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a cute lil’ story

we had our friends in from Montreal all weekend.  They brought their 2 little ones and we had a PHENOM time… so they left yesterday.. and RUBY (you know my right hand woman/hero?) Ya, well she promised to take Tyler and Jayden on a subway ride.  Let me tell you HOW EXCITED my children were so when Ruby called on Sunday night I had a feeling…. Yes it was true, her poor DD Robyn was sick so she wouldn’t be able to make it..

Ryan and i talked about it and YES, we decided to do it.  To have an adventure.  So we took the kidlets on a subway.. went to a mall downtown to eat lunch, then we went outside and listened to music being played outside by spanish musicians (tyler gave them money and Jayden put on a little show herself dancing).. another couple was dancing in the middle of this huge area; ballroom dancing.  Ryan said to me “what would possess people to just get up and dance in the middle of a crowd”… you know what?  A while ago, I would have agreed with him.. how embarassing! but now?  you know what?  I found it beautiful!  This couple did not CARE what other people thought.. they felt so liberated and moved by the music that they let go of their inhibitions and just danced and danced.. it was SO BEAUTIFUL to watch.. and I have PLENTY of inhibitions and I am trying to push my children to not be caught up by that, to let go, to dance when they want to dance and sing when they want to sing… it was really beautiful..

So THEN, we saw a double decker bus tour.. LOL and we took the kids on that, touring the city (LOL.. the tourguide asked where we were from and we told him NORTH OF THE CITY).. he was killing himself laughing.. and then we went on a boat ride on harbour front.. it was really nice… I knew I had to take yesterday to soak up the kids and the hub cuz the next few weeks I will be MIA due to work.. 

We then ended the evening with a cable car ride and the subway again.. Ryan and I have never been on the cable car before.. so it was sooo much fun.

So Sistahs, the moral of this story is to DANCE when you want to DANCE and SING when you want to SINGGG.. life is too short to have inhibitions.. we should let loose and just enjoy life.  That’s my new motto.  I mean it.

Mwah to da Singing and Dancing Sistahs..



  1. Robb_eeie says:

    You have such an incredible *Heart* Em :0)

  2. Tanya says:

    Such a beautiful story. It’s so true. We let so many little things in life hold us back…

  3. Mary says:

    Beautiful story….I love when those moments are captured. It sounds like you had a wonderful day with your family…There is beauty in that alone!

  4. Mary D says:

    Ummm Em, I so hate to interupt these beautiful moments with such a self question…..Did you pick me for a winner yet, from your post last week?

  5. llevans says:

    so true – your story brought tears to my eyes!

  6. Delse says:

    Beautiful Em! Your kids will remember this day for a long time to come. Family is the most important thing in this world. Enjoy every moment because they don’t stay little for long.

  7. Jennifer (jkincolorado) says:

    You’re so right — we should enjoy life! I’m very guilty of not being a free spirit….and I’m envious of people who are. They are lucky. Are we going to see a danceabella soon?! 😉

    I’m happy to hear you had a great time with the fam.

  8. Suzanne says:

    Em – I so loved your story. You are so right in that we don’t always live EACH and EVERY moment. It is something I am guilty of as well. I am happy to hear you enjoyed a fab day with your DH and children!

  9. Rosybella says:

    I love Dancing
    acting and singing
    lol i laugh at my self… and people who do this live happy lives!!!
    I want to let you know…. that i think you are a good mommy. to think about your kids and not taking away simple pleasures like that
    moms shouldn’t teach their kids to be embaresed when they sing… or dance… Moms should worry about bigger things.
    Anyway… i am so glad you are back.

  10. sounds like a wonderful day!
    I have a stamp that says “dance like nobodys watching” Great sentiment, I only dance inside with the kids along to cbeebies or other kids shows 🙂

  11. Darsana says:

    I agree 100 percent with encouraging your kids to LIVE THIER LIVES. It’s a beautiful thing. Your entry brought me to tears for so many reasons. Kudos to you for taking that time with your family and making them the number 1 thing. It’s so easy for working moms to get caught up and distracted. I’m going to hug my kiddo so tight when I get home, and I will GLADLY make dinner for my Significant Other, just because I want to. My daughter CAN NOT SING – Seriously, ask Addictabella Angela, but she writes songs and sings them to me and I am SOOOOOOO PROUD of her, and I applaud like she won a Grammy every time. Love, Love, Love, Love

    Everyone—share the love, love, love. Have a great day. I seriously can’t stop crying right now, am I PMSABELLA or what? Ha ha.

  12. MayritaBonita says:

    Lovely story; I agree with you on everything, and every post up there too; I don’t have any kids of my own yet, but I also think that they shouldn’t grow up and carry on with their parent’s issues, I share sooooo many fears with my mom that I think that by the time I become one I don’t want my DD or DS to have those kinds of issues, there’s plenty wrong with the world already as it is… I also agree with Delse that this day will remain in your kids memories for the longest time, I hope you took lots and lots of pictures and scrapbook the heck out of them.. LOL 😉
    MWAH to all the sentimental sistahs!

  13. abi says:

    it sounds like the perfect day Em! What a great way to make lemonade out of lemons! I’m so glad that you guys had the opportunity to share and enjoy it!

  14. ~Carla~ says:

    Wonderful post!! 🙂 I couldn’t agree more! Life’s too short!! Glad you had a wonderful day with dh & kidlets!!

  15. Lisa Banks says:

    Sounds like a Wonderful Day!!!! they grow up too fast!!! We really need to Cherish the time while they are young and still need us.

    Lisa B

  16. Chris says:

    AND WHO WON???????

  17. Charlene Austin says:

    Seriously, what a great and heartwarming story. I look forward to lots of dancing and singing on the cruise. It’s going to be amazing to meet you!

  18. Gay Ferland says:

    Such Kodak moments, I hope you captured them!! You’re beautiful inside and out Em!!!

  19. What a great day! I think I probably have the same stamp that Cazzie has, but it says something like: work like you don’t need to, love like you’ve never been hurt and dance like no one is watching. I love that sentiment. I also like to add (for a birthday) “and eat cake like it has zero points!”

    TFS your day with us.

  20. michelle hoover (chella bella) says:

    good for you! sounds like a wonderful family time!

    and you HAVE to dance when you want to dance… there may come a time when you aren’t able to or don’t have someone to share the moment with.

    may GOD bless you and yours and YES YES YES- dance.

    hugs to you, chella

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