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a cruisin’ we will go????

so the prices are going up as of Nov. 22nd so now is DA TIME sistahs to put your deposits down!  We are so excited about this.. WHO are WE you ask?  Nichole-abella.. ya she’s the one who keeps you up on the 15th of every month.. and GINA-bella who supports every cause and is such a giving person and ME–ummm can’t think of such great adjectives..LOL.. are hosting a fun infested trip.. there will be projects and make and takes and goodies and and and… lots of stuff… so you GOTTA join us.. we want to meet all our sistahs!

click on this for cruise information and I don’t wanna hear ANY excuses.. just click.  n’k?

MWAH! to da cruisin sistahs 



  1. Suzy Pearson says:

    I’d really love to go but haven’t been able to talk anyone into going with me. It sounds like a stamping Bella extravaganza. Maybe I’ll be able to talk someone into going with me as it gets closer. I know it’ll cost more but…

  2. JenHoover says:

    eeeek – broken link?
    I MUST know what this is about! 😀

  3. Tamelabella says:

    My mom and I are going to be cruisin’ bellas with you sistahs! Ah am sooo excited, I may have to have a mint julep to celebrate…..again…and anotha, and anotha, and anotha…..Scarlett did you see where I left my bonnet?

  4. Lori aka:PinkyDinky Doo says:

    Hubs and I are going to discuss it over the weekend. I REALLY, REALLY want to go.

    We have SO much on our calendar for 2008 already, but might be able to squeeze this one in.

    None of my friends are crafty so they have no interest in going – poooohey on them!! So I may have to go it alone – but I will be with all my sistahs anyway!

    It is decision making time!!


  5. Charlene Austin says:

    SO happy to say I booked ages ago! 4 of us rushed our butts off to book it before it sold out. I cannot wait to meet you! And don’t tell Nichole but I am her stalker….LOL! Oh and talk about motivation. I started a cruise diet the day we booked. Down 12lbs so far. Gotta like that. I am so going to owe you guys big time for this great motivation. Have a Bella weekend!!

  6. Karen Dombroskie says:

    HI! I want to go on this cruise sooooooo bad but I cannot afford a cabin to myself! Is there anyone or group from Ontario that wants to go and we could share a cabin?? My e-mail is if you are interested

  7. Julie says:

    HEY EMMMMMMMMM….will we be seeing a new Bella soon???

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