chit chat

and the birFday sale continues! 25% off the whole online store: code: bellabirthday2013! and a little bit of DIS and a little bit of dat..

Hiya sistahs! Having a good week so far?  I am 🙂

So yesterday was DA big DAY.. my birfday and it was SO underwhelming LOL.. well the good thing is that I got  a lot of alone time.. kidlets and Ryan went to hockey and I was hibernating picking and packing orders :).  Sistahs, thank you so much for your orders.. I am OVERWHELMED!  I am trying my best to get through them but most won’t be until next week.. so if you are in a rush for your order please please email me and let me know!  I am trying to go in the order that they came in

Ok so a few shots from this week.  If you follow me on instagram, then you would have seen these.. if not, you will get a chuckle .. seriously you should follow me on instagram. I have fun posts if i do say so myself LOL.  I just love looking at other people’s goodies and photos.. Instagram and Candy Crush.. my two weaknesses.. and if I don’t pass 125 soon I am gonna pull my hair out!

Ok so look at the inside of my birthday card from Ryan… Jayden noticed something just wasn’t right here.. do you see it? LOL.  Think Ryan was in a rush when he bought it? LOLOL.  Well he got me back by saying I don’t read his cards because I didn’t even notice.  hmph.


and now for my roses I got (two toned.. gorgeous!).. and the carefully folded up wrapping paper they came in.. wasn’t sure if I loved the paper more for collage or the flowers LOL.. Im a paper addict what can I say LOL


Jayden and I had pedicures 🙂


and I have been doodling and fell IN LOVE with these little whistlers that fell out of my pen..


Ok just wanted to say hello and check in with my sistahs 🙂  hope it’s nice where you are.. I am melting where I am..LOL

mwah to da sistahs who love when I blog 🙂

don’t forget to put a comment on last week’s bellarific friday post for a chance to win $10 in bella bucks.. and don’t forget about this week’s theme!  a sketchypoo

mwah squared.



  1. Denise says:

    Love the whistlers!!! Too stinking cute!!! 🙂

  2. susan says:

    Lovely roses and the card now covers your anniversary(was that what he was thinking?) Love your little sketches-hmmm..another Bella line?

  3. Diane says:

    The whistlers are adorable! Are they going to be made into stamps, please, please, please?

  4. Janis Reid says:

    I do agree. The whistlers would make a great stamp.
    What would the sentiment be ??

  5. Leslie says:

    OMGosh am LOVING your “whistlers”!!

  6. i luv the whistlers too cute

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