feet dangling!

  245. {jennifer-g} says:

    Oooo she is waaaaaaaaaaaay super duper sweet! I love the big bouquet of balloons and her dangling in the air. Awesome samples, I love the one with the die cut clouds!

  246. carla says:

    i love this tinny girls with balloons

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